Victoria Lodge
Victoria Lodge comprises of a development of 5 blocks with a total of 335 beds (88 apartments) for dedicated student accommodation. The site is located at Victoria Cross (formerly Victoria Lodge Guest House). The developers are Fleming Construction who will lease the building to UCC for a period of 10 years when the complex will then revert to UCC ownership. A phased handover of bedrooms commenced last September 2003 to be completed pre-Christmas 2003.
Project Team
Delivered by the UCC Capital Projects Team.
Design Team
McDonagh Lane (Architects)
Martin Buckley & Associates (Mechanical & Electrical Engineers)
Murphy McCarthy (Civil & Structural Engineers)
N. Fitzsimon & Co. (Civil & Structural Engineers - Advisers to UCC)
Fleming Construction Ltd.
This project was completed on a phased basis. The first 150 beds were available for the 2003 academic year with the remainder of the 336 beds coming on stream in November 2003.