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Research News

Psychological processes and interventions in children with chronic illness – a family resilience approach

12 Nov 2018
Research Project News

Involving children with congenital heart disease, epilepsy, brain injury and cancer, our work has elucidated behavioural and neurodevelopmental phenotypes associated with such diseases. It has highlighted an often greater role for family functioning in determining outcomes for children than disease factors and severity.

Involving children with congenital heart disease, epilepsy, brain injury and cancer, our work has elucidated behavioural and neurodevelopmental phenotypes associated with such diseases. It has highlighted an often greater role for family functioning in determining outcomes for children than disease factors and severity.

We are translating findings regarding protective and risk factors in family focused interventions and testing the efficacy of such in feasibility and controlled trials.

Collaborators include Cork University Hospital, INFANT centre, Epilepsy Ireland, HSE mental health services, Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Northern Ireland Children’s Heart Trust and Erasmus University Rotterdam.

For more on this story contact:

Dr Christopher McCusker

School of Applied Psychology

Síceolaíocht Fheidhmeach

Cork Enterprise Centre, North Mall, Cork.,
