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UCC Contributes to UNIC Panels at IMISCOE Conference, Lisbon

Claire Dorrity, UCC Lecturer in Applied Social Studies, co-delivered two UNIC panels at the 2024 IMISCOE annual conference in Lisbon, Portugal, on July 4-5 2024.
IMISCOE is the 'International Migration Research Network', of which University College Cork is a member. The theme of the 2024 conference was 'Migration as a Social Construction: a Reflexive Turn'. It was held at Iscte University, Lisbon.
Both UNIC panels at the conference featured presenters from across UNIC partners, including Koç University Istanbul, University of Liège, University of Oulu and Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The first panel was entitled 'Cultural Diversity in the UNIC HEIs: The Role of Inclusion Practices on Belonging and Identity Building'. The panel focused on commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion across higher education institutions and in particular the insights gained in the UNIC alliance by identifying, mapping and comparing practices across partners.
The second panel was entitled 'Diversity and Inclusivity in Academia: Critical Reflections from UNIC European University of Post-Industrial Cities'. It focused on the democratization of universities through engaged research and its impact on migration studies.
Claire noted that alongside the panels, she also took part in a range of reflective and strategic meetings with the partner colleagues. "While it was an intense week", Claire said, "it was wonderful to be face to face with UNIC colleagues where very stimulating discussions were had."