About Us
University College Cork is a founding member of UNIC, the European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition. UNIC brings together ten universities and their cities across Europe: University College Cork, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Koç University Istanbul, University of Deusto in Bilbao, University of Liège, Ruhr University Bochum, University of Oulu, University of Zagreb, University of Lodz, Malmö University. Read more about the UNIC universities and their cities: Universities (unic.eu).
UNIC was established in 2020 through the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. UNIC forms part of the European Universities Initiative, which reimagines the future of co-operation across higher education in Europe: European Universities initiative | European Education Area (europa.eu). It is a flagship initiative of the European Strategy for Universities.
In Cork, UNIC is driven and supported by members of all areas of the UCC community, Cork City Council and local civic & community organisations.
UNIC is a university-wide initiative at UCC. It is led by UCC President Prof. John O'Halloran, Vice President for Global Engagement Prof. Ursula Kilkelly and Associate Vice President, Director of European Relations and Public Affairs, Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law - in partnership with all colleagues across the university community.
UNIC is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed on these web pages are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Erasmus+ programme. Neither the European Union nor the Erasmus+ programe can be held responsible for them.
UNIC Steering Group:
- Prof. John O'Halloran, UCC President (Chair)
- Prof. Ursula Kilkelly, Vice President for Global Engagement
- Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law, Associate Vice President, Director of UNIC
- Prof. Stephen Byrne, Deputy President and Registrar
- Prof. John Cryan, Vice President for Research & Innovation
- Prof. Paul McSweeney, Vice-President for Learning and Teaching
- Mr Fearghal Reidy, Director of Strategic and Economic Development at Cork City Council
- Dr Maria Kirrane, Head of Sustainability and Climate Action
- Ms Ashley Flaherty, Chief People and Culture Officer
- Prof. Brian O'Gallachoir, Associate Vice-President of Sustainability
- Dr Yvon Bonenfant, Head of Department of Theatre
- Ms Diane Sheehy, UNIC UCC Student Representative
- Mr Alex Sheehan, UNIC UCC Student Representative