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Platforms: Preclinical Models


The Preclinical Platform is fundamental to APC research in providing an on-campus resource of animal models of infection, inflammation, cancer, obesity and allergy that the APC has built up over the last decade. Where interventions or microbial effects cannot be validated solely using in vitro systems, the Preclinical Platform provides expertise on validation of small molecules, probiotics and dietary interventions in a wide range of models, covering the areas of immunology, microbiology, cancer, metabolism and psychology/behaviour. The unit has also access to in vivo imaging systems for bioluminescent and fluorescent imaging. The Preclinical Platform staff are also available for consultation and advice on preclinical ethics applications and grant applications for research that involves the use of animal models. The value of these in vivo systems is further enhanced by the Germ-Free Platform Technology.

Responsible Investigators

  • Pat Fitzgerald
  • Cara Hueston

Host Institution

Host Logos - UCC and Teagasc

Partner Institutions

APC Microbiome Ireland

Biosciences Building, University College Cork, Ireland,
