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APC receives Traveller Ally Award

6 Mar 2023
Art created by Traveller artist Francesca Hutchinson

APC Microbiome Ireland is delighted to be a recipient of a 2023 Traveller Ally Award.

To mark Traveller Ethnicity Day, Cork Traveller Women’s Network (CTWN) & Cork Traveller Visibility Group (TVG) have announced the winners of the 2023 Traveller Ally Awards. The awards recognise Cork based organisations and services who have created welcoming spaces for Travellers and supported Traveller rights and culture.


APC Microbiome Ireland are working collaboratively with the Traveller community and TVG on our ‘Redefining STEM’ project.  Research by APC has found that Irish Travellers have a gut microbiome which differs strikingly from that of the non-Traveller settled community. The SFI Discover funded project is exploring unanswered questions about how Traveller ethnicity has shaped their microbiome and how it can be retained for health benefits.

WATCH: Why the microbiome of Irish Travellers is important for everyone

EXPLORE: A timeline of the enforced lifestyle changes to Irish travellers

Traveller Lifestyle Changes image

Host Institution

Host Logos - UCC and Teagasc

Partner Institutions

APC Microbiome Ireland

Biosciences Building, University College Cork, Ireland,
