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Information For Family Members

I have concerns about the welfare of my family member? If you are concerned about the welfare of your family member, you should encourage them to avail of support locally or ask them to consider making an appointment with us. They can also avail of various Student Support Services in UCC. If you believe that your family member is at serious and imminent risk, you should immediately bring them to a GP or Accident & Emergency Department.

Can I talk to a student counsellor about my concerns? Student Counselling & Development staff members can talk with concerned family members in brief and in general terms about possiible courses of action. Please be aware that we will not be able to tell you if your family member is attending the service if you do not already know this. Neither will we be able to divulge information about their wellbeing, since confidentiality is so important to our work and ensures that students feel safe to speak freely. 

My family member is struggling academically? Encourage them to seek support as soon as possible. They can meet with a member of the academic staff from their course and consider making an appointment to see a student counsellor. If there are concerns about other challenges, for example dyslexia, ADHD or health issues, students can also make contact with support services such as Student Health and the Disability Support Service.

I am worried about my family member living away from home? Make sure you keep in good contact, checking in with them and encouraging them, especially while they are acclimatising to new surroundings. Students can also avail of the Peer Support Service, where a student who is familiar with college and trained in listening and support skills can meet with your family member to chat things out.

My family member can get stressed at exam time? Family members can encourage students to make a realistic study plan including taking short breaks and exercise. Student Counselling & Development also offers Exam Anxiety workshops - these workshops will be advertised on this website prior to exams. Students can also access the Skills Centre website for study/note-taking/essay writing skills.


Student Counselling & Development

Comhairleoireacht agus Forbairt na Mac Léinn
