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Emergency and urgent care is changing under the Health Service Executive (HSE) Transformation Programme. This programme aims to introduce a 'systems-based' approach for the treatment of urgent and emergency conditions in different geographical regions. The overall aim of the SIREN project is to describe and evaluate the development and performance of the different emergency and urgent care systems in Ireland. Ultimately our research will facilitate the distribution of quality improvement strategies across the country which will lead to population improvements in patient experience and health outcomes.

Patient and Public Involvement

Patient and public involvement is embedded throughout the SIREN project. As well as engaging with those directly connected to the re-organisation of emergency and urgent care, we will engage with people outside of the HSE in each region who are involved with the reconfiguration process. We are interested to hear the views of the public on the changes to the organisation of emergency and urgent care. Such changes include the reduction in the 24 hour A&E department at smaller hospitals; the streamlining of patients between urgent care centres to treat minor injuries and assessment clinics for low and high risk patients; as well as the rising role of primary care services such as GP services (including out-of-hours co-operatives) and also ambulance services in pre-hospital care. We will include the various local groups that emerged as concern about the HSE reconfiguration programme has grown; GP representatives in hospital and community settings; local politicians and local media.

In 2015 we will conduct the first national survey of the patient experience of engaging with emergency and urgent care in Ireland. Patients will be contacted by telephone and offered the opportunity to share their views on and experience of the emergency and urgent care services in this country.

If you would like further information on the SIREN project please do not hesitate to contact us.

General Enquiries

Ms Claire Collins, Research Assistant


Tel:     +353-21-4205516


School of Public Health, University College Cork, 4th Floor Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Cork
