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Recent Publications

  • Manuel Odelli, Andreas Ruschhaupt, Vladimir M. Stojanovic, "Enhanced twist-and-turn dynamics of spin squeezing in internal bosonic Josephson junctions", arXiv:2404.19685
    The twist-and-turn dynamics of spin squeezing results from the interplay of the (nonlinear) one-axis-twisting- and the (linear) transverse-field turning term in the underlying Hamiltonian, both with constant (time-independent) respective coupling strengths. Using the methods of shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) and their recently proposed enhanced version (eSTA), we demonstrate here that dynamics of this type can be utilized for a fast and robust preparation of spin-squeezed states in internal bosonic Josephson junctions -- condensates of cold bosonic atoms in two different internal (hyperfine) states (single-boson modes).
    Assuming that the initial state of this system is the coherent spin state with all the bosons in the equal superposition of the two single-boson modes and that the nonlinear-coupling strength in this system remains constant, we set out to determine the time-dependence of the linear-coupling strength using the STA and eSTA approaches. We then quantitatively characterize the modified twist-and-turn dynamics in this system by evaluating the coherent spin-squeezing- and number-squeezing parameters, as well as the fidelity of the target spin-squeezed states.
    In this manner, we show that the eSTA approach allows for a particularly robust experimental realization of strongly spin-squeezed states in this system, consistently outperforming its adiabatic and STA-based counterparts, even for systems with several hundred particles.

  • Muhammad S. Hasan, Thomás Fogarty, Jing Li, Andreas Ruschhaupt, Thomas Busch, "High fidelity control of a many-body Tonks--Girardeau gas with an effective mean-field approach", Physical Review Research 6, 023114 (2024)ArXiv:2402.00349 
    Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) are powerful tools that can be used to control quantum systems with high fi- delity. They work particularly well for single particle and noninteracting systems which can be described exactly and which possess invariant or self-similar dynamics. However, finding an exact STA for strongly correlated many-body systems can be difficult, as their complex dynamics may not be easily described, especially for larger systems that do not possess self-similar solutions. Here, we design STAs for one-dimensional bosonic gas in the Tonks-Girardeau limit by using a mean-field approach that succinctly captures the strong interaction effects through a quintic nonlinear term in the Schrödinger equation. We show that for the case of the harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent trap frequency the mean-field approach works exactly and recovers the well-known STA from literature. To highlight the robustness of our approach we also show that it works effectively for anharmonic potentials, achieving higher fidelities than other typical control techniques.

  • Jing Li, E. Ya. Sherman, Andreas Ruschhaupt, "Quantum control of classical motion: piston dynamics in a Rabi-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate", arXiv: 2310.08675 
    We explore the dynamics of a hybrid classical-quantum system consisting of a classical piston and a self-interacting pseudospin 1/2 Bose-Einstein condensate with a time-dependent Rabi coupling. We investigate the mechanical work produced by the piston moving as a result of the quantum pressure of the condensate. The time-dependent Rabi field redistributes the condensate density between the spin components and, as a result, causes a time dependent pressure acting on the piston. Correspondingly, the motion of the piston produces quantum evolution of the condensate mass- and spin density profiles. We show how by optimised design of the time-dependent direction of the Rabi field, one can control position and velocity of the piston.

  • Manuel Odelli, Vladimir M. Stojanovic, Andreas Ruschhaupt, "Spin squeezing in internal bosonic Josephson junctions via enhanced shortcuts to adiabaticity", Physical Review Applied 50, 054038 (2023)ArXiv: 2305.20032 
    We investigate a time-efficient and robust preparation of spin-squeezed states -- a class of states of interest for quantum-enhanced metrology--in internal bosonic Josephson junctions with a time-dependent nonlinear coupling strength between atoms in two different hyperfine states. We treat this state-preparation problem, which had previously been addressed using shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA), using the recently proposed analytical modification of this class of quantum-control protocols that became known as the enhanced STA (eSTA) method. We characterize the state-preparation process by evaluating the time dependence of the coherent spin-squeezing and number-squeezing parameters and the target-state fidelity. We show that the state-preparation times obtained using the eSTA method compare favourably to those found in previously proposed approaches. We also demonstrate that the increased robustness of the eSTA approach -- compared to its STA counterpart -- leads to additional advantages for potential experimental realizations of strongly spin-squeezed states in bosonic Josephson junctions.

Further Publications

  • A. Kiely, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Effect of Poisson noise on adiabatic quantum control”, Physical Review A 95, 012115 (2017), ArXiv: 1609.04272

  • A. Kiely, A. Benseny, Th. Busch and A. Ruschhaupt, "Shaken, not stirred: Creating exotic angular momentum states by shaking an optical lattice", J. Phys. B 49 (2016) 215001

  • M. Palmero, S. Martinez-Garaot, U. G. Poschinger, A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Fast separation of two trapped ions“, New Journal of Physics 17, 093031 (2015)

  • S. Martínez-Garaot, A. Ruschhaupt, J. Gillet, Th. Busch and J. G. Muga, "Fast quasiadiabatic dynamics“, Physical Review A 92, 043406 (2015)

  • M. Ndong,G. Djotyan, A. Ruschhaupt and S. Guerin, "Robust coherent superposition of states by single-shot shaped pulse“, Journal of Physics B  48, 174007 (2015)

  • X.-J. Lu, M. Palmero, A. Ruschhaupt, Xi Chen and J. G. Muga, "Optimal transport of two ions under slow spring-constant drifts“, Physica Scripta 90, 074038 (2015)

  • A. Kiely, J. P. L. McGuinness, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Fast and stable manipulation of a charged particle in a Penning trap“, Journal of Physics B 48, 07550 (2015)

  • X-L Lu, J.G. Muga, X. Chen, U. G. Poschinger, F. Schmidt-Kaler and A. Ruschhaupt, "Fast shuttling of a trapped ion in the presence of noise“, Physical Review A 89, 063414 (2014)

  • A. Kiely and A. Ruschhaupt, "Inhibiting unwanted transitions in population transfer in two- and three-level quantum systems“, Journal of Physics B 47, 115501 (2014)

  • E. Torrontegui, S. Ibánez, S. Martínez-Garaot, M. Modugno, A. del Campo, D. Guéry-Odelin, A. Ruschhaupt, X. Chen and J. G. Muga, "Shortcuts to Adiabaticity“, Advances In Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics, 62, 117 (2013), ArXiv: 1212.6343  (more than 360 citations)

  • D. Daems, A, Ruschhaupt, D. Sugny and S. Guérin, "Robust Quantum Control by a Single-Shot Shaped Pulse“, Physical Review Letters 111, 050404 (2013), ArXiv: 1304.4016 (more than 80 citations)
  • A. Ruschhaupt and J.G. Muga, "Shortcuts to adiabaticity in two-level systems: control and optimization“, Journal of Modern Optics DOI:10.1080/09500340.2013.846431 (2013)

  • X-L Lu, X. Chen, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Alonso, S. Guérin and J.G. Muga, "Fast and robust population transfer in two-level quantum systems with dephasing noise and/or systematic frequency errors“, Physical Review A 88 , 033406 (2013)

  • J. Kiukas, A. Ruschhaupt and R.F. Werner, "Full counting statistics of stationary particle beams“, Journal of Mathematical Physics 54, 042109 (2013)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, X. Chen, D. Alonso and J.G. Muga, "Optimally robust shortcuts to population inversion in two-level quantum systems“, New Journal of Physics 14, 093040 (2012), ArXiv: 1206.1691 (more than 150 citations)

  • S. Ibánez, X. Chen,  E. Torrontegui, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Multiple Schrödinger Pictures and Dynamics in Shortcuts to Adiabaticity“, Physical Review Letters 109, 100403 (2012), ArXiv: 1112.5522 (more than 115 citations)

  • V.P. Singh and A. Ruschhaupt, "Optimizing the catching of atoms or molecules in two-dimensional traps“, Physical Review A 86, 043834 (2012)

  • E. Torrontegui, S. Martinez-Garaot, A. Ruschhaupt, and J. G. Muga, "Shortcuts to adiabaticity: Fast-forward approach“, Physical Review A 86, 013601 (2012)

  • J. Kiukas, A. Ruschhaupt, P. O. Schmidt and R. F. Werner, "Exact Energy-Time Uncertainty Relation for Arrival Time by Absorption“, Journal of Physics A 45, 185301 (2012)

  • W. Schmunk, M. Gramegna, G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, H. Hofer, S. Kück, L. Lolli, M. G. A. Paris, S. Peters, M. Rajteri, A. M. Racu, A. Ruschhaupt, E. Taralli and P. Traina, "Photon Number Statistics of NV Centre Emission“, Metrologia 49, S156 (2012)
  • E. Torrontegui, X. Chen, M. Modugno, S. Schmidt, A. Ruschhaupt , D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Transitionless expansion of cold atoms in optical Gaussian beam traps“, Physical Review A 85, 033605 (2012)

  • E. Torrontegui, X. Chen, M. Modugno, S. Schmidt, A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Fast transport of Bose-Einstein condensates“, New Journal of Physics, 14, 013031 (2012)

  • E. Torrontegui, S. Ibáñez, X. Chen, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Fast atomic transport without vibrational heating“, Physical Review A 83, 013415 (2011) (more than 125 citations)

  • E. Torrontegui, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Simulation of quantum collinear chemical reactions with ultracold atoms“, Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 195302 (2011)

  • J. G. Muga, X. Chen, E. Torrontegui, S. Ibáñez, I. Lizuain and A. Ruschhaupt, "Shortcuts to quantum adiabatic processes“, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 306, 012022 (2011)

  • I. Lizuain, J. Echanobe, A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga and D. A. Steck, "Structural and dynamical aspects of avoided-crossing resonances in a 3-level Λ system“, Physical Review A 82, 065602 (2010)

  • E. Torrontegui, J. Echanobe, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Cold-atom dynamics in crossed-laser-beam waveguides“, Physical Review A 82, 043420 (2010)

  • E. Ya. Sherman, J. G. Muga, V. K. Dugaev and A. Ruschhaupt, "Strong electron spin-Hall effect by a coherent optical potential“, Semiconductor Science and Technology 25, 0905004 (2010)

  • J. G. Muga, X. Chen, S. Ibáñez, I. Lizuain and A. Ruschhaupt, "Transitionless quantum drivings for the harmonic oscillator“, Journal of Physics B 43, 085509 (2010)

  • X. Chen, A. Ruschhaupt, S. Schmidt, S. Ibáñez and J. G. Muga, "Review: Shortcut to adiabaticitiy in harmonic traps“, Journal of Atomic and Molecular Sciences 1, 1 (2010)

  • X. Chen, I. Lizuain, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Shortcut to Adiabatic Passage in Two- and Three-Level Atoms“, Physical Review Letters 105, 123003 (2010) (more than 260 citations)

  • X. Chen, A. Ruschhaupt, S. Schmidt, A. del Campo,   D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Fast Optimal Frictionless Atom Cooling in Harmonic Traps: Shortcut to Adiabaticity“, Physical Review Letters 104, 063002 (2010) (more than 285 citations)

  • J. G. Muga, Xi Chen, A. Ruschhaupt and D. Guéry-Odelin, "Frictionless dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates under fast trap variations“, Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 241001 (2009) (more than 100 citations)

  • Xi Chen, J. G. Muga, A. del Campo and A. Ruschhaupt, "Atom cooling by nonadiabatic expansion“, Physical Review A 80, 063421 (2009)

  • S. Schmidt, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Stopping particles of arbitrary velocities with an accelerated wall“, Physical Review A 80, 023406 (2009)

  • J. Kiukas, A. Ruschhaupt and R. F. Werner, "Tunneling Times with Covariant Measurements”, Foundation of Physics 39, 829-846 (2009)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, A. del Campo and J. G. Muga, "Momentum-space interferometry with trapped ultracold atoms“, Physical Review A 79, 023616 (2009)

  • A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Control of atomic motion with an atom-optical diode on a ring“, Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 205503 (2008)

  • A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "The atom diode - A one-way laser barrier for cooling atoms“, European Physical Journal Special Topics 159, 127–134 (2008)

  • A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Three-dimensional effects in atom diodes: Atom-optical devices for one-way motion“, Physical Review A 76, 013619 (2007)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, A. del Campo and J. G. Muga, "Momentum interferences of a freely expanding Bose-Einstein condensate due to interatomic interaction change“, European Physical Journal D 40, 399-403 (2006)

  • F. Delgado, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Preparation of ultralow atomic velocities by transforming bound states into tunneling resonances“, Physical Review A 74, 063618 (2006)

  • I. Lizuain, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Laser excitation of transverse modes in an atomic waveguide“, Physical Review A 74, 053608 (2006)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga and M. G. Raizen, "One-photon atomic cooling with an optical Maxwell's demon valve“, Journal of Physics B 39, 3833 (2006)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga and M. G. Raizen, "Improvement by laser quenching of an `atom diode': a one-way barrier for ultra-cold atoms“, Journal of Physics B 39, L133-L138 (2006)

  • A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Adiabatic interpretation of a two-level atom diode, a laser device for unidirectional transmission of ground-state atoms“, Physical Review A 73, 013608 (2006)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, F. Delgado and J. G. Muga, "Physical realization of PT-symmetric potential scattering in a planar slab waveguide“, Journal of Physics A 38, L171-L176 (2005)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, F. Delgado and J. G. Muga, "Velocity selection of ultra-cold atoms with Fabry-Perot laser devices: improvements and limits“, Journal of Physics B 38, 2665-2674 (2005)

  • Ph. Blanchard, T. Krueger and A. Ruschhaupt, "Small world graphs by iterated local edge formation“, Physical Review E 71, 046139 (2005)

  • A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Atom diode: a laser device for a unidirectional transmission of ground-state atoms“, Physical Review A 70, 061604(R) (2004), ArXiv: quant-ph/0408133 (more than 62 citations)

  • Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Simultaneous Arrival of Information in Absorbing Waveguides“, Physical Review Letters 93, 020403 (2004)ArXiv: quant-ph/0402186

  • A. Ruschhaupt, B. Navarro and J. G. Muga, "Perfect detection of ultra-cold atoms by laser-induced ionization“, Journal of Physics B 37, L313-319 (2004)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, J. A. Damborenea, B. Navarro, J. G. Muga and G. C. Hegerfeldt, "Exact and approximate complex potentials for modelling time observables“, Europhysics Letters 67, 1-7 (2004)

  • F. Delgado, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Ultrafast propagation of Schrödinger waves in absorbing media“, Physical Review A 69, 022106 (2004)

  • F. Delgado, J. G. Muga, A. Ruschhaupt, G. Garcia-Calderon and J. Villavicencio, "Tunneling dynamics in relativistic and nonrelativistic wave equations“, Physical Review A 68, 032101 (2003)

  • I. L. Egusquiza, J. G. Muga, B. Navarro and A. Ruschhaupt, "Comment on: On the standard quantum-mechanical approach to times of arrival“, Physics Letters A 313, 498-501 (2003)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, "Relativistic time of arrival and traversal time“, Journal of Physics A 35, 10429-10443 (2002)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, "A relativistic extension of event enhanced quantum theory“, Journal of Physics A 35, 9227-9243 (2002)

  • Ph. Blanchard, A. Jadczyk and A. Ruschhaupt, "How events come into being: EEQT, particle tracks, quantum chaos and tunnelling time“, Journal of Modern Optics 47, 2247-2263 (2000)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, "Simulations of barrier traversal and reflection times based on event enhanced quantum theory“, Physics Letters A 250, 249-256 (1998)

Scientific Book

  • "Time in Quantum Mechanics - Vol. 2“
    Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 789 (Springer, 2009)
    J. G. Muga, A. Ruschhaupt and A. del Campo (Editors)

Book Chapters

  • A. Ruschhaupt and R. F. Werner, "Quantum Mechanics of Time“ in "The Message of Quantum Science” (Ph. Blanchard, J. Fröhlich, Editoren, Springer, 2015)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga and G. C. Hegerfeldt, "Detector models for the quantum time of arrival“, in "Time in Quantum Mechanics - Vol. 2“ (Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 789, 2009), J. G. Muga, A. Ruschhaupt and A. del Campo (Editoren)

  • A. Ruschhaupt, "An Application of EEQT: Tunneling Times“ in Ph. Blanchard et. al. (Editoren) "Decoherence: Theoretical, Experimental, and Conceptual Problems“ (LNP 538, Springer, 2000)

Quantum Control via Shortcuts to Adiabaticity

Room 216A, 2nd floor, School of Physics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
