
Recent Publications
- Manuel Odelli, Andreas Ruschhaupt, Vladimir M. Stojanovic, "Enhanced twist-and-turn dynamics of spin squeezing in internal bosonic Josephson junctions", arXiv:2404.19685
The twist-and-turn dynamics of spin squeezing results from the interplay of the (nonlinear) one-axis-twisting- and the (linear) transverse-field turning term in the underlying Hamiltonian, both with constant (time-independent) respective coupling strengths. Using the methods of shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) and their recently proposed enhanced version (eSTA), we demonstrate here that dynamics of this type can be utilized for a fast and robust preparation of spin-squeezed states in internal bosonic Josephson junctions -- condensates of cold bosonic atoms in two different internal (hyperfine) states (single-boson modes).
Assuming that the initial state of this system is the coherent spin state with all the bosons in the equal superposition of the two single-boson modes and that the nonlinear-coupling strength in this system remains constant, we set out to determine the time-dependence of the linear-coupling strength using the STA and eSTA approaches. We then quantitatively characterize the modified twist-and-turn dynamics in this system by evaluating the coherent spin-squeezing- and number-squeezing parameters, as well as the fidelity of the target spin-squeezed states.
In this manner, we show that the eSTA approach allows for a particularly robust experimental realization of strongly spin-squeezed states in this system, consistently outperforming its adiabatic and STA-based counterparts, even for systems with several hundred particles. - Muhammad S. Hasan, Thomás Fogarty, Jing Li, Andreas Ruschhaupt, Thomas Busch, "High fidelity control of a many-body Tonks--Girardeau gas with an effective mean-field approach", Physical Review Research 6, 023114 (2024); ArXiv:2402.00349
Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) are powerful tools that can be used to control quantum systems with high fi- delity. They work particularly well for single particle and noninteracting systems which can be described exactly and which possess invariant or self-similar dynamics. However, finding an exact STA for strongly correlated many-body systems can be difficult, as their complex dynamics may not be easily described, especially for larger systems that do not possess self-similar solutions. Here, we design STAs for one-dimensional bosonic gas in the Tonks-Girardeau limit by using a mean-field approach that succinctly captures the strong interaction effects through a quintic nonlinear term in the Schrödinger equation. We show that for the case of the harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent trap frequency the mean-field approach works exactly and recovers the well-known STA from literature. To highlight the robustness of our approach we also show that it works effectively for anharmonic potentials, achieving higher fidelities than other typical control techniques. - Jing Li, E. Ya. Sherman, Andreas Ruschhaupt, "Quantum control of classical motion: piston dynamics in a Rabi-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate", arXiv: 2310.08675
We explore the dynamics of a hybrid classical-quantum system consisting of a classical piston and a self-interacting pseudospin 1/2 Bose-Einstein condensate with a time-dependent Rabi coupling. We investigate the mechanical work produced by the piston moving as a result of the quantum pressure of the condensate. The time-dependent Rabi field redistributes the condensate density between the spin components and, as a result, causes a time dependent pressure acting on the piston. Correspondingly, the motion of the piston produces quantum evolution of the condensate mass- and spin density profiles. We show how by optimised design of the time-dependent direction of the Rabi field, one can control position and velocity of the piston. - Manuel Odelli, Vladimir M. Stojanovic, Andreas Ruschhaupt, "Spin squeezing in internal bosonic Josephson junctions via enhanced shortcuts to adiabaticity", Physical Review Applied 50, 054038 (2023); ArXiv: 2305.20032
We investigate a time-efficient and robust preparation of spin-squeezed states -- a class of states of interest for quantum-enhanced metrology--in internal bosonic Josephson junctions with a time-dependent nonlinear coupling strength between atoms in two different hyperfine states. We treat this state-preparation problem, which had previously been addressed using shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA), using the recently proposed analytical modification of this class of quantum-control protocols that became known as the enhanced STA (eSTA) method. We characterize the state-preparation process by evaluating the time dependence of the coherent spin-squeezing and number-squeezing parameters and the target-state fidelity. We show that the state-preparation times obtained using the eSTA method compare favourably to those found in previously proposed approaches. We also demonstrate that the increased robustness of the eSTA approach -- compared to its STA counterpart -- leads to additional advantages for potential experimental realizations of strongly spin-squeezed states in bosonic Josephson junctions.
Further Publications
- Jing Li, Xi Chen, and A. Ruschhaupt, “Fast transport of Bose-Einstein condensate in anharmonic traps", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 380: 20210280; ArXiv: 2210.03788
- Jing Li, E. Ya Sherman, and A. Ruschhaupt, “Quantum heat engine based on a spin-orbit- and Zeeman-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate”, Phys. Rev. A 106 (2022) L030201, Arxiv: 2206.05041
- C. Whitty, A. Kiely and A. Ruschhaupt, "Improved anharmonic trap expansion through enhanced shortcuts to adiabaticity“, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 (2022), Arxiv: 2207.02288
- C. Whitty, A. Kiely and A. Ruschhaupt, "Robustness of enhanced shortcuts to adiabaticity in lattice transport“, Physical Review A 105 (2022) 013311; Arxiv:2109.04420
- I. Alonso et. al., “Cold Atoms in Space: Community Workshop Summary and Proposed Road-Map”, EPJ Quantum Technol. 9, 30 (2022); ArXiv:2201.07789 (2022)
- A. Ruschhaupt, M. A. Simon, A. Kiely and J. G. Muga, "The Role of Symmetry in Non-Hermitian Scattering“, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2038 (2021) 012020
- A. Ruschhaupt, A. Kiely, M. A. Simon and J. G. Muga, "Quantum-optical implementation of non-Hermitian potentials for asymmetric scattering“, Physical Review A 102, 053705 (2020), ArXiv: 2008.01702
C. Whitty, A. Kiely and A. Ruschhaupt,"Quantum Control via Enhanced Shortcuts to Adiabaticity" Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023360 (2020), arXiv: 1912.06057
Xiao-Jing Lu, Andreas Ruschhaupt, Sofía Martínez-Garaot and J.Gonzalo Muga, "Noise Sensitivities for an Atom Shuttled by a Moving Optical Lattice via Shortcuts to Adiabaticity", Entropy 22 (2020) 262, arXiv: 2002.03951
D. Guéry-Odelin, A. Ruschhaupt, A. Kiely, E. Torrontegui, S. Martínez-Garaot and J. G. Muga, "Shortcuts to adiabaticity: concepts, methods, and applications" Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 045001 (2019), arXiv: 1904.08448
- A. Kiely, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Selective population of a large angular momentum state in an optical lattice", Physical Review A 98, 053616 (2018) , ArXiv: 1803.05321
- X.-J. Lu, A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Fast shuttling of a particle under weak spring-constant noise of the moving trap“, Physical Review A 97, 053402 (2018), ArXiv: 1805.02054
- T. Dowdall and A. Ruschhaupt, "Trapping and cooling particles using a moving atom diode and an atomic mirror“, Physical Review A 97, 013412 (2018), ArXiv: 1711.01093
M. Pons, Y. Y. Cui, A. Ruschhaupt, M. A. Simón and J. G. Muga, "Local rectification of heat flux“, EPL 119, 64001 (2017), ArXiv: 1708.00408
T. Dowdall, A. Benseny, Th. Busch and A. Ruschhaupt, "Fast and robust quantum control based on Pauli blocking“, Physical Review A 96, 043601 (2017), ArXiv: 1705.04559
E. Torrontegui, I. Lizuain, S. González-Resines, A. Tobalina, A. Ruschhaupt, R. Kosloff and J. G. Muga, "Energy consumption for shortcuts to adiabaticity“, Physical Review A 96, 022133 (2017), ArXiv: 1704.06704
A. Benseny, A. Kiely, Y. Zhang, T. Busch and A. Ruschhaupt, "Spatial non-adiabatic passage using geometric phases“, EPJ Quantum Technology 4, 3 (2017), ArXiv: 1611.02398
- A. Kiely, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Effect of Poisson noise on adiabatic quantum control”, Physical Review A 95, 012115 (2017), ArXiv: 1609.04272
- A. Kiely, A. Benseny, Th. Busch and A. Ruschhaupt, "Shaken, not stirred: Creating exotic angular momentum states by shaking an optical lattice", J. Phys. B 49 (2016) 215001
- M. Palmero, S. Martinez-Garaot, U. G. Poschinger, A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Fast separation of two trapped ions“, New Journal of Physics 17, 093031 (2015)
- S. Martínez-Garaot, A. Ruschhaupt, J. Gillet, Th. Busch and J. G. Muga, "Fast quasiadiabatic dynamics“, Physical Review A 92, 043406 (2015)
- M. Ndong,G. Djotyan, A. Ruschhaupt and S. Guerin, "Robust coherent superposition of states by single-shot shaped pulse“, Journal of Physics B 48, 174007 (2015)
- X.-J. Lu, M. Palmero, A. Ruschhaupt, Xi Chen and J. G. Muga, "Optimal transport of two ions under slow spring-constant drifts“, Physica Scripta 90, 074038 (2015)
- A. Kiely, J. P. L. McGuinness, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Fast and stable manipulation of a charged particle in a Penning trap“, Journal of Physics B 48, 07550 (2015)
- X-L Lu, J.G. Muga, X. Chen, U. G. Poschinger, F. Schmidt-Kaler and A. Ruschhaupt, "Fast shuttling of a trapped ion in the presence of noise“, Physical Review A 89, 063414 (2014)
- A. Kiely and A. Ruschhaupt, "Inhibiting unwanted transitions in population transfer in two- and three-level quantum systems“, Journal of Physics B 47, 115501 (2014)
- E. Torrontegui, S. Ibánez, S. Martínez-Garaot, M. Modugno, A. del Campo, D. Guéry-Odelin, A. Ruschhaupt, X. Chen and J. G. Muga, "Shortcuts to Adiabaticity“, Advances In Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics, 62, 117 (2013), ArXiv: 1212.6343 (more than 360 citations)
- D. Daems, A, Ruschhaupt, D. Sugny and S. Guérin, "Robust Quantum Control by a Single-Shot Shaped Pulse“, Physical Review Letters 111, 050404 (2013), ArXiv: 1304.4016 (more than 80 citations)
A. Ruschhaupt and J.G. Muga, "Shortcuts to adiabaticity in two-level systems: control and optimization“, Journal of Modern Optics DOI:10.1080/09500340.2013.846431 (2013)
X-L Lu, X. Chen, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Alonso, S. Guérin and J.G. Muga, "Fast and robust population transfer in two-level quantum systems with dephasing noise and/or systematic frequency errors“, Physical Review A 88 , 033406 (2013)
J. Kiukas, A. Ruschhaupt and R.F. Werner, "Full counting statistics of stationary particle beams“, Journal of Mathematical Physics 54, 042109 (2013)
A. Ruschhaupt, X. Chen, D. Alonso and J.G. Muga, "Optimally robust shortcuts to population inversion in two-level quantum systems“, New Journal of Physics 14, 093040 (2012), ArXiv: 1206.1691 (more than 150 citations)
S. Ibánez, X. Chen, E. Torrontegui, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Multiple Schrödinger Pictures and Dynamics in Shortcuts to Adiabaticity“, Physical Review Letters 109, 100403 (2012), ArXiv: 1112.5522 (more than 115 citations)
V.P. Singh and A. Ruschhaupt, "Optimizing the catching of atoms or molecules in two-dimensional traps“, Physical Review A 86, 043834 (2012)
E. Torrontegui, S. Martinez-Garaot, A. Ruschhaupt, and J. G. Muga, "Shortcuts to adiabaticity: Fast-forward approach“, Physical Review A 86, 013601 (2012)
J. Kiukas, A. Ruschhaupt, P. O. Schmidt and R. F. Werner, "Exact Energy-Time Uncertainty Relation for Arrival Time by Absorption“, Journal of Physics A 45, 185301 (2012)
- W. Schmunk, M. Gramegna, G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, H. Hofer, S. Kück, L. Lolli, M. G. A. Paris, S. Peters, M. Rajteri, A. M. Racu, A. Ruschhaupt, E. Taralli and P. Traina, "Photon Number Statistics of NV Centre Emission“, Metrologia 49, S156 (2012)
E. Torrontegui, X. Chen, M. Modugno, S. Schmidt, A. Ruschhaupt , D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Transitionless expansion of cold atoms in optical Gaussian beam traps“, Physical Review A 85, 033605 (2012)
E. Torrontegui, X. Chen, M. Modugno, S. Schmidt, A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Fast transport of Bose-Einstein condensates“, New Journal of Physics, 14, 013031 (2012)
E. Torrontegui, S. Ibáñez, X. Chen, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Fast atomic transport without vibrational heating“, Physical Review A 83, 013415 (2011) (more than 125 citations)
E. Torrontegui, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Simulation of quantum collinear chemical reactions with ultracold atoms“, Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 195302 (2011)
J. G. Muga, X. Chen, E. Torrontegui, S. Ibáñez, I. Lizuain and A. Ruschhaupt, "Shortcuts to quantum adiabatic processes“, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 306, 012022 (2011)
I. Lizuain, J. Echanobe, A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga and D. A. Steck, "Structural and dynamical aspects of avoided-crossing resonances in a 3-level Λ system“, Physical Review A 82, 065602 (2010)
E. Torrontegui, J. Echanobe, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Cold-atom dynamics in crossed-laser-beam waveguides“, Physical Review A 82, 043420 (2010)
E. Ya. Sherman, J. G. Muga, V. K. Dugaev and A. Ruschhaupt, "Strong electron spin-Hall effect by a coherent optical potential“, Semiconductor Science and Technology 25, 0905004 (2010)
J. G. Muga, X. Chen, S. Ibáñez, I. Lizuain and A. Ruschhaupt, "Transitionless quantum drivings for the harmonic oscillator“, Journal of Physics B 43, 085509 (2010)
X. Chen, A. Ruschhaupt, S. Schmidt, S. Ibáñez and J. G. Muga, "Review: Shortcut to adiabaticitiy in harmonic traps“, Journal of Atomic and Molecular Sciences 1, 1 (2010)
X. Chen, I. Lizuain, A. Ruschhaupt, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Shortcut to Adiabatic Passage in Two- and Three-Level Atoms“, Physical Review Letters 105, 123003 (2010) (more than 260 citations)
- X. Chen, A. Ruschhaupt, S. Schmidt, A. del Campo, D. Guéry-Odelin and J. G. Muga, "Fast Optimal Frictionless Atom Cooling in Harmonic Traps: Shortcut to Adiabaticity“, Physical Review Letters 104, 063002 (2010) (more than 285 citations)
- J. G. Muga, Xi Chen, A. Ruschhaupt and D. Guéry-Odelin, "Frictionless dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates under fast trap variations“, Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 241001 (2009) (more than 100 citations)
- Xi Chen, J. G. Muga, A. del Campo and A. Ruschhaupt, "Atom cooling by nonadiabatic expansion“, Physical Review A 80, 063421 (2009)
- S. Schmidt, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Stopping particles of arbitrary velocities with an accelerated wall“, Physical Review A 80, 023406 (2009)
- J. Kiukas, A. Ruschhaupt and R. F. Werner, "Tunneling Times with Covariant Measurements”, Foundation of Physics 39, 829-846 (2009)
- A. Ruschhaupt, A. del Campo and J. G. Muga, "Momentum-space interferometry with trapped ultracold atoms“, Physical Review A 79, 023616 (2009)
- A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Control of atomic motion with an atom-optical diode on a ring“, Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 205503 (2008)
- A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "The atom diode - A one-way laser barrier for cooling atoms“, European Physical Journal Special Topics 159, 127–134 (2008)
- A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Three-dimensional effects in atom diodes: Atom-optical devices for one-way motion“, Physical Review A 76, 013619 (2007)
- A. Ruschhaupt, A. del Campo and J. G. Muga, "Momentum interferences of a freely expanding Bose-Einstein condensate due to interatomic interaction change“, European Physical Journal D 40, 399-403 (2006)
- F. Delgado, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Preparation of ultralow atomic velocities by transforming bound states into tunneling resonances“, Physical Review A 74, 063618 (2006)
- I. Lizuain, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Laser excitation of transverse modes in an atomic waveguide“, Physical Review A 74, 053608 (2006)
- A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga and M. G. Raizen, "One-photon atomic cooling with an optical Maxwell's demon valve“, Journal of Physics B 39, 3833 (2006)
- A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga and M. G. Raizen, "Improvement by laser quenching of an `atom diode': a one-way barrier for ultra-cold atoms“, Journal of Physics B 39, L133-L138 (2006)
- A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Adiabatic interpretation of a two-level atom diode, a laser device for unidirectional transmission of ground-state atoms“, Physical Review A 73, 013608 (2006)
- A. Ruschhaupt, F. Delgado and J. G. Muga, "Physical realization of PT-symmetric potential scattering in a planar slab waveguide“, Journal of Physics A 38, L171-L176 (2005)
- A. Ruschhaupt, F. Delgado and J. G. Muga, "Velocity selection of ultra-cold atoms with Fabry-Perot laser devices: improvements and limits“, Journal of Physics B 38, 2665-2674 (2005)
- Ph. Blanchard, T. Krueger and A. Ruschhaupt, "Small world graphs by iterated local edge formation“, Physical Review E 71, 046139 (2005)
- A. Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Atom diode: a laser device for a unidirectional transmission of ground-state atoms“, Physical Review A 70, 061604(R) (2004), ArXiv: quant-ph/0408133 (more than 62 citations)
- Ruschhaupt and J. G. Muga, "Simultaneous Arrival of Information in Absorbing Waveguides“, Physical Review Letters 93, 020403 (2004), ArXiv: quant-ph/0402186
- A. Ruschhaupt, B. Navarro and J. G. Muga, "Perfect detection of ultra-cold atoms by laser-induced ionization“, Journal of Physics B 37, L313-319 (2004)
- A. Ruschhaupt, J. A. Damborenea, B. Navarro, J. G. Muga and G. C. Hegerfeldt, "Exact and approximate complex potentials for modelling time observables“, Europhysics Letters 67, 1-7 (2004)
- F. Delgado, J. G. Muga and A. Ruschhaupt, "Ultrafast propagation of Schrödinger waves in absorbing media“, Physical Review A 69, 022106 (2004)
- F. Delgado, J. G. Muga, A. Ruschhaupt, G. Garcia-Calderon and J. Villavicencio, "Tunneling dynamics in relativistic and nonrelativistic wave equations“, Physical Review A 68, 032101 (2003)
- I. L. Egusquiza, J. G. Muga, B. Navarro and A. Ruschhaupt, "Comment on: On the standard quantum-mechanical approach to times of arrival“, Physics Letters A 313, 498-501 (2003)
- A. Ruschhaupt, "Relativistic time of arrival and traversal time“, Journal of Physics A 35, 10429-10443 (2002)
- A. Ruschhaupt, "A relativistic extension of event enhanced quantum theory“, Journal of Physics A 35, 9227-9243 (2002)
- Ph. Blanchard, A. Jadczyk and A. Ruschhaupt, "How events come into being: EEQT, particle tracks, quantum chaos and tunnelling time“, Journal of Modern Optics 47, 2247-2263 (2000)
- A. Ruschhaupt, "Simulations of barrier traversal and reflection times based on event enhanced quantum theory“, Physics Letters A 250, 249-256 (1998)
Scientific Book
- "Time in Quantum Mechanics - Vol. 2“
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 789 (Springer, 2009)
J. G. Muga, A. Ruschhaupt and A. del Campo (Editors)
Book Chapters
- A. Ruschhaupt and R. F. Werner, "Quantum Mechanics of Time“ in "The Message of Quantum Science” (Ph. Blanchard, J. Fröhlich, Editoren, Springer, 2015)
- A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga and G. C. Hegerfeldt, "Detector models for the quantum time of arrival“, in "Time in Quantum Mechanics - Vol. 2“ (Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 789, 2009), J. G. Muga, A. Ruschhaupt and A. del Campo (Editoren)
- A. Ruschhaupt, "An Application of EEQT: Tunneling Times“ in Ph. Blanchard et. al. (Editoren) "Decoherence: Theoretical, Experimental, and Conceptual Problems“ (LNP 538, Springer, 2000)