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UCC Internal Reporting System
UCC Internal Reporting System
An internal reporting and investigation system exists to expedite the aforementioned requirements, together with establishing the necessary documentation of an accident for the University, relevant College, an employee or student. This is set out on the H&S Office web site at the following content link.
Responsibility for ensuring that the relevant forms are completed and circulated, rests with the relevant Head of School/ Department or his/her nominee in all cases.
The Accident and Dangerous Occurrence Incident Reporting format comprises a ringbinder folder with four discrete forms comprising staff/non-staff report forms and an investigation form. They are as follows:
Form 1: | Staff accident report form (to be completed by the injured person and the person reporting the incident e.g. relevant Head of School/Department or nominee) |
Form 2: | A dangerous occurrence/incident report form (to be completed by the relevant Head of Schol/Department or nominee) |
Form 3: | A non-staff accident report form (to be completed by the injured person and the relevant Head of School/Department or nominee) |
Form 4: | Accident/Dangerous Occurrence Investigation report form (to be completed by the relevant Head of School/Department or his/her nominee) |
Each form is produced in a colour coded multiple carbon copy, A4 format. Circulation instructions are contained on the bottom of each form.