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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I apply for a degree in Pharmacy?

Applications for entry to Pharmacy have to be done through the CAO.


2. I am a mature student and would like to do the Pharmacy degree.  What do I do?

You would still need to apply through the CAO. (Mature students are over 23 years of age).  There are six to seven places reserved annually for mature students and entries are dependent on qualifications, experience and an interview. For more information click .


3. I wish to apply from another Institution

There is the possibility of making an inter-institution application once you have completed the first year of the degree.  Applications are made through the Admissions Office and are dealt with on a case by case basis.


4. Can I apply to do a Postgraduate Diploma/Masters in Pharmacy?

Yes.  Currently the School runs an MSc in Clinical Pharmacy, an MSc in Pharmaceutical Technology & Quality Systems and Research Masters and PhD degrees.


5. Once a student has a Pharmacy Degree, can they work abroad with it?

Yes, in the European Union and Australia.


6. What is the average income when qualified pharmacists commence working?

It varies depending on location.  Salaries are different for community, hospital, industry and accademia.


7. Once a person has obtained a Pharmacy Degree, are they eligible to teach Pharmacy?

In a university setting, a pharmacist would need a higher degree first.


8. What infectious diseases would pharmacy students need to be vacinated against?

Students are required to produce evidence of previous immunisations certified by their GP before entry (Pre-Admission Medical History). Students are required to be vaccinated against Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR), Tuberculosis, Varicella Zoster and Hepatitis B. Student heath will screen all incoming Pharmacy students,  those students with outstanding vaccinations requirements will be vaccinated by Student Health during first year.


9. Graduates can work in community or hospital pharmacies but with a degree, could they also work in the commercial pharmaceutical side?

Yes, graduates can also work in the pharmaceutical  industry or regulatory affairs.


10. Can students transfer from another degree to pharmacy?



11. Do exemptions apply?



12. Can work experience be obtained at the School of Pharmacy during the school holidays?

Summer studentships may become available through Health Research Board or other routes.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
