2011 Press Releases
Awards were recently presented for the 2nd Annual Debate among Second Year undergraduate dental students at the University Dental School & Hospital. Various controversial topics were addressed with great skill by the several teams involved and all members of the class participated.
The winning team was Aaron’s Angels which proposed the motion that: Those in the Health Care Professions have significantly higher levels of stress and burnout. The team leader was Aaron O’Sullivan. The individual winners were Keezya Ubong Yusuf & Nisha Bhorania.
A disadvantaged background is not a deterrent to excel academically according to a report published on December 15th 2010 at UCC. The report examines the success of the UCC PLUS+ programme in supporting young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds and granting them access to the graduate workforce in Ireland.
The Mardyke Arena, University College Cork (UCC) has announced details of a major Phase 3 Development which will see almost 40,000 sq feet added to the Arena in 2011.
development was officially launched by UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy today (Thursday,
December 16th 2010).
UCC Medical School and St Patrick’s Hospital/Marymount Hospice recently celebrated with the graduating class of the Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Care. A Presentation of Parchments Ceremony was held in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex attended by the Diplomates, their families and colleagues. The two-year, interdisciplinary programme, which is run in partnership between the Medical School and St Patrick’s/Marymount, was introduced in 2007, and is designed to increase the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals in Palliative Care.
The popular Annual SEFS Public Lecture Series will begin its 2011 programme on Wednesday, January 5th with a lecture by Professor Mark Achtman. The lectures will be held weekly on Wednesday evenings at 8.00pm in Boole 2 Lecture Theatre and will run until Wednesday 30th March.
University College Cork (UCC), National Geographic Television, National Oceanography Centre–Southampton (NOC), National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) and the Marine Institute are about to launch a deep-water survey of underwater volcanism (black smokers) on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
The Marine Institute have just awarded 25 days
shiptime and access to Ireland’s deep-water ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) as
part of the VENTuRE project (Deep-sea ecosystem study
of the 45˚ north Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent field and the
cold-water coral Moira Mound reefs, Porcupine Seabight).
The UCC Confucius Institute
(CI) was represented at the 5th World Confucius Institute Conference in Beijing
hosted by the Ministry of Education earlier this month. More than 1400 people from 322
Confucius Institutes in 96 countries participated at the conference. UCC was represented by its
President, Dr Michael Murphy, Professor Fan Hong, Head of UCC's School of Asian
Studies and Director of UCC Confucius Institute and Dr Zhu Yanwei, Chinese
Director of the UCC Confucius Institute.
Professor Geoffrey Roberts of the School of History features in a new book: Mosaic: a Celebration of Irish Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Sir John Holmes, who was knighted in 1999 primarily for his role in the Northern Ireland Peace Process and the Good Friday Agreement is one of the key speakers at an international conference taking place in UCC on January 7th-8th 2011. An international panel of senior politicians, diplomats and academics will take part in a conference organised by UCC’s School of History on the history of Irish Foreign Policy and Diplomacy.
In the next lecture of the Annual College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series on January 12th 2011 at UCC titled “Numbers in their Prime”, Professor Des MacHale will look at one of the most fascinating and enigmatic objects in mathematics—the set of prime numbers, 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,…
Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha, UCC recently held a conferring ceremony to mark the achievement of participants in a Diploma in Applied Irish. Professor Grace Neville, Vice-President for Teaching and Learning presented the parchments to the graduates of the two-year course. The principal objective of the diploma course was to enable participants to carry out their professional duties through the medium of Irish.
University College Cork (UCC) will celebrate the establishment of its new School of Music and Theatre and the launch of the third FUAIM season of concerts, seminars and performance projects with a special concert Duets on Sunday, January 16th next in the Aula Maxima, UCC at 8pm. The profile of the performing arts at UCC was elevated recently when the Department of Music joined with Drama and Theatre Studies to form the School of Music and Theatre.
University College Cork (UCC) welcomes the publication of the report of the National Strategy Group on Higher Education. The report represents a formal vision, by the State, for Higher Education provision in Ireland. If fully implemented and resourced, this vision will allow the HE sector in Ireland to plan for the future.
Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, Batt O’Keeffe, TD has announced that Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) has embarked on a further five-year programme to facilitate access for higher education institutions to world-class facilities and experts at Tyndall National Institute, UCC. The
SFI-funded National Access Programme (NAP), an all-island scheme open to all
research staff and post-graduate students in our universities and institutes of
technology, enables eligible researchers to access the know-how, services and
specialised equipment at Tyndall.
Some forty students from Munster secondary schools learned about Pharmacy as a discipline at a recent Open Day hosted by UCC’s School of Pharmacy. The purpose of the initiative was to inform students of the Pharmacy degree programme and career opportunities in Pharmacy or the Pharmaceutical Sciences.
A new academic programme, MBS Asian Business, has been launched at UCC. The programme will be delivered by UCC in partnership with Nanyang Business School at Nanyang Technological University and the Farmleigh Fellowship Foundation with the support of Irish companies active in Asia.
Mark Mulcahy, lecturer in Accounting and Finance, has been awarded first prize at the inaugural National Management Case Study Competition, hosted recently at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. The international assessment panel commented that Mr Mulcahy’s winning entry, “Alimentary Health – A Gut Reaction”, was a rigorous and informed analysis and provided an excellent teaching tool. The case examines a biotechnology company based in Ireland which focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of proprietary probiotic and pharmabiotic treatments for gastrointestinal disorders and other inflammatory conditions. The case deals with important innovation challenges that have particular relevance in Ireland as it follows the development of the company from a university start-up to a fully commercial enterprise.
The commercialisation and spin-out of advanced research at UCC will create 90 new jobs in emerging Irish companies at a €2 million business incubation centre opened today (January 14th 2011) by Enterprise, Trade and Innovation Minister Batt O’Keeffe, TD. gatewayUCC will support the launch of new and knowledge intensive businesses at a highly modern new facility located centrally among UCC’s research and academic community. The centre has been developed with funding from UCC and Enterprise Ireland.
The Child Law Clinic, an initiative at the Faculty of Law, UCC was launched on January 13th 2011. The Child Law Clinic is an innovative research service provided by graduate law students and Faculty members to legal professionals litigating children’s issues. The Clinic, the establishment of which is supported by the National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, aims to support lawyers in litigating children’s issues while providing students with practical experience of child law and litigation. The Clinic is designed to promote children’s rights by improving the quality of children’s representation and advancing evidence-based reform in all areas of child law.
"The terrain is everything" - Louis Pasteur as quoted by Professor Michael Kelly SJ when speaking in UCC about HIV/AIDS in Africa at the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the Society for Missions in Africa (SMA). In the next lecture of the Annual College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series on January 19th 2011 at UCC, Dr Ian Stephenson will examine this terrain of poverty and gender and how these affect people's susceptibility to infection with HIV and their vulnerability to the impact of a member of their family succumbing to AIDS.
A symposium titled, “In the Presence of Ladies”: Women in Higher Education to be held on January 22nd 2011 at UCC celebrates the appointment of Mary Ryan, first woman professor appointed in an Irish University. Mary Ryan takes central place in the ranks of achieving Irish women as the first woman professor appointed in an Irish University. She was appointed as Professor of Romance Languages at UCC on June 28th 1910.
Congratulations to UCC Medical student, Fred English on winning this year's Health Research Board Watts Medal.
Sarah Louise McColgan, a graduate from UCC’s Drama and Theatre course was recently awarded the 2010 Pat Murray Bursary. The Bursary, funded by The Everyman Palace Theatre, Thomas Crosbie Holdings and Cork City Council, is designed to facilitate a young theatre artist through specialised study, or work placement by providing financial support to the value of €14,000.
Bernadette McAliskey, active civil and human rights campaigner since 1968, will give a public lecture in UCC on ‘Republicanism Revisited- Thomas Paine’s The Rights of Man’ today, Monday, 24th January, at 4pm in room G04 in the Brookfield Health Sciences Complex on College Road. McAliskey describes herself as a socialist republican, feminist and free thinker. She currently manages STEP, a local community development organisation in Dungannon, Co Tyrone. She also teaches on the Community Development degree course at the University of Ulster and on the Women’s Studies Programme at the North West Regional College.
Poverty and social exclusion are among the key elements which underpin many people’s problem drug use according to a report published at UCC. The impact that community based youthwork drug projects can and do have on drug issues is published in a report titled: “Youthwork as a Response to Drugs Issues in the Community” launched at the University by Mr Brian Crowley, MEP. The research was undertaken by Mr Pat Leahy, School of Applied Social Studies, UCC, along with two Bachelor of Social Work undergraduate students Ms Emma Bennet and Ms Aoife Farrell. The report was commissioned by Youth Work Ireland Cork.
The centenary of the newly-discovered “Irish Buddhist” U Dhammaloka, tried for sedition on January 31st 1911 by a Cork-born judge in colonial Rangoon, will be remembered at UCC on Saturday February 19th 2011, in an event hosted by UCC’s flourishing Study of Religions Department. 'Dhammaloka Day' also sees the Irish launch of the special issue of the journal Contemporary Buddhism (Vol. 11, no. 2, 2010), devoted to this remarkable and unjustly forgotten figure, a Dublin-born [migrant] worker who crossed the world to become a pioneer European Buddhist monk in Asia.
For the second year in a row, Coláiste Chríost Rí were the overall winners of the National Elec Engineering Quiz that took place simultaneously in UCC, Waterford IT and Galway-Mayo IT on January 22nd 2011. UCC, who have championed this National Quiz, celebrated the 10th Anniversary of an Elec Eng Quiz held in UCC. This is the fifth year that the event has run nationally. All teams from the simultaneous events competed for the national title and national prize worth €1,000 donated by MIDAS Ireland to the winning school. Teams from Cork have won the overall national title three times in the last four years; CBC Cork in 2007, and Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh in 2008. De la Salle, Waterford won the national title in 2009, and the 2010 national winners were Coláiste Chríost Rí.
People, men and women, have made and continue to make enormous contributions to science. In the next lecture of the Annual College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series on January 26th 2011 at UCC, Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law will pay tribute to some women who have truly made a difference while also addressing challenges facing women in pursuing a career in science. The lecture will also cover the valuable education for life which a science degree gives one leading to varied and exciting career opportunities not only in the world of science but also in the world of business.
Are you thinking of a career change? Do you want to change direction from your primary degree? Are you confused about your options for postgraduate study? If any of these questions strike a chord, then you can find the answers at UCC’s Postgraduate Study Fair on February 1st 2011. To showcase its unique range of taught and research postgraduate opportunities, University College Cork will host a Postgraduate Study Fair on February 1st 2011 from 11.30am to 3pm in Devere Hall, Student Centre on UCC’s main campus.
The Busteed award winners were announced recently at UCC. The awards were made to students who achieved the highest overall Economics mark in Arts 1, 11 and 111 and Commerce 1, 11, 111 and IV. Professor John Busteed was Professor of Economics and Dean, Faculty of Commerce at UCC from 1924 until his death in 1964. He was known as an inspiring teacher and was an enthusiastic supporter of the Adult Education Movement.
Exploring how and why people world-wide are working from grassroots to nurture smaller-scale, ecological, resilient local economies is the focus of a new feature-length documentary “The Economics of Happiness” to be screened in UCC on February 1st next. Directed
by Helena Norberg-Hodge, “Economics of Happiness”, features
a chorus of voices from six continents calling for systemic economic change.
The documentary describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing
“Collecting Oral History in Rural Ulster” is the title of the Kevin Danaher Lecture to be delivered at UCC on February 1st by Dr Jonathan Bell. Dr Jonathan Bell was head curator in the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum between 1993 and 2006. He has published a number of books and articles on rural society and material culture in Ireland, including A History of Irish Farming 1750-1950, which he co-authored in 2008 with Mervyn Watson (Dublin: Four Courts Press).
Pathways to Education, in conjunction with the Disability Support Services of UCC & CIT, recently hosted an Assistive Technology (AT) Exhibition & Demonstration to provide students, parents, teachers and professionals the opportunity to review specialised software and equipment.
The Critical Social Thinking Conference is today (January 28th 2011) being hosted by the School of Applied Social Studies. This conference is part of the Critical Social Thinking Student Research Initiative which offers opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate studies to present social research findings to a wider audience. This year, presentations were invited from social scientific and cognate disciplines, with the aim of promoting interdisciplinary research.
Tracking populations of birds has attracted the attention of both amateurs and professional ornithologists for decades. Knowledge of bird species relies on data collection both by professionals and ‘citizen science’. In the next lecture of the Annual College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series on February 2nd 2011 at UCC, Professor John O’Halloran will consider the populations of some of Ireland’s common, and not so common bird species: their populations and biology. Particular attention will focus on swans, swallows and dippers.
A positive support programme for UCC students with mental health difficulties has been launched by UCC’s Disability Support Service (DSS). The UCC Genio Peer Mentor programme is a unique and innovative peer led programme that will empower students to become independent learners by tailoring supports to enhance their academic, personal and social development. The programme will be implemented in 2011 and has already recruited and trained 13 mentors who will be matched with first year students to provide weekly mentoring throughout the academic term.
The Swedish artist Carl Köhler (1919-2006) worked within the neo-Modernist tradition and is relatively unknown outside his Sweden. But this, perhaps, is changing. Thanks to the efforts of his son, Henry, Carl Köhler’s work has made its way outside of Sweden for the first time. The exhibition currently on display in UCC’s Boole Library is a collection of “authorportraits” of European and American writers, comprising a variety of media and styles and includes portraits of more than 20 writers (Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, Brendan Behan, Franz Kafka, Jean Cocteau, Henry Miller, Joyce Carol Oates, Virginia Woolf et al).
A team of scientists at Tyndall National Institute, UCC have made the world’s first junctionless transistor even smaller. The transistor is the building block of the microchip. The development of the world’s first junctionless transistor by Tyndall’s Professor Jean-Pierre Colinge had already sparked off huge interest amongst the leading semiconductor manufacturers around the globe when it was published in the most prestigious of research science publications, Nature Nanotechnology. The announcement was made as part of the programme of events taking place for Nanoweek which runs from 31st January to 4th February.
The effects of UV-B radiation on plants will be the focus for discussion at an international conference on February 6th by the UCC-led EU-COST network (23 European countries, some 75 academic groups) - UV4Growth. Delegates from 21 European countries, as well as New Zealand, will gather for a three-day international conference in Hungary which aims to strengthen the communication between European research groups studying the regulatory properties of UV-B.
University College Cork (UCC) today (Wednesday, February 2nd 2011) announced the launch of the refurbishment and development of the historic Mardyke Sports Pavilion. The cost of the project is in the region of €1.3million. The project is due to commence later this month and completed by the start of the next academic year. The announcement of this development follows the launch in December last of a €10 million extension of the Mardyke Arena indoor sports centre which forms part of a major investment in sport and recreation at UCC.
For nearly 40 years sensors carried by satellites have been continuously monitoring the state of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. From examining patterns of glacial advance and retreat to detecting the immediate consequences of a large-scale natural disaster, remote sensing technologies have been widely used to witness the changing global surface.
In the next lecture of the Annual College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series on February 9th 2011 at UCC, Dr Fiona Cawkwell will explore some of the satellite-derived knowledge of the form and processes of Planet Earth, and also look at the role played by these technologies in addressing a number of the major geospatial issues of the 21st century, from climate change to sustainable development.
Cork City Council, UCC's School of Asian Studies, UCC Confucius Institute, UCC International Education Office, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine and UCC Chinese Students Union, will jointly organise a Gala in UCC tomorrow, Wednesday, February 9th 2011 to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Michael O'Connell, Ms. Lan Heping, Counsellor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Professor Paul Giller, Registrar and Senior Vice President of UCC will attend the Gala.
His Excellency, Mr Robert Devriese, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Belgium, visited UCC on February 7th 2011. The Ambassador paid a courtesy visit to UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy and also visited the School of History. Since joining the Foreign Service in 1976, Mr Devriese has held many positions in the Service and has been stationed in many parts of the world. He was appointed Ambassador to Ireland in September 2008.
A statement on the 'Croke Park' Public Service Agreement (PSA) was published on behalf of the Irish Universities Association (IUA) on February 4th 2011.
A new mental health web portal for students was launched on February 7th 2011 by RTÉ Television and radio personality, Ryan Tubridy, My Mind Matters (MMM) www.mymindmatters.ie is a student website which provides information, help, support and advice to college students around a range of topics that can affect mental health and well-being, such as anxiety, depression, exam stress and coping with the transition to college life.
UCC’s Department of Government will host a one-day participative conference on ‘Brussels and us: the big black hole of democracy’ tomorrow Saturday (February 12th 2011). This conference is specifically geared at engaging young people and has attracted participants from all over the country, from NUI Maynooth, University College Dublin, Dublin College University and University Limerick.
The conference will focus on three key issues relating to the development of the European Union and the place of Ireland within it:- European institutions and the perceived democratic deficit
- The democratic deficit within the area of Common Foreign and Security Policy
- The definition of Irish identity and values within the European Union.
An iPhone app, NeoTube, for supporting teaching of Neonatal Intubation techniques to paediatric students and clinicians has been launched at the Neonatology Unit at Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH). NeoTube, a smart-phone app, was developed in collaboration with Business Information Systems, UCC, to provide trainees with a visual and instructional resource to support the teaching of Neonatal Intubation clinical skills. The app includes background information such as procedure indications, premedication practices, equipment descriptions, detailed procedure instructions and potential complications. This is supplemented by instructional videos and a tube size calculator.
The UCC Students Union will host its annual Raise & Give Week from Monday, February 14th to Friday, February 18th 2011. Raise & Give Week is a traditional part of the student experience and contains a wide range of entertainments and activities for the enjoyment of students whilst at the same time raising money for charity. This year, Raise & Give Week kicks off on Valentine’s Day and this is reflected in many of the student events and activities on the day.
The silicon transistor, one of the most important inventions of the 20th century, is the fundamental component of electronic technology. Since 1947, transistor performance has doubled every two years. According to Dr Brenda Long who will deliver the next lecture of the Annual College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series on February 16th 2011 at UCC, we are now reaching limits in our ability to improve it further and scientists are exploring alternative materials for making transistors.
A UCC team from Accounting & Finance has won the Irish round of the CFA Institute’s Global Investment Research Challenge (GIRC) held at Davys Stockbrokers earlier this month. The team of final year students from the BSc Finance and BSc Accounting are: Dorota Donigiewicz; Don Duggan; Frank Kenny; Richard Murphy; Richard O'Donovan. The team’s professional mentor is Ken Power of Killeevan Investment Consultants and Dr Ray Donnelly is the academic mentor. The team’s financial analysis of Paddy Power plc enabled them defeat teams from NUI, Galway, Trinity College, UCD and DCU in the Irish final.
The Health Information Systems Research Centre (HISRC) was officially launched recently by Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC. The HISRC is a multidisciplinary centre building on the growing synergy between information systems, technology and healthcare to become the leading research centre of its type in the country. Translational research within the HISRC investigates how technology integration, social factors, organisational structures and business processes affect healthcare services. These technologies can be used to aid self-management of diseases and by healthcare professionals in all sectors from primary to tertiary healthcare, with the aim of significantly improving patient outcomes.
The Centre for Adult Continuing Education (CACE), UCC recently hosted the fifth meeting of a European Project in Adult Education, The Grundtvig Learning Partnership. The Project, initiated in 2009, is concerned with developing new approaches to life-long learning. The two-day meeting, held on February 14th and 15th 2011, was attended by six participating countries: Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Ireland.
The UCC Biosafety website will be launched at UCC on February 22nd 2011. The UCC Biosafety Committee (BSC) was established to ensure compliance with legislation relating to the contained use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) within the University. Its primary functions include assisting UCC staff in obtaining the appropriate consents from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), provision of advice to users of GMOs, and ensuring that all regulatory requirements are adhered to.
Students of UCC’s final year Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up module recently put their studies to use for the benefit of the people of Haiti and Africa. Twenty-four business venture groups (comprising 3-5 students) were given an investment of €5 per group by their lecturer, Dr Lawrence Dooley, and set a challenge to grow their investment within seven days. The students’ collective commercial endeavours transformed the initial €120 investment into €6,700, an average of just under €280 per group. The sum of €4,000 was donated to UNICEF to support their work in Haiti.
How the dietary strategies of the elderly can be improved is the focus of a UCC-based research project ‘ELDERMET’ which investigates the association between gut microbiota, food and health in the elderly in Ireland. Modern molecular techniques have allowed scientists to show that the pattern of bacteria (the microbiota) in the gut varies from person to person. Changes in the microbiota can lead to changes in health (e.g. inflammatory diseases) or even obesity.
Since time immemorial, we have sought clues from the stars as to the past history, present state and future evolution of the Universe. Almost all of our astronomical observations rely on the detection of electromagnetic radiation from planets, stars, galaxies, etc, and for most of astronomical history, we believed these measurements provided a reliable census of the contents of the Universe. But now we know differently: now we know that most of the Universe consists of matter (Dark Matter) and energy (Dark Energy) that we cannot see at all, and whose very nature provides one of the greatest challenges to modern astrophysics.
UCC medical students recently visited local primary schools in Glasheen (Cork) to present key nutritional messages to school-children. This novel nutrition Outreach Programme was developed in association with the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC), which has a well-developed and hugely popular schools education program. The second-year medical students are studying a special module on medical nutrition. The students gave class-room presentations on digestion, food groups and the importance of calcium in childhood and adolescence. The students chose Calcium and Vitamin D as their key message, explaining to the school-children that adequate calcium intake is essential for peak bone mass attainment. They also distributed smoothie recipes, played calcium games and used a selection of medical props to explain digestion and bone health.
UCC’s top graduate is Michelle McCarthy. The Graduate of the Year was announced at the 2010 Prizegiving Ceremony at UCC on February 21st 2011 at which 37 undergraduate and postgraduate prizes were presented to 43 prizewinners by Professor Paul Giller, Registrar and Senior Vice-President Academic.
An outstanding student from Waterford,
Michelle McCarthy graduated with a first-class honours degree in Law (BCL) in
2010 and is now pursuing a degree in Medicine at UCC. During her time studying Law, Michelle was involved in a
number of student run societies, and served on three at committee
level. She wrote for the UCC Express and Motley Magazine and spent a year
as Express Features Editor.
Acclaimed American Journalist, Robert Whitaker, will deliver a public lecture at UCC titled: “Anatomy of a Global Epidemic: History, Science and the Long-term Effects of Psychiatric Medications” on Tuesday, March 1st, 6.00-8.00pm, Boole II Lecture Theatre. The event is hosted by The School of Nursing and Midwifery and School of Applied Social Studies, UCC in association with the Irish Network of Critical Voices in Mental Health and the Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing.
The UCC Biosafety Website was officially launched on Tuesday, February 22nd 2011 by Dr Tom McLoughlin, Office of Climate, Licensing & Resource Use from the Environmental Protection Agency. The event took place in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex and was attended by UCC researchers. The Biosafety website is a user-friendly, one-stop-shop for those engaging in research with genetically modified organisms. It is accessible to all UCC and UCC affiliated researchers and is a vital tool providing key regulatory information and links on matters relating to the use of Genetically Modified Organisms. It is both a critical knowledge repository and an information dissemination tool for the diverse and disparate group of researchers within the entire University and associated institutes and hospitals.
IDEAGEN, a collaborative initiative between Enterprise Ireland, and third level colleges in Ireland, including UCC, aimed at stimulating and supporting the next wave of new business in Ireland recently hosted a workshop in UCC. The workshop, which focused on the Therapeutics sector, was aimed at entrepreneurs and related researchers to acquire a better understanding of how new commercial business opportunities and support services can be developed around this emerging sector.
The Chair of this year’s Gordon Research conference on “Insulin-like Growth Factors in Physiology and Disease”, in Ventura California (February 27th until March 3rd) is Professor Rosemary O’Connor of UCC’s Department of Biochemistry. Professor O’Connor was elected by her peers to be responsible for the scientific content of the conference as well as the selection of all speakers, discussion leaders, and attendees. The Gordon Research Conferences were initiated in the USA in the 1920s to promote free exchange of ideas at the frontiers of the biological, chemical, and physical sciences and to provide a forum where scientists with significant accomplishments and common interests come together for a week of intense formal and informal discussion of the most important developments in their field. Over the years they have become synonymous with scientific excellence. They are unique in that each member of the conference agrees to participate actively in discussions and to consider all presentations as private. This allows an unrestricted exchange of ideas that fosters new interactions and can lead to major scientific progress.
The human genome is of a sequence of 3,000,000,000 DNA base pairs and carries the full blueprint for human life. The cost of human genome sequencing has plummeted from over a billion euro in 2001 to €10000 in 2010 and will cost less than a summer holiday by 2015. By 2015, visiting your doctor with your genome on your mobile phone is likely to be common place. As your genome contains key information about your future health, your character and other traits, discussing genomes will become a regular topic of conversation in households across the globe.
University College Cork (UCC) today (March 1st 2011) announced the formal re-opening of the Mardyke Synthetic Pitch. UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy who performed the re-opening ceremony said the new pitch demonstrated the university’s commitment to sport and recreation at UCC. “The new pitch augurs well for the continuing success of the men’s and ladies Hockey Clubs” he said. Following the November 2009 flood, the synthetic pitch at the Mardyke was destroyed. The President thanked those Clubs who had come to UCC’s assistance when the pitch was destroyed in the Cork floods and opened their facilities to UCC Clubs.
The first Chinese Language Teachers' Workshop in Ireland was held in UCC recently. The Irish Centre for Chinese Teachers’ Training was launched at the Workshop. The training centre will operate under the umbrella of UCC’s School of Asian Studies and becomes the first institution of its kind in Ireland for Chinese language teachers.
Friends of Cork and UCC living in the Bay Area turned out in force on February 17th to attend an information evening organised by UCC's International Education Office (IEO), in cooperation with members of the Cork-San Francisco Sister City Committee. The event formed part of the IEO’s promotional drive in the US which has historically targeted high schools on the Northeast and Midwest of the US but which has broadened more recently to attract interest on the West Coast, in particular San Francisco, an American city close to the heart of Corkonians.
An on-line calculator that predicts, within seconds, the presence of the three major food allergies in children has been developed by researchers at UCC. They have devised a new ‘Cork-Southampton calculator’ that gives 96% accuracy compared to current methods that are 61% -81% accurate. The research will be published online today (Thursday, 3rd March) in the leading international allergy journal, Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.
A book edited by Professor Geoffrey Roberts of the School of History has been translated into Persian and published in Iran. Professor Roberts ‘The History and Narrative Reader’ was originally published by Routledge in 2001.
The National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL) has recently launched its 2011 National Awards for Excellence in Teaching Programme. This is the fourth year of the initiative, which was launched in 2008. This initiative recognises those who combine outstanding teaching with innovative research to enhance student learning and cognizant of national recommendations that “the recognition of excellence in teaching should underpin strategy for the ongoing development of Higher Education” (National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030, pg 59).
UCC led EU FP7 Funded Wave Energy Project is being deployed today (March 4th 2011) in Sustainable Energy of Ireland/Marine Institute Galway Bay Test Site. The unit was craned into the water in Galway dock, with towout scheduled for early Saturday morning. The 3.5 year Project with 13 EU Partners culminates with a 3 month Sea Trial of the Technology in Galway Bay.
Over the last 100 years, there have been a number of major industrial disasters that have brought Engineering, in terms of the safe operation of large industrial plants, into the public domain. Some of the best-known of these incidents include Seveso, Chernobyl, Bhopal, Three Mile Island and Flixborough. In Ireland, the Bantry Bay oil tanker explosion in 1979 ranks as an important incident.
Careers in the high-tech sector will be demonstrated to talented transition year students this week when Tyndall National Institute, UCC and Cork Electronics Industry Association (CEIA) play host to a group of 20 students who are participating in the Transition Year Work Experience programme (March 7th-11th 2011). The students, from 8 schools across Cork city and county, will divide their time between Tyndall, UCC, CIT and 10 high-tech engineering companies.
The School of History Prizegiving ceremony took place recently in UCC’s Aula Maxima. The ceremony is an annual event celebrating the excellent achievements of students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. The event provides an opportunity for the staff of the School of History to acknowledge publicly and pay appropriate tribute to the inspiring work of those students. Prizes were awarded to the History Student of the Year in I, II and III Year, as well as at MA level - for work completed in the last academic year. Prizes were similarly awarded to European Integration Studies students for achievement at undergraduate level.
A novel initiative to raise funding for UCC’s Student Services will take place on Sunday, March 27th 2011 with a 5km walk through Cork City taking in 21 of the City’s bridges. The walk will commence at the Honan Square, UCC between 10.30am-11am and continue for approx 1 hour. In advance of the walk, a talk by Author Antoin O'Callaghan and UCC’s Dr Colin Rynne about the bridges, their history and architectural significance will take place from 1-2pm on Tuesday, March 22nd in West Wing 6, Quadrangle, UCC.
Congratulations to the UCC Gaelic Football Club on winning the Centenary Sigerson Cup on Saturday last, March 5th. Coached by former graduates Billy Morgan, Dr Paul O’Keeffe, John Corcoran and Kevin Murray this magnificent victory means that the Sigerson Cup returns to the University for the 21st time and a first win since 1995. Great scenes of delighted followed the historic win by UCC who defeated UUJ in a nail-biting final in Belfield. Having defeated pre- tournament favourites, DCU, in the quarter finals, UCC followed up this victory with a semi-final win over the hosts UCD.
The Embassy of Mexico and The Centre for Mexican Studies, UCC are pleased to announce the opening of the photographic project 360 degrees, a photographic exhibition by Rubén Ochoa at UCC. Guests at the opening included: Deputy Lord Mayor, Cllr. Kieran McCarthy; Chargee D'affaires of Mexican Embassy, Alicia Kerber and Professor Nuala Finnegan, Director of the Centre of Mexican Studies, UCC.
Research institutes are set-up by governments for a variety of reasons, but generally politicians require that their investment pays back into the economy through the generation of economic activity. In the next lecture of the Annual College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series at UCC on March 16th 2011, Professor Roger Whatmore will discuss how the mechanisms for this can be fostered in the light of experiences at Tyndall and elsewhere. Examples will be given of how technology is translating into practical devices.
UCC alumnus and international rugby star Frankie Sheahan has been engaging US audiences this past week with secrets of his success both on and off the field. Speaking to high school students at engagements in Dallas and Houston, organised by Education in Ireland and the Irish Universities' Association, the retired hooker - so called because the player ‘hooks’ the ball with his feet in a scrum spoke passionately about the ways that sport shaped his UCC experience and created a foundation for his career success both as an Irish international rugby player and now as a TV star.
is a key partner in a prestigious new Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) PhD
programme, funded through Cycle 5 of the Government's Programme for Research in
Third-Level Institutions. This unique cross-institutional PhD programme, which
integrates with industry and clinical research centres, will prepare graduates
for careers in industry, academic medical centres and as biomedical
Shipped to Ireland as a slave, it must have been a cold, hungry journey for Patrick, but through her researches, Irish food expert, Regina Sexton from UCC, has been able to recreate the diet available in 5th century Ireland to a young saint-in-the-making.
It is safe to say that obesity was not a problem in those days, and that the fare was seasonal, wholesome and modest by today’s standards. Dairy produce and cereals were everyday staples and St Patrick would have consumed lots of fresh milk, sour milk, thickened milk, colostrum, curds, flavoured curd mixtures, butter and soft and hard cheeses.
Professor Paul Giller, UCC Registrar and Senior Vice President, UCC, is in China this week, to further working relationships with existing strategic partner universities. He leads a team of staff from three Colleges and the International Education Office. The opportunity to foster development with potential new partners is also being pursued. UCC already has a number of successful joint degree programmes in engineering, economics, food science and computer science.
The prospects of Ireland starting up a civil nuclear power programme will be the focus of next lecture of the Annual College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series at UCC on March 23rd 2011. The lecture (actually three mini-lectures) will be a presentation by BENE (Better Environment with Nuclear Energy). Historically, the Irish Government’s policy had been firmly opposed to nuclear energy on the grounds of the risks it poses, yet some argue that nuclear energy is one of the cleanest, safest and economic forms of energy available to mankind today.
FUAIM Music at UCC and UCC Music Research Seminar Series hosts internationally renowned composer-improviser Ishmael Wadada Leo Smith on March 30th 2011. Smith will talk about his work, and perform with the virtuosic, cross-idiomatic ensemble Mathilde 253 (Charles Hayward, Han-earl Park and Ian Smith). The event is Ishmael Wadada Leo Smith’s first appearance in Ireland, and the Irish debut of Mathilde 253.
The role of the rapidly expanding workforce of contract researchers in Ireland’s aim to become a major ‘Knowledge Economy’ will be the focus of a major forum taking place in Dublin on April 8th next. Hosted by The Irish Research Staff Association (IRSA) the forum will provide the first opportunity for researchers to engage with policy makers and funding bodies which determine their careers.
An exciting new departure in Irish education was launched today (Monday, March 21st 2011) at UCC giving students an unprecedented opportunity to become a success in business in the world’s most dynamic region. The MBS Asian Business is a one-year full-time programme awarded by UCC and delivered in partnership with Nanyang Business School at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and the Farmleigh Fellowship.
An exhibition of prints and textiles titled ‘Ordinary
Extraordinary’ will be launched by UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy at UCC’s
Jennings Gallery on Thursday, March 24th 2011. The exhibition represents works by first year students of
the Occupational Therapy Programme at the university and is the culmination of
a six week block of creativity under the mentorship of Cork Printmakers and
Frances Leach from Cork Textiles Network.
Some 120 postgraduate and doctoral students were conferred at UCC’s Spring Conferring Ceremony today (March 24th 2011). The students graduated from the four colleges: Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences; Business & Law; Medicine & Health; Science, Engineering & Food Science. The Conferring Address was given by Mr John Mullins, Chief Executive, Bord Gáis Éireann.
Coláiste an Phiarsaigh, Glanmire, Cork emerged victorious at the Munster Regional Final of the National Debating Science Competition battling it out with Clonakilty Community College for a place in the National Finals. The team from Coláiste an Phiarsaigh persuaded a panel of judges, which included scientists and a journalist, that “the procurement and use of embryonic stem cells for scientific research is unethical”.
College Admission Counsellors from five US States and nine countries including Ecuador, Jordan and China visited UCC recently. The purpose of the counsellors’ visit was to familiarise themselves with Irish universities that have an excellent reputation in teaching, research and student support.
Communicating scientific research to a lay audience is the aim of Science for All, the UCC postgraduate public presentation competition taking place at UCC on Wednesday, March 30th 2011. Topics such as Ocean Energy, Colon Cancer, Functional Food, Quantum vs Classical Worlds, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Ultra Cold Atoms will be among the topics presented at the event which aims to encourage young scientists to communicate the results of their research to the general public in an easily understandable manner.
‘Irish Blood, English Heart’: Second-Generation Irish Musicians in England is published today (Tuesday March 29th 2011) and will be launched in Dublin by Niall Stokes editor of Hot Press. Second-generation Irish musicians have played a vital role in the history of popular music in England. Irish Blood, English Heart is the first full account of popular music-making amongst the Irish diaspora.
More than 2,000 babies and children will benefit over the next six years from a new, dedicated paediatric research facility opening today in Cork. The Health Research Board (HRB) will invest more than €58,000 in the HRB Discovery Centre where one of the leading research programmes will study why some children develop common diseases while others stay healthy.
Deepening our understanding of children’s lives in developing country contexts will be the focus of a two-day international conference taking place in UCC on April 7th and 8th next. Researchers, policy makers and practitioners will come together to build on their experiences and knowledge and to contribute to current debates on appropriate polices and professional practices in early years care and education.
Over the past 20 years obesity has increased more than three-fold in men and 1.7-fold in women in Ireland, according to a new national survey published today. Almost 26% of men are now obese, up from 8% in 1990. In women, the rate of obesity is 21%, up from 13%. This scientific study which documents diet and lifestyle behaviour of a nationally representative sample of 1500 Irish adults was carried out by the Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance (IUNA) at University College Cork and University College Dublin. The University of Ulster, Coleraine and Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre also contributed to specific aspects of the survey.
coldest place in Ireland” is the title of this year’s winning presentation in
the UCC Science for All Postgraduate Public Presentation Competition which took
place at UCC last evening (March 30th 2011). The
presentation by Laura Russell, a postgraduate student in UCC’s Tyndall National
Institute and Department of Physics emerged victorious at the competition in
which young scientists have to explain themselves “without the jargon” to a
live audience.
Noel Lafferty has won this year’s Eirgrid Prize for UCC’s top Master’s in Sustainable Energy student. Noel is a graduate civil engineer from Donegal. He achieved a final overall mark of 82% in the MEngSc in Sustainable Energy, the highest in a graduating class of 20. His minor thesis focused on how Ireland can meet its ambitious renewable energy heating target by the year 2020. Noel now works in the energy sector with ESB International.
Some 300 researchers and delegates from a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines will gather at University College Cork (UCC) from April 6th-8th to participate in The 21st Irish Environmental Researchers’ Colloquium (ENVIRON 2011). The Colloquium offers a unique forum for researchers, government and industry to discover emerging areas of environmental, energy and marine research along with potential environmental technologies for the future.
EMC has joined with University College Cork (UCC) as the anchor university research partner for EMC Research Europe. EMC Corporation, the world leader in information infrastructure solutions, has announced that it has expanded its cloud computing, big data and data centre research programmes with the establishment of EMC Research Europe. The initiative is headquartered from EMC’s Centre of Excellence (COE) in Ovens, Cork, Ireland and led by Donagh Buckley, the newly-appointed Chief Technology Officer and Director of EMC Research Europe, and will initially be staffed by a cross-functional “virtual research team” of EMC technology and business leaders from Ireland and other EMC offices in Europe.
Tyndall National Institute, UCC has began the coordination of a €3M EU project for the development of novel smart sensing materials for applications in water purification technology and clinical diagnostics. The nine partners involved in the EU “HYSENS” (Hybrid Molecule/Nanocrystal Assemblies for Photonic and Electronic Sensing Applications) project will work on the fabrication of innovative materials that will detect the concentration of ions such as sodium, potassium and calcium, in water and body fluids in a faster, cheaper and more effective way than the current commercial technologies.
Seven out of ten older people in nursing homes in Ireland are getting at least one inappropriately prescribed medicine, according to a study launched today (April 6th 2011). A cross-border research team led by Dr Stephen Byrne, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy at University College Cork, found that 630 older people in long-term care in Northern Ireland and the Cork area were receiving an average of 11 medicines each. Half of them were prescribed 8-14 daily medicines each.
The possibility that Ireland participated in the European Renaissance in the late-fifteenth and early-sixteenth century was the subject of a public lecture delivered by Dr Jason Harris (School of History, UCC) recently. Dr Harris, who is Director of the Centre for Neo-Latin Studies in UCC, announced the latest findings of the Ad Fontes project, sponsored by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences, to a large and diverse audience.
Dr John O’Sullivan
won the Young Investigator Award at the American College of Cardiology Meeting
in New Orleans this week for groundbreaking work carried out in University
College Cork (UCC). This meeting is one of the largest of its kind in heart
disease in the world and the Young Investigator competes in open international
competition with the best cardiac research projects from around the globe.
Two ground breaking new technologies – an advanced new system for the treatment of lung cancer and a Nanoelectronics invention which will enable the further miniaturisation of microchips - have jointly won the UCC Invention of the Year Award announced last evening (April 7th 2011). Both inventions are considered to have excellent future potential. The Invention of the Year Award recognises the world class research being undertaken at UCC which has developed a strong track record in commercialising and spinning-out projects in disciplines ranging from life sciences and pharmacology to ICT and engineering.
Four Courts Press is now publishing the (http://www.multitext.ie) MultiText Project in History’s essays as part of its new History of Ireland Series, edited by Donnchadh Ó Corráin & Tomás O’Riordan. The series will be launched in June in UCC’s Aula Maxima by the Tánaiste, Eamon Gilmore.
Sixty five years of adult education will be celebrated tomorrow evening (April 12th 2011) at UCC when Mr Paddy O’Brien, Cork Person of the Year 2010, will officially launch UCC’s Centre for Adult Continuing Education’s Programme Guide 2011/2012. Mr O’Brien acknowledges the value of Lifelong Learning and extends his congratulations to the Centre for its contribution in providing a quality educational service to the community since 1946.
It is a source of pride to the Cork University Dental School and Hospital (CUDS) that it continues to attract a very high calibre student according to Professor Finbarr Allen, Dean who was interviewed in the March issue of the Irish Dental Journal in a feature on the CUDS.
Third year BSc International Development and Food Policy students recently embarked on their six month work placements. In all, 36 students are taking up work placements, with 31 students spending all or part of their time in a developing country. This is the fourth year that the Department of Food Business and Development has co-ordinated this placement programme.
UCC Library is currently hosting an exhibition marking O’Hara’s 40 years of exploring remote habitats around the world as a botanical sculptor, painter, photographer and conservationist. Travelling from his home and studio in Currabinny, County Cork, O’Hara has championed the cause of plant and insect conservation, believing that we must protect the lower end of the food chain if we are to have any hope of retaining the great diversity of flora and fauna upon which the higher forms of life – including ourselves – will depend. There is a world shortage of bioscientists of many disciplines, especially botany: O’Hara hopes that this exhibition will encourage students to consider courses that can lead to the discovery of new foods, fuels and medicines from the plants and microbes that surround us.
The exhibition continues until June 28th 2011.More...
UCC’s President, Dr Michael Murphy has welcomed UCC’s successful achievements in commercialising its research in 2010.
Office of Technology Transfer – the office responsible for commercialising
UCC’s research, recently released highlights from its 2010 Annual Report. The
report draws attention to UCC’s steady rate of annual generation of licenses in
the mid-teens and spin out companies in the 3 – 5 range. In all, 71 Inventions
were disclosed to UCC, 23 Patents were filed, 17 Licenses signed and 3 high
potential start ups were formed. The licenses were spread across market sectors
– ICT, Bio and food, as well as company size (MNC and SME with the majority –
12 -licenses going to SMEs).
Outstanding achievers in the arts, judiciary, medicine and pharmaceutical industry are to be honoured by UCC at the 2010 Alumni Achievement Awards Ceremony which takes place on Friday, April 15th 2011 at the University. On the night, UCC will also honour a graduate with an Alumnus Award for exceptional Voluntary Service to the University, which this year recognises a graduate for his excellent voluntary contribution to UCC’s Medical School.
Information Day – Radisson, Little Island – May 4th
South and East Cork Area Development, (SECAD) with support from UCC’s Coastal & Marine Research Centre, are holding a Walking Trails Seminar and Information morning for community groups and other interested parties. SECAD has a vision to establish a high-quality network of community trails that are well constructed, managed, advertised and maintained in the South and East Cork area (from Nohoval to Youghal). The benefits of creating community trails are manifold. They allow people to explore new areas, promote a healthy lifestyle, attract tourists, and generate income for the local community.
Purposes, Policies and Practices
Wednesday, 11th May 2011 at 10.00 am
Boole 2 Lecture Theatre, University College Cork
The causes, context and consequences of the global financial crisis will be the focus for discussion at the 24th Annual Irish Accounting & Finance Association conference taking place at UCC on April 28th & 29th.
BIS Knowledge Hub will provide undergraduate and post graduate students with access to latest industry information and reports
"UCC most successful of Irish universities in attracting disabled and disadvantaged students"
In the course of his quarterly presentation to staff at University College Cork today, the President, Dr. Michael Murphy, highlighted some of the key successes of the University as well as a range of continuing challenges.
UCC played host to a European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Assisted Reproduction and Changing European Family Structures.
Cork University Press will join with 60 other University Presses to provide e-books to the worldwide library community. The University Press Contents Consortium (UPCC) will be run by project MUSE, which is the leading e-journal in the humanities and social sciences. The UPCC will launch in January 2012 with an expected collection of over 30,000 books.
Ireland’s scientists are punching above their weight on a global stage. This is according to the independent international ratings agency Thomson Reuters Science Watch global analysis, which tracks trends and performance in research disciplines according to scientific publications.
Ten high achievers from the world of sport were honoured last eve (April 20th 2011) for their sporting achievements at the 28th Annual UCC Sports Star Awards.
Researchers at Tyndall National Institute, UCC have developed a microchip sensor that can detect a person’s respiratory rate without any contact with the person under observation. The chip allows for constant monitoring of babies in cot beds, hospital patients and other people at risk of obstructive apneas including, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It can be used also for the early detection of sudden sleep of vehicle drivers.
On May 6th-7th, UCC will host a symposium by leading historians on patterns of historical thought and practice in nineteenth century Ireland, looking at views on Pre-history, Medical History, Art History, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, Civil Wars and Cromwellian confiscations, Edmund Spenser and Gaelic Chiefs.
A panel of international experts will assemble on May 5th for a Public Debate titled “Education for what? Educational Systems and Social Models in Ireland and Abroad”. The event will take place in Blackwater Castle, Castletownroche, Co. Cork, 4-6pm. The
failure of Ireland’s banking and property sectors and its regulatory and political
systems have raised questions about the so-called ‘Irish social model’ which
prevailed during the Celtic Tiger period. Social models represent ideas about
the relationship between community and society; the role of individual citizens
and ideals of what constitute the good life.
postgraduate student, Padraig Horgan has won an internship at Accenture Ireland and
leadership development tour to USA for his 'TAPP'® tolling app idea. ‘TAPP’®
- a software application which will allow commuters to pay tolling and public
transport charges via a single platform on their mobile handset was announced
as the winning project at this year’s ‘Accenture ‘Leaders of Tomorrow
Award’. The UCC MBS Business Economics student, Padraig Horgan, impressed
the judges with his innovative business concept, surpassing the competition
from hundreds of student entrants from colleges and universities around the
country to take the top prize.
Applications are invited for the University Staff Recognition Awards Programme. The Programme, now in its
second year, was created to provide a formal process for acknowledging the
outstanding achievements of staff, and for publicly announcing such
achievements to the University and wider community. This Programme has been
developed to show individual or team members of staff that they, or their
actions, are appreciated and respected by colleagues.
This summer, as part of the Vents & Reefs (VENTuRE) expedition, marine scientists from University College Cork (BEES/ERI), the National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway, Geological Survey of Ireland and University of Southampton and National Oceanography Centre in the UK, are heading to the mid-Atlantic ridge in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to check out a newly discovered hydrothermal vent ecosystem. Here, at a depth of almost 3000 m, the Marine Institute Holland I ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) will be sending images to scientists at the surface onboard the RV Celtic Explorer of a whole new world. This new ecosystem is such an exciting discovery that National Geographic will even be there to film the whole experience.
Direct dating of a fossil of a Neanderthal infant suggests that Neanderthals probably died out earlier than previously thought. Researchers have dated a Neanderthal fossil discovered in a significant cave site in Russia in the northern Caucasus, and found it to be 10,000 years older than previous research had suggested. This new evidence throws into doubt the theory that Neanderthals and modern humans interacted for thousands of years.
Mr Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, will launch The Story of Irish Museums 1790-2000: Culture, Identity and Education tomorrow Wednesday, May 11th 2011 at 6.30pm at the Royal Irish Academy. This is the first book to give a long-term and comprehensive account of the stories, the histories and the evolution of Irish museums and galleries. The story begins in 1790, when the ‘cabinet of curiosities’ was an important asset in a gentleman’s home to the new millennium, when museums and galleries are at once physical and virtual spaces, this is a fascinating history of the human desire to collect, catalogue, conserve and create stories around our shared heritage.
The School of Medicine at UCC was delighted to host its first Prep-for-Med-School event on Friday last, May 13th 2011. This is a full day ‘taster’ of the UCC Medical School experience, with 80 Transition Year students from schools across Cork city and county taking part. The exciting programme gave students and their Guidance Counsellors an insight into studying Medicine at UCC.
University College Cork medical alumnus, Richard Rowland Thompson, was awarded a scarf by Queen Victoria for his bravery in the Boer War in 1900.
Today Queen Elizabeth II will visit the Tyndall National Institute at University College Cork. She is the first royal visitor to the college although 162 years ago her great great grandmother Queen Victoria did sail to Cobh to tour Cork city, to see for herself the horrors inflicted by the famine and to witness the beginnings of the first university in Munster, Queen's College Cork.
Queen Elizabeth II will visit the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC) which was named after one of Ireland’s greatest physicists, John Tyndall, who was responsible for being first to explain global warming due to the greenhouse effect, and why the sky is blue. The Institute is part of the university whose first professor of Mathematics, George Boole, developed the algebra that enabled the development of computer science.
Remarks by Professor John A Murphy, UCC
'Learn to See, See to Learn', a Student/Staff mixed media exhibition will be opened at the Jennings Gallery, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, UCC on June 9th, 2011 by celebrated artist, critic, and writer Brian O’Doherty. This inaugural exhibition brings together 40 artists in Brookfield from the schools of Medicine, Nursing & Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Pharmacy and Dentistry at UCC to celebrate the largely sequestered creative ability of healthcare professionals.
Gender and Sexual Politics/the Politics of Sexuality in Ireland will be the theme of the 2011 Women’s History Association of Ireland’s Annual Conference taking place at UCC on May 27th and 28th 2011. The event is hosted by Women’s Studies in UCC.
President, Dr Michael Murphy officiated at the launch of a publication
“Pharmacy and Medicines Law in Ireland” on May 18th 2011. This
publication is edited by Professor Peter Weedle and Ms Leonie Clarke both of
whom have very strong associations with the School of Pharmacy, UCC.
Do you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? If so, the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC) at UCC invites you to a Public Forum on June 1st. The aim of this Forum is to increase awareness about IBS and provide up-to-date information for patients and their families on living with this condition. The event takes place in Lecture Theatre G01, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, College Road, Cork from 7.00-8.30pm.
Fergus Shanahan, MD, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Medicine and Director of the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC) at UCC presented the 2011 Morton I. Grossman Lecture, “Mining Microbes for Mankind — From Science to Society” at Digestive Disease Week® 2011 in Chicago recently.
leading figures in the world of medicine, arts and public service will be
honoured by the National University of Ireland during a ceremony to confer
honorary doctorates at University College Cork on Friday, June 3rd next.
traditional ceremony honours individuals who have distinguished themselves
nationally or internationally, through their scholarship, creativity, public
service or contribution to social, cultural, sporting or economic life.
The need for
greater collaboration and co-operation between the developing and developed
worlds was highlighted today (May 27th 2011) at University College
Cork (UCC) with the official launch of the UCC Centre for Global Development by
Minister of State for Trade and Development, Ms Jan O’Sullivan, TD. The University
Strategic Plan 2009-12 has global development as a central theme. The
University has committed to strengthening external engagement through greater
internationalisation of the staff and student experience and continued
engagement with the developing world. In particular, UCC is committed to
maximising the impact of its research and teaching programmes for the benefit
of the wider society, locally and globally.
An exciting new Government initiative, Springboard, has been launched to help the unemployed. The scheme will provide funded part-time education and training opportunities for people who were previously in employment but lost their jobs or were made redundant and who, with some upskilling, could fill current or future job shortages. Springboard, which is managed by the Higher Education Authority, will allow those who undertake the courses to retain their benefits and if they find a job will still be permitted and encouraged to finish their course.
University College Cork (UCC) has re-affirmed its commitment to students with disabilities with the recent launch of a new programme, The Higher Diploma in Facilitating Inclusion (Disability Studies) by the Centre for Adult Continuing Education. The programme was officially launched by Minister of State, Kathleen Lynch TD who commended the university on its success in attracting disabled and otherwise disadvantaged students.
Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD, will launch a new book on Irish design and the State in the National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin today (Tuesday May 31st, 2011). Ireland, Design and Visual Culture: Negotiating Modernity 1922-1992 is the first comprehensive collection of essays ever to be published about Irish design from the foundation of the State to the early 1990s. This richly illustrated and beautifully produced book is edited by Dr Linda King and Dr Elaine Sisson of IADT (Institute of Art, Design and Technology), Dun Laoghaire.
Three UCC students will shortly depart for Washington DC on a programme of personal and professional development. Julie O’Leary (BCL III), Karl Ryan (Law and Irish IV) and Jean Fleming (Government IV) were selected from more than 350 applicants for the 2011 class of the Washington Ireland Programme representing the highest number of UCC students to obtain a place on the Programme to date. The Washington Ireland Programme (WIP) is a cross-community charity, which offers young leaders from Ireland & Northern Ireland the opportunity to live and work in Washington DC while completing leadership training and public service projects. WIP awards each student a prestigious 2-month internship ranging from Capital Hill to government agencies, entrepreneurial businesses and the non-profit sector.
University College Cork’s (UCC) Boole Library will receive an EMC Heritage Grant to support the creation of a publicly available digital archive of newly discovered printed books and papers of mathematician George Boole (1815-1864). These will be integrated with the current Boole Papers digitisation project. This new material is distinct from other Boole material held in the Special Collections section of the Boole Library at UCC and at other Universities.
Two UCC researchers, working jointly with the Embedded Systems Group (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) and the Centre for Efficiency Oriented Languages (Computer Science), have been shortlisted to participate in a prestigious PhD forum, Electronic Design Automation, at the Design Automation Conference (DAC) in San Diego, USA on Tuesday 7th June 2011.
Four leading figures in the world of medicine, arts and public service were honoured by the National University of Ireland during a ceremony to confer honorary doctorates at University College Cork today (Friday, June 3rd 2011).
Cork Chamber President, John Mullins congratulated all the
school teams from the Munster and South East regions that took part in
the UCC
Transition Year Business Project Awards recently and congratulated the winning
entries. Commenting on the awards, Mr Mullins stated that “The Chamber
is pleased
to have the opportunity to support these awards in conjunction with main
sponsors BNY Mellon and
partners University College Cork.
In addition to fostering closer links between the business and academic
communities, the awards very much correspond with the efforts of the Chamber’s
Financial Services Working Group, which is at the forefront of promoting
careers in the financial services sector in the region. We certainly hope that the experience
gained by these students in developing projects will encourage some to pursue
studies in a business related discipline in the future.”
The President of University College Cork, Dr. Michael Murphy, announced
today (June 7th 2011) that the university would double its entrance
scholarship fund for high performing students in this year’s leaving
certificate to a very substantial €0.25m. Dr Murphy commented “UCC’s recognised excellence in research and
educational tuition have benefited Ireland both regionally and
nationally, in UCC we have benefited from top class students due in no
small part to the quality of the schools and teaching within this
region. Today’s initiative is simply intended to help fuel and foster
that symbiotic relationship while helping to incentivise academic
Will the new Government’s radical health reform proposals work? That is the question that will be addressed at a forum, titled “A New Government – New Health System?” hosted by the Health Economics Group in the Department of Economics at University College Cork on June 22nd 2011. The Government’s proposals envisage the most radical shake-up of the health system since the foundation of the State, with the elimination of the existing two-tier health system and the introduction of free GP care for all and universal health insurance.
Abuse: Domestic Violence, Workplace and School Bullying by Jim O’Shea is published on Wednesday June 8th. The book examines abuse (not clerical or institutional abuse). It explores boundaries and how abuse is an invasion of boundaries. It explores physical, emotional, verbal, sexual and financial abuse. The book looks at the abusive personality type, and examines workplace and school bullying. Child abuse is explored, and the issue of staying in or leaving an abusive environment. The question of what happens if one leaves and if it is possible to change an abusive personality is examined. A client’s story is contained in the book and this gives a human aspect to the exploration.
An Taoiseach, Mr Enda Kenny TD, launched earlier this week the new multi volume History of Ireland Series. Text of An Taoiseach’s speech: “I am delighted to be here today to officially launch the new multi volume History of Ireland Series by the Four Courts Press. In particular I wish to acknowledge the work and scholarship of Donnachadh O Corrain and Tomas O’Riordain, editors of these two volumes, titled Ireland, 1815 – 1870, Emancipation, Famine, and Religion and Ireland 1870 – 1914, Coercion and Conciliation.
Heart attack victims could have their damaged hearts repaired by a single injection, which was developed by UCC researchers. The world-leading research by two UCC Professors could improve the quality and length of lives of people who have suffered heart attacks. Around 15% of people who suffer heart attacks have severe ongoing difficulties because of lasting damage to the heart muscle. This often results in patients suffering further attacks and can ultimately cause heart failure.
Delegates recently gathered at the West Cork Hotel, Skibbereen, County Cork to attend a conference hosted by the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) celebrating the 30th anniversary of Lough Hyne being designated as Europe’s first statutory marine nature reserve and the Republic of Ireland’s only marine reserve. Delegates consisted of past and present researchers along with management officials from National Parks and Wildlife Service, Environmental Protection Agency and Cork County Council as well as local stakeholder representatives and members of the general public interested in Lough Hyne. Speakers came from Ireland, UK and USA and covered a wide range of topics showing the interdisciplinary nature of past and present studies at the Lough, as well as how technological advances have increased our ability to study previously difficult areas and species.
Dr Jerry Reen, a Senior Postdoctoral Scientist, BIOMERIT
Research Centre, Department of Microbiology, UCC was the joint winner of the
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Technology Innovation Development Award (TIDA)
‘Dragons Den’ competition held recently. As a
result, Dr Reen will spend a week at the Irish Innovation Centre (IIC) in the
Silicon Valley, California, USA. The visit facilitated by the SFI and hosted by
the Irish Technology Leadership Group (ITLG) will provide an opportunity for
the winning researchers to meet members of the venture community and leading
technology companies.
Reforming the European Commission by Dr Emmanuelle Schön-Quinlivan (published by Palgrave Macmillan) was officially launched in UCC recently by Professor Brigid Laffan of UCD in conjunction with the President of UCC, Dr Michael Murphy. Dr Murphy praised UCC’s Department of Government for its research output and drew attention to the fact that such a prestigious publisher in the field of politics was responsible for producing Reforming the European Commission. Professor Laffan said that she was delighted to be associated with the book and she praised the author for the high academic quality of her work.
Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) has been designated the First European Robotic Gynaecological Epicentre becoming the only hospital in Europe to perform both cancer and non-cancer procedures using sophisticated robotics. The da Vinci Surgical System is a sophisticated robotic platform designed to enable surgeons to perform complex surgery using a minimally invasive approach. CUMH established its Gynaecological Robotic programme in 2008 having performed the first robotic gynaecological surgery in Great Britain and Ireland in 2007. There are currently only three other epicentres in Europe that only perform either benign or cancer procedures. CUMH is the first hospital in Europe in a position to offer both, under the directorship of Doctors Barry O’Reilly and Matt Hewitt.
“Pick a card, any card…” So began, at the tender age of five, Adam Tart’s initiation into the magical world of card tricks, sleights of hand and a fascination with patterns and puzzles. His dad, Brian Tart, the card challenger in question, saw in his young son nascent signs of an enquiring mind and a precocious ability to solve problems; sure-fire indications of the stellar mathematician that he would one day become.
Is emigration from Ireland today as bad as the 1980s?
Who is leaving? Will they come back? What factors are likely to
influence their decision? Will people stay away for good if the economy
doesn’t recover quickly? What can we learn from the experiences of
European neighbours who also have a tradition of high emigration, like
Poland and Portugal?
A round table at University
College Cork next Monday, 20th June, hosted by the university’s
Institute for the Social Sciences in the 21st Century, will consider
these questions. It will also use internet technology to enable those
most directly concerned – emigrants – to listen and participate
directly in the symposium.
Over 400 graduates, mainly in Medicine & Health, were conferred during this year’s UCC’s annual summer conferring ceremonies which took place today (Thursday, June 16th 2011). The first group of graduates from the College of Medicine and Health were conferred with: MB, BCh, BAO Medicine (111); BDS (37); BPharm (54); BSc (Occupational Therapy) (22); BSc (Speech & Language Therapy) (27); MMedSc (Sports and Exercise Medicine) (9); MSc (5); MSc (Evidence Based Therapy Practice) (2); MD (5); PhD (Medicine & Health (8).
UCC has won the Irish final of the Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants (CIMA) Global Business Challenge (GBC) for the second
year running and now go on to represent Ireland at the global finals in
Chengdu, China next month. The UCC team of David White, Gary O’Mahony (both
Accounting IV), Robert Sweeney (Finance III) and Hazel Grimes (Accounting II) will
compete against seventeen other international teams for the title of Global
Champions. Dr Margaret Healy, Department of Accounting, Finance &
Information Systems, is the students’ academic mentor. The team beat off stiff competition
from teams from eleven other colleges and business schools around Ireland to
emerge winners.
Two dentists from the Cork University Dental School and
Hospital have scooped up two international ‘Distinguished Scientist’ awards for
their research on geriatric oral health and behavioural sciences research at
the AGM of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) in San
Diego, California. Professor Finbarr Allen’s research focuses on the impact of
oral disease on function and quality of life of older adults, and the
relationship between oral disease and health outcomes. He has collaborated on an international
level with colleagues from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Finland and Germany
to develop cost effective treatment strategies and evidence based guidelines
for improving oral health of our aging population. He is head of the Cork University Dental School and
Hospital. Professor Helen Whelton focuses on preventive dentistry and dental
public health.
How to turn innovative ideas into new products and services is the focus of UCC’s IGNITE Programme. The 9-month Business Incubation Programme is aimed specifically at graduates who wish to set up a new business. It is open to graduates of any third level institution, and of any discipline, who plan to start a business in the near future or who have set up a new business that is at an early stage of development. The programme is free of charge.
UCC scientists have discovered the genes responsible for
efficient colonisation by a probiotic bacterium of the intestine. The research
will have applications in the functional food and infant formula industries:
the latter is strategically very important for Ireland which produces a fifth
of the world’s infant formula. The study is published today in the prestigious
journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
Where is the coldest place in Ireland? How many witches and druids are there in the country? (there are more of them than you might think…) What constitutes a good gaming experience?
The answers to these and many other questions were given to those attending the UCC Doctoral Showcase on June 21st where
36 PhD students gave short descriptions of their work in layman’s
language to the general public.
International developments in nanobiotechnology is the theme of the 7th NanoBio-Europe conference, hosted by Tyndall National Institute, UCC. This three day conference which runs until tomorrow, June 23rd will showcase Nanobiotechnology - one of the most fascinating and challenging fields of research and development. Nanobiotechnology covers research from all scientific and engineering disciplines, together with relevant clinical expertise.
Over 100 registrants gathered for UCC’s College of Medicine and Health Annual Research Day in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex on Wednesday 22nd June 2011. The topic was Women’s and Child Health.
Dr John Carey, Senior Lecturer, Department of Early
and Medieval Irish, UCC was recently admitted to the Royal Irish Academy (RIA).
Dr Carey has gained international acclaim for his research on Irish mythology
and legendary history, as well as for his studies of the Christian literature
of early Ireland.
University College Cork (UCC) and the Irish Management Institute (IMI) have today (June 22nd 2011) announced an alliance which will transform business education in Ireland. An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, who officially launched the alliance, said the development was significant and welcome as it has the potential to greatly improve the capacity of Ireland’s companies to compete internationally.
UCC company, Glantreo was one of eight companies in Co Cork to be recognised as InterTradeIreland Business Ambassadors for having excelled in North-South trade and innovation. The other companies were Exigent Networks from Little Island, Plate Tek from Charleville, Ballinadee Engineering from Bandon, Glenilen Farm from Drimoleague and Radisens Diagnostics from Bishopstown and the SCFI Group from Carrigline.
Dr Jools Gilson, currently on a career break from the Department of English, UCC, has been awarded a Gold Award for Best Narration for her radio documentary "Los Preciosos" at the New York Festivals Gala Ceremony for the World's Best Radio. For 54 years the New York Festivals Radio Program and Promotion Awards has recognised the World's Best Radio Programmes. "Los Preciosos" was made as part of RTE Radio One's Documentary on One Series, and was compiled, written and narrated by Jools Gilson and produced by Liam O'Brien. It was first broadcast in December 2010.
UCC’s Computer Science Department recently hosted an interactive IT summer camp for 14-16 year olds in the state-of-the-art IT facilities in Western Gateway Building, UCC. The aim of the camp was to afford the students to "have fun" while learning new and exciting IT skills.
Professor Philip O’Kane was awarded the UNESCO-IHE Honorary Fellowship during the Institute’s Master of Science academic graduation ceremony held recently. Professor O’Kane has contributed significantly to enhancing the quality of education and research in Hydrology and Hydroinformatics and has supported the activities of UNESCO-IHE for several decades. For this reason UNESCO-IHE awards him Honorary Fellow of the Institute.
UCC academic, Dr Andrew Cottey has laid out a road map for nuclear disarmament in a new report published by the British American Security Information Council (BASIC). The report comes as the world's officially recognised nuclear powers - the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain, or the P5 as they are known because they are also the permanent members of the UN Security Council – meet in Paris June 29th-30th to discuss nuclear arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.
A microscopy image titled “Neuron Pipeline” generated in the Biosciences Institute in UCC was recently chosen for inclusion in the Stem Cell section of the CELL PICTURE SHOW, an online forum hosted by the journal "Cell" to showcase images of cells. The image by Yvonne Nolan, Louise Collins, Suzanne Crotty, Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, UCC can be viewed at
to the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, UCC who this week has been awarded interim
accreditation by the Heritage Council under the Museum Standards Programme for
Ireland (MPSI). The
Lewis Glucksman Gallery was awarded interim accreditation after flooding damage
hampered their planned application to the Programme in 2009. Over the last year
the Gallery has shared its flooding disaster and recovery experiences of 2009
with the Museum Sector, in particular offering advice on developing effective
Disaster Plans.
An important new collection of essays was recently launched at the School of English, UCC. Readings on Audience and Textual Materiality, is published in Pickering and Chatto's History of the Book series and edited by Professor Graham Allen, Dr Carrie Griffin and Dr Mary O'Connell. Containing twelve essays on the material impact that texts and books have on readers and reception, the volume, launched by Professor Tom Dunne and introduced by Professor Patricia Coughlan, is set to make a significant contribution to scholarship in this field. It showcases, along with international scholars such as Nora Crook, Alistair McCleery and John Thompson, new research coming out of Ireland and Irish studies. UCC contributors include Graham Allen, Alex Davis, Carrie Griffin, Liam Lenihan, Órla Murphy, and graduate Ruth Connolly.
Research in the area of Biomedical Engineering and Regenerative Medicine will be furthered through the launch of a structured PhD Programme in the field delivered through the NUI Galway/UL Strategic Alliance and University College Cork (UCC). The PhD in Biomedical Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (BMERM) is a collaborative programme involving partner institutions nationally and internationally, including: Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Institute of Technology Sligo, University of Ulster, Queen's University Belfast, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, University of Pittsburgh, USA, Duke University, USA, Rice University, USA, Mayo Clinic, USA, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Georgia Tech Ireland, and the Irish Medical Devices Association (IMDA). The 4 year programme, funded by the HEA under the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions Cycle 5, will also involve study visits for Irish students to the world-leading research institute, Georgia Tech based in Atlanta.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy presented this year's Seán Ó Ríordáin Scholarship to Liam Ó Tuathaigh, a pupil of Gaelscoil Uí Ríordáin, Baile an Chollaigh, Cork. This scholarship is sponsored by UCC's Bord na Gaeilge and celebrates the memory of renowned Cork poet Seán Ó Ríordáin who worked for a number of years in the Department of Irish, UCC. The scholarship which is awarded annually to pupils of Gaelscoil Uí Ríordáin enables the recipient to spend three enjoyable weeks in the Irish speaking environment of the Corca Dhuibhne Gaeltacht.
Professor John O’Halloran, Head of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) at UCC, has been honoured by being invited to become Vice President of the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), Norfolk, UK.
Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock TD today (Friday, July 8th 2011) launched a high-tech spinout InfiniLED Limited at Tyndall National Institute, UCC. InfiniLED is commercialising a new generation of LED technology, which significantly extends the battery life for portable devices such as cameras, mobile phones and laptops as well as for various medical and analytical instrumentation by producing more usable light, using less energy.
CEOL PhD student, Ang Gao has been awarded the prestigious IBM Extreme Blue premier internship award. Ang joined UCC as one of Computer Science's Chinese third year students from Beijing Technology and Business University and is currently a PhD graduate student at UCC's Centre for Efficiency Oriented Languages (CEOL) in the Department of Computer Science.
The Lord Mayor of Cork, Councillor Terry Shannon, recently launched the latest publication by UCC academic, Dr Aodh Quinlivan. Inside City Hall Politics traces Cork City Council for the twelve months following the local elections of June 2009.
UCC, in partnership with the Rowing Ireland High Performance Programme, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ed Green to the position of Rowing Development Officer at UCC. Ed comes to Cork from Molesey Boat Club in the UK and brings his many years of experience in developing crews of all standards and age groups to head up development of the sport at UCC.
Dr Siobhain O’Mahony, a neuroscientist in the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC) and the Department of Anatomy, UCC was recently awarded the “Ray Clouse Award for the Paper Most Cited” in the field of functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders. This prestigious award is based on an evaluation of articles published from January 2008 to December 2009 in journals in this field. It is given by the Rome Foundation in memory of Professor Ray E. Clouse, MD a gastroenterologist and scholar at Washington University School of Medicine. Ray’s academic career spanned 27 years of research, teachings and writings that has left an indelible mark in the field of functional GI and motility disorders and of gastroenterology in general.
Undiscovered ‘alien’ life forms that thrive without sunlight in temperatures approaching boiling point may soon come to light thanks to a groundbreaking Irish-led marine research mission aboard the national research vessel RV Celtic Explorer. In collaboration with scientists from the UK’s National Oceanography Centre, the researchers sail from Galway for the mid-Atlantic Ridge today (Wednesday 13th July). The voyage is being filmed for the National Geographic Channel for inclusion in an upcoming series about the ocean.
Brian Ó Gallachoir, UCC has been elected Chairperson to the International
Energy Agency (IEA) Executive Committee of the Energy Technology Systems
Analysis Programme (ETSAP).
is the Implementing Agreement of the IEA that develops energy systems modelling
tools to inform energy policy decisions and energy research programmes for the
short (to 2020), medium (to 2050) and long term (to 2100). Ireland participated
in IEA-ETSAP in the 1970’s and 1980’s and secured observer status in 2008 and
full membership since 2009. Dr Ó Gallachoir has represented Ireland on the
IEA-ETSAP Executive Committee since 2008. Dr Ó Gallachoir said his election as
Chairperson to the Executive Committee is a considerable achievement for
Ireland and for UCC.
“Research in UCC’s School of Biological, Earth
and Environmental Sciences (BEES) is punching at a global level in one of the hottest
fields in science – Plants for food,” Professor John O’Halloran reported at a briefing
to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine, Simon Coveney TD, at UCC today
July 2011). “The impact of Plant and Forest
research at UCC is double the global average and we are actively delivering on
the Government’s agenda for research translation and commercialisation.”
This was the outcome of an independent analysis
of institutional
productivity using the citation-based
research evaluation tool
University College Cork (UCC) has gained a unique opportunity to exhibit on loan one of the major medieval Irish manuscripts, the Book of Lismore. The Book of Lismore Exhibition was officially launched by the Duke of Devonshire today (Tuesday, 26th July 2011) at the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, UCC. The loan has been facilitated by the owners of the Book, the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement Trust. The history of the Book begins in the late fifteenth century, when it was compiled for noble patrons, Finghin Mac Cárthaigh (McCarthy) Riabhach, and his wife, Caitilín. The writing probably took place at the Franciscan house at Timoleague, in west Cork, which was associated with the family of Mac Carthaigh Riabhach since its foundation.
College Admission Counsellors from California, Illinois, Massachusetts
and Texas recently visited University College Cork (UCC). Following this campus visit,
the counsellors will be in a position to recommend UCC to their high school students
looking to take their full-degree overseas. The campus visits form part of a
wider strategy by UCC to promote its reputation for excellence in teaching,
research and student support in the USA.
The UCC Cork Constraint Computation Centre (4C) announces the retirement of its founding Director, Professor Gene Freuder, and the appointment of a new Director, Professor Barry O’Sullivan. 4C is a computer science research laboratory whose mission is to help computers help people make better decisions for more effective use of individual, industry and government resources.
Irish and UK Scientists Explore Uncharted Deep Sea Vent Field. New Life Forms Filmed for Upcoming National Geographic Channel Series.
UCC is starting a new MSc (Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship) this September. The MSc is a full-time one year programme offering a multi-disciplinary perspective on Innovation, Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship.
UCC will provide free bicycles to facilitate staff to make short journeys around the campus and Cork city in a new scheme launched recently by Alan Kelly TD, the Minister of State with responsibility for Public and Commuter Transport.
For the first time visitors to UCC will have access to the Crawford Observatory on the free historical walking tours of the campus this week as part of Heritage Week. The Crawford Observatory houses some of the country’s oldest working telescopes.
Twelve undergraduate students taking part in the Microbe-Host UREKA programme funded by Science Foundation Ireland in UCC recently visited Novartis in Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork. This industry site visit was one of a number of activities, seminars and workshops that students undertake as part of this programme which is organised and run by Dr Cormac Gahan, Dr Sally Cudmore and Andrea Doolan in the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, a research partnership between UCC, Teagasc Moorepark Food Research Centre and Cork Institute of Technology. The 12 students, chosen from 130 initial applicants, are from universities in Canada, Romania and Malaysia as well as from Irish third level institutions including NUI Maynooth, CIT and UCC.
BioInnovate Ireland, a specialist training programme in medical device innovation, modeled on Stanford University’s prestigious Biodesign Programme, was officially launched recently at NUI Galway. The BioInnovate Ireland Fellowship Programme has been jointly developed and delivered by a consortium of five Higher Education Institutions which include NUI Galway, University College Cork, University of Limerick, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Dublin City University. The overall aim of the programme is to train graduates to support the creation of new, cost-effective medical devices that improve patient care through a collaborative approach that focuses on the needs of patients, physicians and the health care industry as a whole.
A better understanding of how bacterial toxins cause common human diseases may lead to their improved treatment and prevention according to a paper just published by Irish and US scientists in Nature Reviews Microbiology. Scientists discuss the identification, genetics and
biochemistry of streptolysin S (SLS), a bacterial toxin produced by the
bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes.
S. pyogenes causes a wide variety of infections of the upper respiratory
tract and the skin, with complications leading to invasive diseases such as the
“flesh-eating” skin disease, necrotising fasciitis, and streptococcal toxic
shock syndrome. As a consequence of these diseases, and other auto-immune
complications like acute rheumatic fever, and subsequent rheumatic heart
disease, up to half a million deaths per year worldwide are attributed to S.
pyogenes infections.
UCC Researchers are among those who will share in €15 million Research Funding announced by the Minister for Research and Innovation, Mr Seán Sherlock TD. The funding will be provided over the next four years for 79 research projects as part of Science Foundation Ireland’s 2011 Research Frontiers Programme. Making the announcement, Minister Sherlock said: “It is vital that Ireland has a robust and competitive research environment that contributes to economic recovery. The projects announced today are very much part of this drive to further build Ireland’s research capability in support of our economic development. Science Foundation Ireland is a key organisation in driving this in terms of indentifying opportunities for top-class research in Ireland.”
The future for Ireland’s energy & transport will be the focus for discussion at a major international conference taking place at University College Cork (UCC) next week. Some 200 delegates are expected to attend the Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN2011) conference which will run from August 30th to September 1st in conjunction with the inaugural meeting of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) UK and Republic of Ireland Chapter on August 30th in UCC.
bacteria have the potential to alter brain neurochemistry and treat anxiety and
depression-related disorders according to research published today in the
prestigious international journal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
research, carried out by Dr Javier Bravo, and Professor John Cryan at the
Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC) in University College Cork, along with
collaborators from the Brain-Body Institute at McMaster University in Canada,
demonstrated that mice fed with Lactobacillus
rhamnosus JB-1 showed significantly fewer stress, anxiety and
depression-related behaviours than those fed with just broth. Moreover,
ingestion of the bacteria resulted in significantly lower levels of the
stress-induced hormone, corticosterone.
Orientation First Year students arrive on campus to begin their academic journey by attending the UCC Fáilte Fest - a schedule of events specifically designed to enhance their academic and personal success before they begin lectures. Starting classes, meeting new people and exploring a new geographical environment all at once, can seem intimidating for many new students; therefore, the UCC Fáilte Fest has been extended to cover academic and personal skills workshops up to December. UCC wants to ensure every student is given an opportunity to make an easy transition to university life. This is achieved in many ways, primarily by inviting students with their class to attend a tailor made programme to meet their needs. Cross-campus collaboration makes the UCC Orientation Programme a successful event - an event which creates the springboard to help students excel and succeed in their personal and academic life. Parents, family and friends of first years are also invited to campus to attend scheduled events and tours commencing from 29 August to 2 September.
Scientists at University College Cork (UCC) have shown that the active
component (Norgestrel) of the contraceptive ‘Mini Pill’ prevents the loss of
sight in mice that have degenerative eye conditions that normally lead to
blindness. The research will be published in the September issue of The Journal of Neurochemistry.
Third year PhD candidate, Tom Drinan of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES), UCC was today ranked number 5 in the world in Italy. Speaking today from Lago di Braies in Northern Italy, Tom said he was “shocked and it hasn’t yet sunk in that I am 5th in the world”. The competition is taking place in Italy and involves 29 countries and is the final of this world event.
University College
Cork (UCC) has achieved the unique status of becoming Ireland’s first five star
university and has once again improved its position in world rankings announced
today (September 5th 2011) in the QS World University Rankings. University
President, Dr Michael Murphy, expressing his pride at the announcement, said it
reflects the hard work of the entire UCC community, the excellence of teaching
and learning and the international recognition achieved by UCC researchers.
Over 500 students graduated today (September 5th 2011) on the first day of UCC’s week-long Autumn Conferring Ceremonies. Undergraduate students from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences graduated with a BA (Joint Honours); BA (Honours) in: Applied Psychology; Arts Music – Chinese Studies; Arts Music – Joint Honours; Arts Music Major; Arts Music (Single Honours); Chinese Studies – Joint Honours; Drama & Theatre Studies; Drama & Theatre Studies – International; European Studies; BA Single Honours; BMus Honours.
Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn T.D., will launch a new book by Cork University Press on Elizabeth Bowen’s Selected Irish Writings by Eibhear Walshe at the Royal Irish Academy at 6.30 pm today (Tuesday 6th September 2011). This anthology of the Irish writings of the Anglo-Irish novelist, Elizabeth Bowen 1899-1973 gathers together, for the first time, her Irish writings including her lectures, essays, reviews and reports and includes an extensive introductory essay by the editor as well as annotations and a critical bibliography.
Conferring ceremonies continued today (September 6th 2011) at University College Cork with over 500 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences. Among the undergraduate and postgraduate students who graduated from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences were those with a BSocSc (Honours); BSocSc (Honours) – Youth & Community Work; BSocialWork (Honours); MPlan (Planning & Sustainable Dev; MSocWork. The ceremony also included BA (Honours) Major; BEd (Hons) – Sports Studies & Physical Education; BSports Studies (Honours); BA (Honours) – Early Childhood Studies; BA (Honours) Language & Cultural Studies – French, German, Italian, Spanish, Spanish (major), BA (Honours) – Oscail.
This week (September 5th-9th 2011) an international doctoral school in the humanities is taking place in UCC. Funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, UCC, the school has been organized by a group of researchers here and in the Humanities Institute of Ireland, UCD. The school seeks to respond to recent developments in graduate education by focusing on comparison as an issue that impinges on approaches and problems in the framing of research questions in the humanities today. The school will include sessions in art history, history, literature and philosophy, and the programme for each day will include presentations by doctoral students and sessions on comparative practices led by researchers in UCC and UCD in the subject areas represented in the school. Plenary speakers in the School will include Clare Carroll, Thomas Kasulis, Alyce Mahon and Gary Wilder.
Nurse and midwife prescribing is one of a number of significant changes to the Irish nurses’ professional role over the past 10 years. Prescriptive authority for nurses was developed as a direct response to patients’ needs that were identified through The Commission on Nursing - A Blueprint for the Future (Department of Health Children, 1998). University College Cork (UCC) has facilitated the nurse prescribing course since April 2007 with the 10th cohort of prescribers commencing in October 2011.
Conferring ceremonies continued today (September 7th 2011) at University College Cork with almost 500 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Medicine & Health and the College of Science, Engineering & Food Science (SEFS). Among the undergraduate and postgraduate students who graduated from the College of Medicine & Health were those with an MSc (Medicine); MD; PhD (Medicine); PhD (Dentistry).
Conferring ceremonies continued today (September 8th 2011) at University College Cork with almost 500 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Science, Engineering & Food Science (SEFS) and the College of Business & Law.
Lynda McSweeney Walsh of Fota Wildlife Park was conferred with an Honorary MSc (attached).
Conferring ceremonies concluded today (September 9th 2011) at University College Cork with some 340 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of College of Business & Law. Among the undergraduate and postgraduate students who graduated from the Faculty of Commerce were those with a BSc (Hons): Business Information Systems and Government. Also conferred with students with an MBS (MIS & Managerial Accounting); MComm; MSc and PhD.
University College Cork (UCC) has announced the establishment of the Irish Institute for Japanese Studies (IIJS). The Institute represents the first of its kind in Ireland and will stand alongside the Institutes of Chinese and of Korean Studies in the School of Asian Studies in UCC. The aim of the Institute is to develop research and teaching for the relatively new discipline of Japanese Studies in Ireland, especially in the arts and humanities and social sciences, to create a network with other scholars in Europe who do research on Japan, and to enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of Japan and Ireland through cultural events such as presentations of Japanese film, music, theatre, and other arts.
Biogas (also termed biomethane or renewable gas) is an extremely versatile energy vector with applications in electricity, heat and transport. “In Germany on average, each week a new facility comes on line injecting renewable gas into the gas grid; the potential for Ireland with our feed stocks and our modern gas grid is very significant” according to Dr Jerry D Murphy. Dr Murphy is Chair of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Conference “Energy from Biogas” taking place at UCC on September 15th 2011. The conference is hosted by the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) and funded by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI).
As one of Ireland’s greatest short-story writers, Frank O’Connor is to be honoured at University College Cork (UCC) on September 16th 2011. Frank O’Connor: A Man of Many Voices will feature live dramatic readings of the writer’s work as well as a film clip screening of O’Connor talking about his life. A roundtable debate with guest speakers Edna O’Brien (author), Eoghan Harris (journalist), Professor Colbert Kearney (UCC) and Professor Alan Titley (UCC) will take place from 6pm-7.30pm in Boole 1 Lecture Hall. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A session with audience participation. It will be recorded for radio broadcast and will form part of a new and fascinating UCC six-part radio documentary on O’Connor. The event is organised in association with the Cork International Short Story Festival and Drs Hilary Lennon, Barry Monahan and Ger Fitzgibbon, UCC. Members of the public are invited to attend and admission is free.
Scientists have identified genetic variants associated with blood pressure in individuals of European descent. Their research provides new insights into genetics that could contribute to the treatment of high blood pressure.
Six people were diagnosed with mouth cancer as a result of the Open Day for Head Neck and Throat cancer held last September (2010) by the Cork and Dublin Dental Schools and Hospitals. Many cases of precancer were also detected and have since been treated. The Irish Dental Association is encouraging all General Dental Practitioners nationwide to offer a free Mouth Cancer examination and information for members of the public on Wednesday, September 21st. The two dental hospitals will also provide this service again this year. All information is available on the new Mouth Cancer awareness website: http://www.mouthcancerawareness.ie
This week (September 12th-16th) UCC hosts a
Summer School dedicated to furthering the goal of keeping children safe and
secure. Funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, through the
Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences, the School is a
week-long set of workshops and lectures that seeks to identify, explore and
develop the potential for the use of a wide range of sources and types of data
in the legal, social policy and health areas.
Tyndall National Institute, UCC has announced the development of new nanosensor technology. The announcement was made at the Sensors & Their Applications XVI conference earlier this week organised by Tyndall. This technology will permit the highly sensitive detection of important biological molecules potentially indicative of glucose thereby providing pain-free monitoring for diabetics. The conference was officially opened Mr Seán Sherlock, TD Minister for Research and Innovation and covers all aspects of sensor research ranging from basic fundamental science right through to applications and commercialisation.
week after the announcement of UCC’s rise in the QS World Rankings, UCC’s
specific designation as a QS Five Star University was recognised at a special
awards ceremony held at the University of Copenhagen on September 13th
QS Five Star rating - dubbed the Michelin of higher education worldwide -
offers a clear global standard that is easily recognisable to millions of
mobile students across the globe. UCC’s visibility on the world stage has been
greatly enhanced by this elite designation and offers the University a
competitive advantage globally.
An exhibition which opens at UCC’s Jennings Gallery today (September 16th 2011) will celebrate the Bicentenary of the first Anatomy School in Cork, founded by John Woodroffe, Surgeon of the South Charitable Infirmary, in 1811, together with an exploration of the contribution of Cork anatomists to the development of anatomical illustration in the 19th century. The exhibition titled “An Anatomical School in Cork” John Woodroffe and the Cork Anatomists will continue until October 3rd 2011.
Teaching of Anatomy in UCC’s Windle Building has come to an end with the Department’s move to its new state of the art laboratories in the Western Gate Building. For thousands of medical and dental students Anatomy teaching has been synonymous with the neo-Gothic Windle building named after Professor Bertram Windle former Chair of Anatomy and President of then Queen's College Cork. “This is a truly momentous day for the department and for the Medical School in general; it is not just the end of an era but also the beginning of a very exciting episode in the modernisation of the department and discipline in general” said Professor John F. Cryan who recently took up the post of Chair of Anatomy.
Gold, Silver and Green: The Irish Olympic Journey, 1896-1924 by Kevin McCarthy and published by Cork University Press has won the best book on the Olympic Movement and Olympic history for 2010. The award was made by the International Society of Olympic Historians.
is chemistry? If you’ve got chemistry and rhythm and
rhyme, why not rant and rap about “The Chemistry of Life” in this year’s Science
Raps competition.
Science Raps, a Science Week competition organised by the Alimentary Pharmabiotic
Centre (APC) (http://apc.ucc.ie), challenges second and third level students to
compose, perform and video a rap on “The Chemistry of Life.” The competition is
open to junior and senior cycle secondary school students and third level
students with prizes awarded to categories 16 years and under plus 17 years and
Professor Nuala Finnegan,
Head, Department of Hispanic Studies/Director, Centre for Mexican Studies, UCC
has been conferred with the prestigious Ohtli award by His Excellency Carlos
García de Alba on behalf of the Mexican Government. With over 500 guests present
at the ceremony in Dublin, Professor Finnegan was honoured for her work as Director of
Ireland’s only Centre for Mexican Studies.
CRANN, the Science Foundation Ireland funded nanoscience research institute, based at University College Cork and Trinity College Dublin, has announced a new commercial partnership worth over €130,000 with Merck Millipore, a biotech and pharmaceutical company based in Cork. As part of the research programmes, CRANN will assist Merck Millipore to further develop the nanostructures of their products’ artificial membranes, that are widely used for medical and diagnostic devices, and to deliver new products with improved membrane performances. Artificial membranes are used in a wide array of products such as lab filtration devices, antibody screening kits and blood typing products.
UCC’s College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS) launched a new initiative in September with the launch of its first Research Month. The Showcase displayed a wide range of research activities, conferences, workshops, and the launch of a number of new ventures including a new postgraduate journal called Aigne, a new Frank O’Connor website, a new Irish Institute of Japanese Studies, and the publication of Dr Colin Sage’s new book Environment and Food. Also included in the month were PhD slams, literary performances, and the visit of distinguished authors and writers such as Edna O’Brien and Eoghan Harris.
University College Cork (UCC) has been selected as Ireland’s University of the Year by The Sunday Times. The award, for the third time, follows on the heels of UCC becoming the only Irish university to achieve the unique status of Ireland’s first five star university and improving its position in the QS World University Rankings. UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy expressing his immense pride at the announcement said: “This prestigious award reflects UCC's outstanding reputation as a centre of excellence for teaching and research, the highly successful Access Programme, the ability to attract international students and establish links overseas.” He added: “the high calibre of students choosing the university along with the outstanding quality of the student experience clearly places the university as a world-class education provider.”
What does Asia’s astonishing rise mean for Ireland and Europe and what are the challenges and opportunities that it presents. This is the question being posed at a major international conference being held at University College Cork on September 29-30th. The third annual conference of the Asian Studies Ireland Association (ASIA) brings together academics, journalists and business people from Ireland, Europe and Asia to exam the theme “Asia’s Rise and Its Impact on Europe and Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities.”
80% of children feel they need more information on the treatment they will receive and 67% think their doctor should listen to them more, a survey by the Council of Europe has revealed. The report, commissioned by the Council of Europe and prepared by Dr Ursula Kilkelly, Faculty of Law, University College, Cork asked almost 2,300 children from 22 European countries, including Portugal, about their views and experiences of health services.
A UCC led-project consortium, which includes several collaborating European universities and research centres, as well as local SMEs, has become the only successful Irish applicant in the European Union Lifelong Learning Erasmus Multilateral Projects 2011. The project, led by Dr Colm O’Tuathaigh, School of Medicine, UCC, and Dr Padraig Cantillon-Murphy, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, UCC will bring together local doctors and UCC engineering and medical undergraduate students to develop new medical devices and healthcare solutions.
close are we to discovering a vaccination for the transmission of HIV
AIDS? This is the question to be
posed at UCC on Tuesday, October 4th when world-famous scientist, Dr
Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the HIV/AIDS virus will deliver a public lecture
in UCC. The lecture is titled: “HIV AIDS: from finding the cause to cure and
prevention: The science that got us where we are today and the science that
needs to be done”.
UCC is hosting a prestigious conference of some of the leading Shakespeare scholars this October. Professor Goran Stanivukovic, a senior Marie Curie Research Fellow in the School of English, is co-ordinating the 2011 conference of the Bergen Shakespeare Research Network, to be held in Distillery House on 5-7 October. The topic of this year's conference is Shakespeare: Sources and Directions. Participants will discuss a wide range of unconventional angles and foreign places from which Shakespeare may have drawn inspiration, and they will present how Shakespeare's texts are re-imagined in cultures other than that of the West.
NASA Astronaut, Col. Shane Kimbrough will visit UCC tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5th. Col. Kimbrough, who is on a three-day visit to Ireland, will be greeted by Professor Anita Maguire, Vice-President for Research & Innovation, UCC. In the course of his visit, Col. Kimbrough will have the opportunity to meet Physics and Astrophysics students and staff and visit the Crawford Observatory.
InfiniLED Limited, a spinout from Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC), has won the International Technology Leadership Group University Challenge. Congratulating InfiniLED on their success, Professor Roger Whatmore, Tyndall CEO said: “This is a really excellent win for the InfinLED founders, Bill Henry and Joe O’Keefe. It brings with it a wonderful opportunity for them to showcase the company’s technology in Silicon Valley at the Annual ITLG - Irish Times Innovation Awards event at Stanford University to be held in Spring 2012.
President Mary McAleese will celebrate her last official visit to Cork as Uachtarán na hÉireann with a visit to UCC and the Glucksman Gallery today (Monday, October 10th 2011). President McAleese will be greeted by UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy. The distinguished gathering will include the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Terry Shannon and County Mayor, Tim Lombard along with representatives of the academic, political & business communities.
UCC Jennings Gallery is currently celebrating the life of Fr. O’Flynn (1881-1962) of The Loft and his work with people in Cork who stammered. In January, 1961, the BBC televised a programme titled It Happened to Me, and the world got to know about Fr Christy O’Flynn, an 80-year-old parish priest of Passage West, who had by then become a legend in his native Cork. More than 30 years earlier, Fr O’ Flynn had opened a school of drama, music and philosophy, situated next to the renowned Shandon steeple in Cork City, which became known as The Loft. Here, he founded the Cork Shakespearean Company.
A UCC spin-out company, Clinical Support Information Systems (CSIS), which can reduce the incidence of adverse reactions for patients on multiple medications has won the Enterprise Ireland (EI) Lifescience Commercialisation Award at the 2011 EI Big Ideas Technology Showcase. Clinical Support Information Systems is a company built around the STOPP-START technology developed at UCC by an inter-disciplinary group of clinicians, pharmacists and computer scientists. Gerry Moran, the CEO of CSIS, is working in partnership with the researchers, the UCC Technology Transfer Office and Enterprise Ireland to bring the STOPP-START technology to market.
An exciting PhD programme to prepare science graduates for jobs in Ireland’s knowledge economy was launched recently by Minister Seán Sherlock TD, Minister of State with special responsibility for Research and Innovation. The Clinical and Translational Research Scholars Programme (CTRSP) was developed by Molecular Medicine Ireland and its academic partners UCC, NUI Galway, Trinity College, and UCD, and was awarded funding of €4.3m earlier this year under Cycle 5 of the Government’s Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions (PRTLI). The CTRSP also benefitted from the extensive involvement of industry partners such as Amgen, Pfizer, Creganna-Tactx, Merrion Pharmaceuticals as well as the Irish Medicines Board.
At the second Annual University Staff Recognition Awards Ceremony on October 13th 2011, UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy, presented awards to seven staff of the University, recognising their outstanding achievement and contributions towards realising the vision and goals of UCC. The University Staff Recognition Awards Programme acknowledges staff for individual or team accomplishments and provides a forum to publicly acknowledge their achievements to the University and the wider community.
A conference on Irish-Iranian encounters and comparatives will be held in UCC on October 22nd 2011. Papers will explore the multiple parallels between both lands; from heroic themes in Indo-European narratives, to Orientalism and Persian poetry at the turn of the twentieth century in Ireland, to women’s rights in Iran and Ireland. The gathering includes scholars from UCC, Harvard, Boston University, UCLA as well as from cultural institutions such as London’s Victoria & Albert Museum.
Congratulations to UCC on winning the Cork County Senior Football Championship. The UCC team defeated Castlehaven yesterday (October 16th 2011) in a thrilling encounter at Páirc Uí Chaoimh with a score of 1-12 to 10 points. The win follows the Sigerson Cup success earlier this year.
Second year Chinese Studies undergraduate, Tricia Kehoe, was recently
awarded the prize of 'Outstanding Eloquence' at the Chinese Bridge
Chinese Proficiency competition for world college students in Changsha
city, Hunan. Following her win at the Irish Chinese Bridge competition in
March 2011, Kehoe was selected to represent Ireland in competing against
some 150 students from all over the world.
Some 160 students from Cork City and County schools who excelled in Junior Cert business studies were recently presented with parchments at a ceremony in UCC. Hosted by Professor Irene Lynch-Fannon, Head, College of the Business and Law, the event honoured students who achieved an A Grade in their Junior Certificate Higher Business Studies examination 2011. Professor Lynch-Fannon commended the students’ academic attainment and wished them well in their future studies. The students came from secondary schools through the city and county that have a high representation attending UCC.
UCC’s Environmental Research Institute (ERI) announced the Postdoctoral
and PhD Researchers of the Year at the recent 2011 ERI Research Open Day. Dr Tom Doyle, Coastal & Marine
Resources Centre (CMRC) was the winner of the Postdoctoral Researcher of the
Year while the PhD Researcher of the Year went to Ms Emily Baxter, School of Biological,
Earth and Environmental Sciences & CMRC.
His life inspired US
President Obama and generations of civil and human rights activists. Now the
story of how Frederick Douglass, who was born into slavery in Maryland in 1818
and would become the greatest African American leader of the 19th
century, escaped and fled the US, is told in ‘The Cambria’ at the Everyman Palace Theatre, Cork.
End of Life Patient Issues and Cancer Care are among the topics to be discussed at the 11th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference on Friday, November 4th 2011 in UCC. Speakers will include Professor William Molloy, Centre for Gerontology & Rehabilitation, UCC; Ms Bernie Corr, Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Beaumont Hospital, Dublin and Professor Eilis McCaughan, Reader in Cancer Care, University of Ulster plus a host of international speakers.
'From theory to practice in International Development' is the theme of a seminar taking place in UCC on Friday, November 4th. The event will highlight the work of UCC’s students of BSc in International Development and Food Policy who undertake a 6-month developing world internship in the third year of their degree programme.
Two UCC students were recognised
for academic excellence by President Mary McAleese at the Undergraduate Awards Ceremony of Ireland & Northern Ireland held recently at Dublin
UCC’s Professor Eamonn Quigley has been awarded an International Leadership Award from the American College of Gastroenterology, the first person to receive this award worldwide. He was given the award, in part, for helping train doctors in the second and third world in gastroenterology. Professor Quigley was also recognized for his educational achievements on behalf of the American College of Gastroenterology in the international arena.
Three NUI Travelling Studentships were awarded to UCC graduates at the
recent NUI Awards Ceremony. The studentships were among the high number of
awards and scholarships presented to UCC graduates and students. Other scholarships and awards included
the Mansion House Scholarship in Irish History and various scholarships and
prizes in the Dr H H Stewart Literary and Medical Scholarships.
President Dr Michael Murphy and Dr Brendan Griffin, School of Pharmacy, UCC visited Cairo to support initiatives to enhance pharmacy education in Egypt. The School of Pharmacy, UCC has hosted a number of doctoral students from Egypt in recent years. Professor Kamal Sabra, Adjunct Professor of Clinical Pharmacy in the school has identified opportunities to develop and expand the professional training of clinical pharmacists in the Egyptian hospital system. He has also engaged extensively with executives of Egyptian pharmaceutical industries to enhance the quality of training and standards in the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector and promoting their adoption of the UCC Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality Systems.
UCC students, alumni and the wider community will have the opportunity to purchase UCC merchandise and clothing online with the launch today (Monday, November 7th 2011) of a new initiative uccshop.ie
TEDxUCC organised by the School of Medicine at UCC took place recently and focused on simulation in health care education. Three speakers Professor Richard Satava, Dr Padraig Cantillon-Murphy and Dr Marian McCarthy from diverse academic backgrounds of medicine, engineering and the humanities shared their views on this increasingly important area in health care education.
Over a year ago the Belgian people voted for a government to represent them. Today they are still waiting for this government to be formed. In response to this crisis, a group of Belgian ‘independent thinkers and doers’ has organised the G1000 project, the county’s first citizens’ deliberative summit. This Friday, November 11th, the G1000 will bring together 1000 randomly selected citizens to discuss the challenges Belgium currently faces and to develop proposals around four themes.
We find it on chairs, stuck under desks, on pavements or stuck to our shoes. Chewing gum is sticky - and it does not degrade easily. This leads to increased cleaning costs for our local authorities. However, Professor Elke Arendt of UCC has developed a novel process for creating biodegradable chewing gum. She is looking for companies who might be interested in commercialising the product.
The School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science (BEES) at UCC has announced that their website, which is one year old this month, has been shortlisted for a prestigious national award at the Eircom Spiders - Ireland's premier online awards.
The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
William Stokes Award for 2011 has been awarded to Dr Fergus McCarthy, Obstetric
and Gynaecology Specialist Registrar at Cork University Maternity Hospital and
PhD student at University College Cork.
An intervention by PhD artist researcher Sheelagh Broderick will be officially opened in the Jennings Gallery, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, UCC tomorrow, Friday November 11th, 2011 by Ann O’Connor, Arts Council. Sheelagh Broderick has collaborated with nine healthcare centres in an inquiry into their engagement with Arts & Health practices. Many of these centres are championing Arts Practices in areas formally devoid of any creativity and obviously challenges were raised. MAC is Sheelagh Broderick’s interpretation of the questions raised in her research.
Since its
inception in 1993, the Food Industry Training Unit (FITU) has developed and
delivered continuing education and training programmes for the Food and Drinks
sector. FITU works in close partnership
with the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Department of Management and
Marketing, The Centre for Adult Continuing Education and the Department of
Geography and the wider UCC community.
A two-day conference, titled "Medicating Human Distress: Concerns, Critiques and Solutions", organised by the School of Nursing and Midwifery, the School of Applied Social Studies,
UCC and the Critical Voices Network Ireland will take place
on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 November from 9.00 – 5.00 each day in the Brookfield
Health Sciences Complex.
A team from Colaiste an
Spiorad Naoimh, Bishopstown, Cork are the winners in the senior category of
this year’s Science Raps competition. James
Carr composed and performed the vocals
for “The Chemistry of Life” rap and the
video was produced and edited by Eoghan Calnan. Additional support was provided
by their “actor” classmates Luke Delaney, James Meeke, David O’Neill and John Spillane.
The Quality Promotion Unit, UCC recently welcomed two delegations to UCC. The Vilnius delegation from Lithuania was led by Assoc. Professor Dr Roma Adomaitiene, Chief Specialist, Quality Management Centre, Vilnius University, and comprised five members of staff who represented various areas of Vilnius University. Mr Con O’Brien, Vice-President for the Student Experience delivered the welcome address.
Professor William Molloy,
Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation, University College Cork, will launch
Care: Ethics and Law today (Wednesday, November 16th 2011) at 6 pm at
the Jennings Gallery, University College Cork. End-of-Life Care: Ethics and Law
addresses some of the most pressing ethical and legal challenges in relation to
death and dying that patients, health professionals and families must face.
Neuroscientists at University College Cork
(UCC) have shown that the consumption of a high-fat diet can protect from
certain adverse effects of chronic stress on psychological well-being. The results of the study are presented at the
Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting
in Washington DC today (November 16th 2011) and have recently been
published in the journal Neuroscience.
The authors are Beate Finger (Food for Health Ireland), Ted Dinan (Professor of
Psychiatry) and John F. Cryan (Professor of Anatomy), UCC.
University College Cork (UCC) has become the first third level
institution worldwide to be recommended for ISO 50001 Standard (Energy
Management Systems). ISO 50001 is an international standard that
enables organisations to establish the systems and processes necessary
to improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, use, and
UCC’s Student
Health Department is one of the recipients of this year’s Irish Healthcare
Awards. UCC received the award in the
category Best Use of Information Technology for their entry “Protecting our
future healthcare professionals – an IT success story”. The award recognises originality, excellence
and innovation in healthcare. There was also a commendation for UCC’s Health
Information Systems Research Centre for their Electronic Early Warning Store.
Dr Patricia Kearney, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, UCC is one of a group of researchers from European Universities who will participate in a new research project investigating current treatment practices for people who suffer from a mildly underactive thyroid gland.
The second edition of the Companion to Irish Traditional Music will be introduced by Professor Michael Cronin (DCU) and launched by Nicholas Carolan (Director of the Irish Traditional Music Archive) today ( November 24th 2011) at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin. This second edition is not only revised but also greatly expanded, and has much new information, including material never before printed and unavailable elsewhere. In 1,750 individual articles and as many more sub-sections The Companion gives A-Z coverage of song, dance, instruments, bands, storytelling, technology, tunes and style, composition, organisations and promotion, education and transmission, collectors and archives, revival, broadcasting and recording, English, Scottish and Welsh music and song, and music in all Irish counties, Europe and the USA-Companion to Irish Traditional Music is edited Fintan (Cork University Press, ISBN 978 185918 450 9, sbk, 856pp, 245 x 175mm, €59/£50).
achievers in business, medicine and science are to be honoured by UCC at the
2011 Alumni Achievement Awards Ceremony which takes place on Friday, November
25th at the University. On the night,
UCC will also honour a graduate with an Alumnus Award for Voluntary Service to
the University.
Ms Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, EU Commissioner for
Research, Innovation and Science visited Tyndall National Institute, UCC on November 24th 2011.
During the visit,
new partnerships with Applied Materials, Inc and Covidien
were announced.
The launch of a major maritime and energy resource cluster on November 25th 2011 by An Taoiseach, Mr Enda Kenny, will affect the transformation of the future development of Ireland as a maritime nation. The Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster (IMERC) is a tripartite alliance between University College Cork (UCC), Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and the Irish Naval Service (INS). The IMERC vision is to become a research and commercial cluster of world standing, by realising Ireland’s potential in the maritime and energy markets of tomorrow.
From Highwood to Home – Highlights from a Private Collection will run at the Glucksman Gallery, UCC until March 18th 2012. Artists include: Barrie Cooke, Dorothy Cross, Rita Duffy, Patrick Graham, Eithne Jordan, Michael Kane, Brian Maguire, Niamh McCann, Nick Miller, Hughie O’Donoghue, Patrick Scott, Donald Teskey, and Charles Tyrell.
UCC’s Departments of Food Business & Development and Management & Marketing recently hosted the Postgraduate Diploma/Masters in Supply Chain Management (Lean SCM Black Belt) Capstone Event.
On a recent visit to Tyndall National Institute, UCC, EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Ms Máire Geoghegan-Quinn referred to the many scientific and technological breakthroughs at Tyndall. “However, it is the application of that research and your track record of industry engagement that sets you apart.” She continued: “Tyndall has clearly demonstrated that we can achieve Europe's full potential if we integrate research and innovation and provide seamless and coherent support from idea to market. This is precisely the philosophy behind the Innovation Union initiative that I launched last year. Our goal is no less than to make the European Union an Innovation Union.” She said that the successful link between education, research, and Irish industry at Tyndall shows that focusing research and innovation policy on specific areas is a key factor in persuading industry to invest (see speech below).
The Centre for Global Development, UCC in collaboration with Front Line Defenders and UCC’s Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights and Institute for Social Sciences 21 (ISS21) will host a lecture by Human Rights Activist, James Kofi Annan on Tuesday, December 6th. The lecture will take place in Boole II Lecture Theatre, 6.15-7.45pm. The talk will focus on James Kofi Annan’s experiences in working on securing the safety and rehabilitation of former child slaves under the auspices of Ghanaian NGO Challenging Heights.
The Irish marine renewable energy sector is set to benefit from a new €9m EU-funded initiative to provide access to test facilities in specialist marine renewable energy centres across Europe. ‘MaRINET’ (Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network) offers periods of marine renewable energy testing at these centres at no cost to participants through funding from the European Commission. The UCC-led initiative is being coordinated by the Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre (HMRC) at UCC. HMRC is part of the new Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster (IMERC) which was launched recently by the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny.
UCC academic, Derry Cotter's latest book has been published by Pearson Education. Derry is a lecturer in the Department of Accounting, Finance and Information Systems at UCC. His book, Advanced Financial Reporting, provides comprehensive coverage of International Accounting Standards, which have been adopted by over one hundred countries worldwide.
The success of Tyndall National Institute’s work on energy efficient nanoelectronics was recently marked with a series of awards by the ENIAC Joint Undertaking (JU). The ENIAC Joint Undertaking (JU) is a public-private partnership focusing on nanoelectronics and brings together the ENIAC member States, the European Union, and AENEAS (an association representing European R&D actors in this field).
Dr Philip O’Reilly, Business Information Systems, UCC has been awarded the Stafford Beer Medal "in recognition of the most outstanding contribution to the philosophy, theory and practice of Information Systems published in the European Journal of Information Systems in 2010".
Mike McGrath, founder of Supply.ie emerged as the principal winner at the inaugural awards ceremony of UCC’s IGNITE programme. As well as receiving the “Most Collegial” award as nominated by his peers on the Programme, Supply.ie won the Best Company award.
University College Cork (UCC) and the Irish Management Institute (IMI) recently awarded the first degrees and diplomas under the new alliance between the two institutions announced earlier this year. Some 181 graduates received their awards at a ceremony at IMI in Sandyford where they were conferred by UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy. This year IMI has recruited a further 310 Graduate Studies participants and has seen its Master of Business degree grow by 50%.
John A Murphy Emeritus Professor of Irish History UCC will launch Rugby in Munster: A Social and Cultural History on Wednesday, December 7th at the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, University College Cork. Since the turn of the twenty-first century rugby football in Munster has seen extraordinary growth in terms of popularity and cultural significance. The Munster rugby team in particular has become a hugely important provincial institution through which regional identity has been expressed on the international stage.
Winter conferring ceremonies commenced today (December 6th 2011) at UCC with some 450 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences. The Conferring addresses were given by Mr Michael Starrett, Chief Executive, the Heritage Council (attached). The ceremonies continue tomorrow (December 7th) and conclude on Friday (December 9th).
“University College Cork continues to attract students of the highest calibre”, said UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy when he presented parchments to 69 Entrance Scholarship recipients at a special awards ceremony at UCC on December 5th.
UCC’s Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre (HMRC) was the recent focus of a visit by Tina Kaiser, UK Correspondent for Die Welt newspaper. Tina visited the HMRC to conduct research for a series of articles on Ireland’s export economy of computing, games and cleantech.
Winter conferring ceremonies continued today (December 7th 2011) at UCC with some 350 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences and the College of Medicine & Health.The Conferring addresses were given by Dr Pat Donlon, former Director, Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig (attached) and Professor John Higgins, Head, College of Medicine & Health, UCC.An Honorary MEd Degree was conferred on (Br) William Gerard O’Shea (encomium attached). The ceremonies continue tomorrow (December 8th) and conclude on Friday (December 9th).
Picture: Brother William Gerard O'Shea who was conferred with an honorary MEd degree with UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy.
Actor, Stephen Rea launched the Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape 2nd edition in Dublin on December 7th 2011. Published by Cork University Press, it is edited by F.H.A. Aalen, Emeritus Professor of Geography at Trinity College Dublin, Kevin Whelan, Director of the Keough Naughton Notre Dame Centre in Dublin and Matthew Stout, a lecturer in the Department of History, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra.
Winter conferring ceremonies continued today (December 8th 2011) at UCC with over 400 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Business & Law and the College of Science, Engineering & Food Science (SEFS).
The Conferring addresses were given by Professor Sebastian Green, Head, Department of Management & Marketing, UCC; Lieutenant General Patrick Nash (retd), former Operation Commander, EUFOR TCHAD/RCA and Mr John Hennessy, Chairman, Higher Education Authority. An Honorary MA was conferred on Edward Naughton, Institute of Public Administration (citation attached). The ceremonies conclude tomorrow Friday (December 9th).Picture: Donncha Kavanagh, UCC; Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC; Edward Naughton, Institute of Public Administration who was conferred with an honorary MA and Professor Sebastian Green, UCC.
University College Cork (UCC) has become the first university worldwide to achieve the ISO 50001 standard in energy management. UCC is also the first public sector body in Ireland to be certified to the international standard. Enerit ISO 50001 software was used to implement UCC’s energy management programme and the University was certified to the standard in the space of just four months.
Winter conferring ceremonies concluded today (December 9th 2011) at UCC with some 250 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Science, Engineering & Food Science (SEFS). The Conferring addresses were given by Mr John Travers, Founding CEO and Outing Director General, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI).
The Annual Eli Lilly Postgraduate Scholarship for Academic Excellence was recently awarded to MSc Biotechnology student, Sandra O’Shea (BSc Biochemistry, MSc Biotechnology). Mr Charlie Doolan, Senior Personnel Representative at Eli Lilly and Dr Tomas O’Riordan, Eli Lilly were among those present at a reception hosted by the UCC Biochemistry & Biotechnology Society.
What does the link between social class and education, neo-pagan Irish culture, French perceptions of Ireland and the ways in which bacteria can benefit plants have in common? They are all topics currently being studied by Doctoral research students at UCC, and anyone can now read about this research in lively and highly accessible articles prepared by these young scholars sharing their passion about their subject in The Boolean, UCC’s doctoral student journal.
Congratulations to Mr Willie Weir, Centre for Adult Continuing Education, UCC on being the recipient of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Southern District Safety Person of the year Award 2011.
University College Cork (UCC) initiated its centenary celebrations of sporting heritage on December 13th with the launch of the book, “Where Finbarr Played – A Concise Illustrated History of Sport in University College Cork, 1911-2011”. Commissioned by UCC to commemorate the acquisition of the Mardyke Athletic Grounds in December 1911, the book was written by the University Historian, Emeritus Professor John A. Murphy.
The Irish credit union movement is celebrated in a recently published book, edited by academics from the Centre for Co-operative Studies and the Department of Geography, UCC. The book was launched by Jimmy Deenihan, T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in the headquarters of IRD Duhallow, Newmarket, Co. Cork.
The Department of Archaeology, UCC is pleased to announce the publication of a major research project carried out in collaboration with the National Roads Authority. Titled: “Archaeological Excavations at Tullahedy, Co. Limerick: Neolithic Settlement in North Munster”, its authors are Rose M. Cleary and Hilary Kelleher. It is published by Collins Press.