Second Year Dental Debate Award Ceremony
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Second Year Dental Debate Award Ceremony

Awards were recently presented for the 2nd Annual Debate among Second Year undergraduate dental students at the University Dental School & Hospital. Various controversial topics were addressed with great skill by the several teams involved and all members of the class participated. The winning team was Aaron’s Angels which proposed the motion that: Those in the Health Care Professions have significantly higher levels of stress and burnout. The team leader was Aaron O’Sullivan. The individual winners were Keezya Ubong Yusuf & Nisha Bhorania.

The awards were supported by Ard na Laoi Holistic Centre, Brothers of Charity, Lota, and by Mr Noel Hartigan, J.N.H. Dental Ltd, and were presented by Professor Finbarr Allen, Dean, Cork University Dental School & Hospital.

The individual plaques were specially commissioned based on the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) which is an augmentative communication system developed to help individuals with special needs quickly acquire a functional means of communication.

The concept was developed by Dr Sharon Curtin (Behavioural Science), Professor Robert McConnell (Restorative Dentistry) and Dr Noel Ray (Dental Materials Science). In summary, Professor McConnell said:   “These students are all achievers…. in that they pushed their comfort zones and in the process acquired new skills which are transferrable to other area of their undergraduate programme, e.g. oral examinations, presentations in 4th Year and when formally presenting their  seen and unseen cases in final year”.

Pictured with Professor Finbarr Allen, Dean, Cork University Dental School & Hospital are the individual winners Nisha Bhorania & Keezya Ubong Yusuf

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