Further Resources
On this page, you will find a curated collection of additional reading materials and external sources to dive deeper into the topics we've covered. Enhance your understanding and continue your journey of discovery with these handpicked recommendations.
Please explore the links below to find specific information you are looking for on this page.
Writing an Accessibility Statement | The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design
AHEAD's e-Learning Hub
Here you will find all of AHEAD's eLearning, such as:
- our self-paced, freely available ARK Courses,
- courses for our WAM Employers,
- AHEAD Start, our instructor-led course about supporting students with disabilities in further and higher education.
ASPIRE Education Model Statement
Accessibility Statements are a vital part of supporting users and meeting requirements for the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018. All Able has been working with textBOX and Alistair McNaught Consulting Ltd to launch the ASPIREeducation grading.
This is an exemplar of language, tone and purpose not an exemplar of an Irish accessibility statement.