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Digital Confidence in UCC: Know Where to Go
Participant Group: All UCC Staff
Facilitator: Clíodhna O’Callaghan, Technology Enhanced Learning
Do you ever wonder who to ask a technology/digital related question in UCC? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the number of resources, but not quite sure which one is for you?
- Understand the structure of UCC's digital/technology supports & departments/offices
- Be able to access the central digital resources that will benefit you and your work today
- Develop your personal and professional digital confidence
- Learn 2-3 basic digital skills that will create efficiencies in your day-to-day work
Date: Friday 3rd May 2024
Time: 11am - 12pm
Location: MS Teams
Staff feedback
- Cliodhna is incredibly adaptable during the session & works with what is of most concern to those attending & focuses on this as well as covering all the general content. I am now more confident around using some of the different tools - Mary Horgan
- It was a really helpful workshop and the confidence it imparted was excellent - Joice Sophia Ponraj
- Clíodhna presented the workshop very efficiently. It will definitely save me time with digital issues as now I know where to get help with different problems - Mary Murphy