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Landscape, Heritage and Natural Resources
Our campus
University College Cork has the good fortune to be located (largely) on the banks of River Lee on beautiful grounds with a significant area of formal gardens, informal green areas and riverside walks. The campus is home to a significant amount of biodiversity including a variety of flowering plants, grassland, many native and exotic trees, substantial riparian areas, and the various associated wildlife.
A recent habitat survey of the Main and North Mall Campus recorded a total of twenty-two distinct habitats, many of moderate to-high importance to local biodiversity. Such natural resources, habitats and biodiversity not only contribute to the staff and student experience, but are critically important in the maintenance of ecosystem services including the regulation of climate and disease; the maintenance of water and nutrient cycles and crop pollination; and they provide a multitude of health and cultural benefits.
Select the links below to find out about landscape management at UCC.
UCC Trees Collection
There are well in excess of 2,500 trees throughout UCC campus, existing as individual specimens and as riparian groups along both the Northern and Southern channels of the River Lee. The visual amenity provided by UCC’s tree resource on all approaches to the campus is of immense benefit to Cork city’s residents, visitors, staff and students. The corridor of trees can be followed through parks and walkways east from the campus to the city and docklands and west along the Lee Valley.
Aside from their visual value, UCC’s tree collection, like all trees, has a monetary value in terms of carbon sequestration and storage, and avoided runoff. You can read a full report on the “value” of UCC’s tree collection, compiled using the i-Trees software 2019_UCC_TreeCampusReport.pdf.
Champion trees
UCC is host to two champion trees listed on the Champion Tree Register of Ireland (held by the Tree Council of Ireland). The first is a Chinese Privet (Ligustrum lucidum) located within the Presidents garden; the second a Wing nut (Pterocarya fraxinifolia) located between the O’Rahilly building and the Boole Library. There are many other wonderful specimens under UCC’s care.
Managing our trees
The campus overview has shown the tree stock to be predominantly mature and in good condition. The analysis provided by the tree management database also shows the excellent age profile structure UCC currently has, where frequent planting over the years has ensured a continual tree cover.
The analysis of individual areas has identified two areas of concern due to an even aged mature structure; the main entrance gate and the Quadrangle. Both areas are of the highest value visually, where magnificent and hugely impressive trees add to the mature setting. These areas will require a strategic planting approach where replacement trees are established and ‘back up’ trees are available from elsewhere on campus.
The key management objectives will remain the same, whereby continual planting occurs, and the long term aims of each planting are considered. . Trees and buildings can exist and compliment one another. This is evident in the award winning construction of the Glucksman gallery in the lower grounds, amongst some of the largest trees on campus. The approach to this project should be adopted for all future projects large and small within close proximity to trees. The result will ensure UCC’s tree resource will continue for decades.
The UCC campus, from its foundation in 1845 has put much consideration into its trees, many of which their value and beauty is realised today some 165 years later. These principals of continual management, vision and botanical value being put on UCC’s tree resource will ensure its grandeur for the next 150 to 200 years.
Habitats and their Management
Habitat Surveys
From 2014 to 2016, Bat Surveys, Habitat Surveys, Bryophyte Surveys and Mammal Surveys were undertaken on UCC Main Campus, Distillery Fields, Western Campus, ERI, Mardyke, and Curaheen sites. A total of twenty-two habitats were recorded, some of which were assessed as having negligible importance for biodiversity, while others were assessed as being of moderate-high importance for local biodiversity. A section of Riparian Woodland, which is Annex I habitat under the EU Habitats Directive was found at the ERI.
A total of 86 bryophyte species were recorded during bryophyte surveys of UCC Main Campus, North Mall Campus and Mardyke Sports Grounds, including an assemblage of County Importance on an exposed calcareous rock face on Main Campus. In addition a liverwort species recorded on the same calcareous rock face was recorded as new to the Mid Cork Vice County and a moss species recorded on a stone wall on the boundary of the Mardyke Sports Grounds was also a first for Mid Cork. Below is the habitat map prepared for UCC’s main Campus. Based on the results of all surveys, a Biodiversity Action Plan has been prepared and can be downloaded at this link UCC Biodiversity Action Plan 2018-2023.pdf.
UCC and the River Lee
UCC campus overlooks both the north and south channels of the River Lee. This brings an enormous amount of diversity in flora and fauna to the campus. Signs of otters are a regular feature of the river banks, herons are ubiquitous and kingfishers have been spotted feeding in the water from time to time. At night, bats emerge from crevices and roosts to feed along the river.
The north and south channels of the River Lee are home to 11 individual otters, identified through tracks and spraints along the banks of the river. UCC’s School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, and Cork Nature Network are among the groups that survey and study the behaviour of these elusive mammals.
Grounds Management at UCC
UCC grounds staff work under the direction of the Estates Manager, Barrie Curley. The team consists of:
- John Murphy – Grounds Foreman
- Pat Hallinan – Grounds Operative
- Noreen O’ Sullivan – Grounds Operative
- Ger Creedon – Grounds Operative
Care for the environment is at the core of how the Estates grounds staff carry out their day to day activities. Here are just some of the greening activities undertaken by the Grounds staff in recent years
- Obtained new mowers to mulch the grass back into the soil.
- Battery tools have been bought replacing petrol models.
- A new Electric Vehicle was purchased to replace a tractor and trailer.
- An interactive map of the significant trees has been developed and made available online.
- Tree Planting Schedule for the next 5 years is underway with 72 new Trees planted in the past few years and more to be planted this year.
- Every Tree on Campus now undergoes a yearly survey, with all surveys available online.
- The grounds staff use an environmentally friendly fuel in their motorised tools where by the containers are recyclable and the petrol is free from benzene and hydrocarbons.
- A companion planting scheme keeps Aphids at bay naturally and encourages wildlife into the college environs e.g. butterflies, hoverflies, etc.
- A native planting scheme comprising of native trees and shrubs which will encourage birds, insects and wildlife into the college.
- A contract for weed eradication on campus, using the most environmentally friendly system, is in place.
- Any leftover grounds waste is composted onsite to be reused on campus green areas.
- An extensive knotweed eradication programme, utilising international best practice techniques, is in place.
- Air Spade work has been carried out on Specimen Trees
- Biodiversity training has been provided to all grounds staff.
- The Gaol Cross Entrance to UCC was redeveloped and enhanced to create a more natural and biodiversity enriched landscape area leading into the main campus. A number of measures were taken including transforming one area into a native wildflower meadow, clearance of introduced species from another, and developing a ‘rain garden’ or biofiltration area using low maintenance planting to attenuate and filter rain water from the roof of the West Gate Lodge. [‘A rain garden is a planted depression or a feature swale that allows rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas such as roofs, walkways etc. reducing rainwater runoff by allowing storm water to soak into the ground (as opposed to flowing into storm drains and surface waters. They also improve water quality in nearby bodies of water’].
- A wildflower meadow has been planted outside the O’Rahilly Building.
- Swift boxes were installed in North mall, complete with Cameras and calling tape (April 2014).
- Bat Boxes are in the process of being installed in appropriate areas across campus.
Wildflowers and Campus Apiary
Actions for Pollinators at UCC
UCC, like all Green Campus registered institutions, is incorporating the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s All Ireland Pollinator Plan in the maintenance of our grounds and the implementation of new projects. As part of an internship position with Green Campus, Fiach Byrne, a recent graduate of the BEES School in UCC, prepared a Pollinator Plan for UCC. You can read the UCC Biodiversity Action Plan 2018-2023.pdf.
Following on from this project, UCC took the decision to reduce mowing on all green areas of campus (except for the Quad and President’s Garden) and to plant a large wildflower meadow on the Lower Grounds. Pathways are cut through the wildflower areas to allow staff and students to experience the feeling of being immersed in nature. Signs made from upcycled pallets were created to inform people that areas were being managed for biodiversity. This new policy of reduced mowing will be written into campus landscape management tenders and contracts from now on.
UCC Campus Apiary
UCC also installed a number of beehives at the North Mall campus in the Spring of 2018. The hives are managed by local beekeeper Thomas Quigley and in their first year provided a bumper crop of “Alma Nectar” honey, which can be bought in the UCC Visitor’s Centre.
More information on actions for pollinators can be found on the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s website
UCC Community Gardens
UCC Community Gardens are jointly owned by the Environmental Society and the International Development Society and are run by staff and students of UCC. The project began in 2007, with the installation of three polytunnels behind the Societies Office, on College Road.
Elements of permaculture are practiced in an urban setting and, as a community garden, all who get involved can take some of the food grown in the gardens.
The garden is also a social outlet for people interested in growing their own food with BBQ’s, annual Halloween and Christmas parties, workshops and talks on gardening, natural building, cooking with food and developing natural skill sets also all hosted there.
More information on the garden can be found by contacting: communitygarden@uccsocieties.ie