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UCC Sanctuary Activities

UCC update for Universities of Sanctuary Ireland (UOSI)

As a University of Sanctuary, UCC reports to the Universities of Sanctuary Ireland group.  Here is the report from December 2019.

Scholarships (2017-2019)

*In both 2018 & 2019 as part of the UCC Sanctuary Scholarships 7 students were awarded scholarships covering full fees for their undergraduate degree programmes along with additional support bursaries initiative.  

* In September 2019 the UCC  Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) Sanctuary Scholarships were launched for the academic year 2019/20 offering 19 free places on a  range of part-time Diploma and Certificate programmes (increasing from 3 places in 2018). 

Additional Activities (2017/2019)

*2018 Establishment of a Scholars at Risk group at UCC as a sub-group of the University of Sanctuary Working Group.  The UCC SAR group is working in conjunction with IFUT to host a visiting scholar at UCC.  

*July-August 2018 Provision of computer Lab facilities for Gateway to Employment Group from Nasc Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre at Crossleigh Computer Lab, UCC by the School of Applied Studies. 

*July-August 2018 Provision of rehearsal space by the Granary Theatre UCC for girls’ hip-hop group run by the Migrant Rights Centre. 

* September 2018 and ongoing: Provision of Library & Computer Laboratory Access to Asylum Seeker studying to complete OED Examination by the Boole Library and the School of Applied Social Studies, UCC. 

*Nov/Dec 2018 Employment Seeking & Careers Skills Workshops provided by UCC Careers Service in DP Centres in Cork City 

*Sept 2018 – Apr 2019 Two places in UCC Youth Theatre offered for young refugees (age 15-20) by the Department of Theatre. 

*Sept-Nov 2018 A Greener Brighter Future – a creative engagement project with primary schools and community groups. (Children from Glouthaune and Kinsale Road DP centres) by the Glucksman 

October 2018; March 2019; June 2019 Moving Still exhibition – displays of photography by teenage asylum seekers, refugees and migrants part-hosted by the Glucksman Various sites across Cork city; City Hall; The Glucksman) 

*Oct-Nov 2018 Blueprints – an integration project with Cloghroe Scouts and children from Drishane Castle Direct Provision Centre by the Glucksman 

*Sept-Oct 2018 Moving Still – a creative project that invited teenage asylum seekers, refugees and migrants to work with artists to explore photography and movement by the Glucksman 

*Dec 2018 Christmas Art Workshops for children living in Direct Provision by the Glucksman 

*Jan-Mar 2019 Future Forms – a creative engagement project with over 1000 young people from Primary, Secondary and Third Level education and community groups from across Cork city and county. (Children from Glouthaune and Kinsale Road DP centres) by the Glucksman 

* From January 21st to 25th 2019 the Annual UCC Refugee Week saw the University host a wide variety of speakers and events that explored and celebrated what it means to be a refugee, through live performances, talks and film. Over 20 events were organised including; the launch of a joint UCC/Nasc report on the Future of Asylum and Reception in Ireland, a series of films profiling refugee experiences, activities spotlighting the challenges of living in direct provision and the extent of global inequalities, and exhibitions, performances and social events celebrating the contribution of refugee and asylum seekers to Irish society.  

* In January 2019 a Radio Skills Course run at UCC in conjunction with CRAOL and Community Radio Youghal was delivered during  Refugee Week. The course was free of charge to those currently living in Direct Provision Accommodation Centres and twenty people completed the course and were awarded a level 3 Certificate in Radio Skills. 

*In March 2019 the University of Sanctuary Working Group supported BetterTogether a non-profit organisation working to empower women seeking asylum in Cork City and County in organising and delivering an accessing employment course for women living in Direct Provision. Fifty women attended the course which was held in the UCC library over three Saturdays. Childcare was provided in UCC and in a local family centre with the support of UCC students. 

*At Easter 2019 a party was organised for children from accommodation centres in Cork with support from the UCC community of staff and students. 

*April 2019 Easter Workshops for children living in Direct Provision by the Glucksman 

*April 2019 The Museum for All People: Art, accessibility and social inclusion International Conference  - presentation on Glucksman’s programme for young asylum seekers 

*June 2019 Sanctuary Runners Photography Exhibition by the Glucksman 

*June 2019 Summer Art Sessions – creative workshops exploring the nature of the unviersity lower grounds with children from Drishane Castle Direct Provision Centre by the Glucksman 

* In June 2019 a Sanctuary Sport Initiative was developed resulting in: 

 A six week Futsal Training Programme offered by the FAI and the UCC Futsal Club which was attended by men from the Glenvera Centre and involved matches with a number of Cork based teams (Autumn 2019) 


The development of an alliance between the Kinsale Road Centre Cricket Team, UCC and Munster Cricket, which saw the team use the UCC Cricket facilities for matches organised with local teams (2019).  

* In August 2019 Change the Beat! a creative project saw 25 teenage asylum seekers, refugees and migrants collaborate with artist Shane O’Driscoll and the Glucksman team to design original artworks which were exhibited at the Glucksman and across Cork city as part of UCC Community Week in October 

*Sept 2019 – April 2020 Two places in UCC Youth Theatre for young refugees (Age 15 – 20) offered via NASC by UCC Department of Theatre 

*In October 2019 Citadel, a group of musicians from Kinsale Road Accommodation Centre, who hail from 8 different countries performed a lunchtime concert at the Glucksman Gallery as part of Community Week. 

*In October 2019 a member of the UCC University of Sanctuary Working Group travelled to a UCC partner university in Veracruz Mexico, to share best practice through a workshop on creating a University of Sanctuary. 

*Throughout the year 2019 the UCC Sanctuary Scholarships team worked with CIT to support them in establishing their sanctuary scholarship programme. The UCC team shared their experiences and concrete resources such as applications forms etc. 

*The UCC Fáilte Refugee student society (formerly STAR) organised a range of awareness raising, fundraising and support activities throughout the year 2019. 

*Members of the UCC University of Sanctuary Working Group continue to work with the City of Sanctuary movement in Cork, serving on and chairing various sub-committees and a representative of the City of Sanctuary movement continues to serve on the UCC Working Group.  This facilitates ongoing sharing of experience and resources. 

Future Plans (2020+)

*Continue to offer 5 full fee undergraduate scholarships with associated bursaries in the academic year 2020/21 

*Continue to support existing students to successfully complete their studies and participate in college life.  

*Increase participation of refugee and asylum seeker membership on the University of Sanctuary working group. 

*Harness the capacity of UCC staff and students to increase awareness raising and advocacy work to challenge racism in all forms and to highlight the challenges experienced by refugees and asylum seekers. 

*Build on the Sanctuary Sports initiatives developed in conjunction with UCC sports clubs and relevant regional and national sports organisations.  

*Continue to develop alliances with local initiatives and organisations such as the Sanctuary Runners, the Cork City of Sanctuary and CIT and with the range of organisations who support refugees and asylum seekers in Cork. 

Development of new part-time level 6 Certificate in Integration and Social Cohesion ongoing) Ace & the School of Applied Social Studies UCC 

*Refugee Week 2020 will run from 3-7 February – events being finalised. 

*Feb 2020 Play Reading – The Future by Helena Tornero organised by the Department of Theatre. 

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

An tAonad Comhionnanais, Éagsúlachta agus Ionchuimsithe

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
