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DISCs Project


The EDI Unit UCC is leading a new teaching and learning professional development project titled Disciplines Inquiring into Societal Challenges (DISCs).

The aim of the DISCs project is to create a strategy and implementation plan for the development of teaching for social justice in Higher Education nationally, particularly in the areas of gender, interculturalism and community-based learning. The strategy will be informed by the professional development experiences of staff who teach in Higher Education (HE).

We are seeking staff to participate who are committed to challenging themselves to teach about and for social justice in any discipline, and to more broadly advance social justice in HE.

What is involved?

Participants will:

  • Participate in workshops on teaching about and for social justice in HE, including one in October 2019 (UCC, date tbd) and November 22nd 2019 (Maynooth - travel expenses covered);
  • Work with the Project Officer, Gyunghee Park, to learn about social justice issues and plan how you will adapt your modules for teaching in Semester 2 (January 2020);
  • Contribute to the development of an online self-assessment tool regarding teaching about and for social justice in HE;
  • Create public narratives and exemplars of your practice in teaching about and for social justice, to be placed on the project website;
  • Spend an individual €1200 bursary over the lifetime of the project to support the development of your thinking and practice regarding teaching about and for social justice in your discipline and in higher education.


How to get involved?

  • First, fill out the UCC staff Expression of Interest Form by Friday October 4th 2019.  [NOW CLOSED]
  • Second, a shortlist of staff from across three participating institutions (UCC, MU, DCU) will then be contacted for a further Guided Conversation.
  • Third, a diverse range of staff will be invited from each institution to take part – with 5 in each partner institution (DCU, UCC, MU).



Want to know more?

The project is funded by the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund of the National Forum for Teaching and Learning. Project partners are Maynooth University and Student Union and DCU and DCU Student Union. See the Expression of Interest Form for more on participating in the project, or contact Project Officer Gyunghee Park - please do not reply to this announcement email.

For more:

Project Team

UCC: Karl Kitching (Project Lead); Gyunghee Park (Project Officer) and Catherine Dawson (UCC Student Union Education Officer)

MU: Morag Munro; Bernie Grummell, Margaret Keane and MU Student Union VP for Education Michael Butler

DCU: Audrey Bryan and DCU Student Union VP for Education

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

An tAonad Comhionnanais, Éagsúlachta agus Ionchuimsithe

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
