Selected Publications
D. Cubie, The International Legal Protection of Persons in Humanitarian Crises: Exploring the Acquis Humanitaire (Hart Publishing 2017) (Sample book chapter) | |
Yearbook of International Disaster Law (Brill) | |
M Aronsson-Storrier and R Dahlberg (eds), Defining Disaster: Disciplines and Domains, (Edward Elgar, 2022) |
K Samuel, M Aronsson-Storrier and K Bookmiller (eds), Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reductionin International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2019) |
Book Chapters & Peer Reviewed Articles
- D. Cubie & T. Natoli,‘Coherence, Alignment and Integration: Understanding the Legal Relationship between Sustainable Development, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction’in Flood, M. LeTissier, Y. Jerez Columbié and B. O’Dwyer (eds), Creating Resilient Futures: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change Adaptation Agendas (Palgrave Publishing 2021 – Open Access)
- D. Cubie, ‘Embracing Regionalism: Lessons from the UN Regional Seas Programme for UNISDR and the Sendai Framework’ in: K. Samuel, M. Aronsson-Storrier and K.N. Bookmiller (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law (Cambridge University Press 2018)
- D. Cubie & M. Hesselman, ‘Accountability for the Human Rights Implications of Natural Disasters: A Proposal for Systemic International Oversight’ (2015) 33(1) Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 9-41
- D. Cubie, ‘Clarifying the Acquis Humanitaire: A Transnational Legal Perspective on the Internalization of Humanitarian Norms’ in: D. Caron, M.J. Kelly, A. Telesetsky (eds), The International Law of Disaster Relief (Cambridge University Press 2014)
- D. Cubie, ‘Promoting Dignity for All: Human Rights Approaches in the Post-2015 Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development Frameworks’ (2014) 8(1) Human Rights and International Legal Discourse 36-51
- D. Cubie, ‘An Enchanted Tool? Humanitarian Assistance and the ILC Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters’ (2009-2010) IV-V Irish Yearbook of International Law 119-151
- D. Cubie, ‘An Analysis of Soft Law Applicable to Humanitarian Assistance: Relative Normativity in Action?’ (2011) 2(2) Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 177-215
- M Aronsson-Storrier, ‘Keep the curtains drawn! Event, Process, and Disaster in International Law’, in Defining Disaster: Disciplines and Domains, M Aronsson-Storrier and R Dahlberg (eds) (Edward Elgar, 2022)
- M Aronsson-Storrier and R Dahlberg ‘On Disaster: Disciplines, Domains, and Definitions’, in Defining Disaster: Disciplines and Domains, M Aronsson-Storrier and R Dahlberg (eds) (Edward Elgar, 2022) (open access)
- M Aronsson-Storrier, ‘Sendai Five Years on: Reflections on the Role of International Law in the Creation and Reduction of Disaster Risk’ (2020) 11(2) International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 230-238 (open access)
- M Aronsson-Storrier, ‘Beyond Early Warning Systems: Querying the Relationship between International Law and Disaster Risk (Reduction)’ (2019) 1 Yearbook of International Disaster Law 51-69
- M Aronsson-Storrier, ‘Exploring the Foundations: The Principles of Prevention, Mitigation, and Preparedness in International Law’, in K Samuel, M Aronsson-Storrier and K Bookmiller (eds) Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
- K Samuel, M Aronsson-Storrier and K Bookmiller, ‘Introduction’, in K Samuel, M Aronsson-Storrier and K Bookmiller (eds) Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
- M Aronsson-Storrier, ‘Sanitation, Human Rights and Disaster Management’ (2017) 26(5) Disaster Prevention and Management 514-525 (open access)
- M Aronsson-Storrier and H Salama, ‘Tackling Water Contamination: Development, Human Rights and Disaster Risk Reduction’, in S Breau and K Samuel, Research Handbook on Disasters and International Law (Edward Elgar, 2016)
Research Projects
Promoting Resilient Cities through Community Participation and Communication of Climate and Disaster Risks (PROCOMMS) (Dr Dug Cubie & Dr Marie Aronsson-Storrier)
- UNIC, Guidance on Risk Communication & Community Engagement Practices: Experiences from Cork, Ireland and Malmö, Sweden (August 2024) UNIC: The European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition – (open access)
Sweden and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (Dr Marie Aronsson-Storrier)
- 'Sweden and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: A Gap Analysis' (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)) (open access)
Leave No One Behind Behind — Developing Climate-Smart/Disaster Risk Management Laws (Dr Tommaso Natoli)
- Global Synthesis Report on Law & Policies for Climate Resilience (July 2021)
- Law and Policies that Protect the Most Vulnerable: Kenya (July2021)
- Integrating CCA and DRR Laws & Policies: Lessons from Dominica (Apr 2021)
- Law & Policies that Protect the Most Vulnerable: Pacific Island Countries(May2020)
- Compendium on the Post-2015 Global Agenda on Climate-Risk Governance (May 2020)
- Addressing Specific Vulnerabilities: Lessons from the Philippines (Nov 2020)
- Literature Review on Aligning CCA and DRR (Dec2019)
Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation in Irish Emergency Planning (Dr Dug Cubie)
- Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning: Report (2022 – forthcoming)
- P. Medway, S. Flood, D. Cubie & M. Le Tissier, ‘Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning’ in Flood, M. LeTissier, Y. Jerez Columbié and B. O’Dwyer (eds), Creating Resilient Futures: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change Adaptation Agendas (Palgrave Publishing 2021 – Open Access)
- Literature Review: DRM and CCA in Irish Emergency Planning (July 2020)
Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration in Laws and Policies - Tomasso Natoli's Research with the Red Cross.