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21 February - Ruth Matilda Anderson in Galicia (1923-26): An American View on a Vanishing World

María Jesús Pena Castro


21st of February-4PM
O'Rahilly Building, 1.24 Seminar Room

The Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies and the Irish Centre for Galician Studies cordially invite you to the following lecture by María Jesús Pena Castro (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain):

Ruth Matilda Anderson in Galicia (1923-26): An American View on a Vanishing World

Ruth Matilda Anderson was an American photographer who travelled in 1924, 1925 and 1926 to Galicia to document a society in rapid modernization, employee by The Hispanic Society of America. Her photographs portray both everyday life and ritual with an ethnographic eye particularly sensitive to women and gender roles. Her legacy is a notable instrument to study and analyze Galician past, heritage and identity.

Short bio:

María Jesús Pena Castro is an Anthropology and Ethnomusicology professor at Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). Her work focuses on Intangible Heritage and National Building as well as Gender issues. She has done research in the Pacific region (Indonesia, East Timor and Nothern Australia) and about Hispanic communities in United States.

The event will take place at 4PM on Friday the 21st of February at the O’Rahilly Building, 1.24 Seminar Room.

All welcome!


College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences

Coláiste na nEalaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta

College Office, Room G31 ,Ground Floor, Block B, O'Rahilly Building, UCC
