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2005-2006 Developments

2005-2006 Developments

During the year, schools set ambitious goals and were successful in achieving them. School projects were identified by school communities through clear goal setting and each school monitored and evaluated the extent to which the goals were met. In this report the school-based projects speak for themselves and it is evident that the projects carried out by schools are of a very high standard.


In fulfilling its community mission, UCC through Bridging the Gap has created a solid partnership with the schools and communities within Bridging the Gap. Over the past year, numerous staff from the university continued to work with Bridging the Gap by providing support to schools and by facilitating visits for pupils to the campus. The staff of Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha, UCC provided an exciting day at UCC through the Irish language for the pupils in the Bridging the Gap gaelscoileanna. On campus, Bridging the Gap hosted the ‘Make a Book’ exhibition which is facilitated by the Junior Certificate Schools Programme. Thousands of pupils from all over Munster visited UCC to see the exhibition. The annual Bridging the Gap showcasing took place at Devere Hall, UCC where 1,200 pupils entertained the audience with music, drama and art.


Over the year Bridging the Gap worked in partnership with Cork Opera House by supporting the ‘Cork Opera House History Box’. The partnership between Cork Printmakers, Fota Wildlife Park and Bridging the Gap continued this year through the Rhino project. Bridging the Gap was proud to sponsor ‘The Art of Looking’ which is a valuable educational resource pack to the Glucksman Gallery, UCC.


Bridging the Gap was honoured to have President Mary Mc Aleese launch its publication ‘Connections: Anthology of Work by Cork Pupils’. Connections got its title from Matthew O’Callaghan of Deerpark CBS who introduced his story as follows ‘Life can often be about making little connections. Connections between people and between people and places’. In addition to the launch the President saw a mini showcasing of the project’s activities in the areas of art, drama, music, pair reading and professional development for teaching staff.

Bridging the Gap

School of Education, UCC, Cork
