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Connections: Anthology of Children's Work (December 2005)

Connections: Anthology of Children's Work

Connections: Anthology of Children's Work

Connections: Anthology of Children's Work

Pupils from schools participating in Bridging the Gap were invited to submit entries for an anthology of children's work to celebrate Cork ’s year as European Capital of Culture, 2005. The anthology, Connections, features over one hundred stories, poems and pictures that were selected from the best work produced by pupils in these schools during the year. On 29 November 2005, Connections was launched by President Mary McAleese in St. Vincent’s Convent National School , to an audience that included the artists and authors, together with principals, teachers and guests. The launch received much publicity in the national media.



Part 1

Part 1

Part 2

Part 2

Part 3

Part 3

Part 4

Part 4

Bridging the Gap

School of Education, UCC, Cork
