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Cochrane review Protocol


  • Buckley D, McHugh SM and Riordan F. What works to recruit general practices to trials? A rapid review [version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 not approved]. HRB Open Res 2023, 6:13 (

  • Riordan F, O'Mahoney L, Sheehan C, Murphy K, O'Donnell M, Hurley L, Dinneen S and McHugh SM. Implementing a community specialist team to support the delivery of integrated diabetes care: experiences in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic [version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. HRB Open Res 2023, 6:1 (

  • Riordan F, Curran GM, Lewis CC et al. Characterising processes and outcomes of tailoring implementation strategies in healthcare: a protocol for a scoping review [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]. HRB Open Res 2022, 5:17 (
  • Sheena M. McHugh, Fiona Riordan, Geoff M. Curran, Cara C Lewis, Luke Wolfenden, Justin Presseau, Rebecca Lengnick-Hall and Byron Powell. “Conceptual tensions and practical trade-offs in tailoring implementation interventions” Frontiers in Health Services 17 November 2022 Sec. Implementation Science. 
  • Sheena M McHugh, Fiona Riordan, Claire Kerins, Geoff Curran, Cara C Lewis, Justin Presseau, Luke Wolfeden, Byron J Powell. Understanding tailoring to support the implementation of evidence-based interventions in healthcare: The CUSTOMISE research programme protocol [version 1; peer review:2 approved]. HRB Open Res 2023, 6:7


  • College of Medicine and Health Research Conference, Ireland (Poster presentation) 'Barriers and Enablers to Attendance at Structured Diabetes Education Programmes: A Systematic Review'. Presenter: Chelsea Nwankwo. 12th December 2024
  • Thrivebetes 2024, Portlaoise, Ireland (Poster Presentation) 'Health Implementation Research Hub/ Tailoring implementation of a diabetes self-management education programme'.  Presenters:  Aoife O'Mahony and Julia Banasiak. 5 October 2024
  • 7th Society for Implementation Research Collaboration Conference 2024: "Implementation Research, Practice, and Policy for Impact, Denver, USA (Poster presentation) 'Healthcare professionals' perceptions of the acceptability, feasibility ad sustainability of tailoring to select implementation strategies' Presenter:  Aoife O'Mahony. 27-28 September 2024
  • 38th Annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society 2024, Cascais, Portugal (Oral Presentation) 'How does tailoring work to produce successful implementation strategies?' Presenter: Aoife O' Mahony. 3 September 2024
  • UCC Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference, Cork, Ireland (Lightning Talk Presentation) Presenter: Aoife O'Mahony. 31 May 2024.
  • Irish Endocrine Society 2023, Sligo, Ireland (Poster presentation) DAFNE delivery in the UK and Ireland 2019 -2022 Presenters: Riordan F., Breen C., Humphreys M., Dineen SF., McHugh SM. 24 November 2023.
  • 6th UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference 2023, Univerity of Limerick, Ireland (Rapid fire poster presentation) 'Tailoring implementation strategies which target patients in healthcare contexts: protocol for a scoping review sub-study'. Presenter: Laura-Jane McCarthy. 13-14 July 2023.
  • 6th UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference 2023, Univerity of Limerick, Ireland (Rapid fire poster presentation) 'Stakeholder’s experiences of tailoring implementation of the DAFNE structured education programme for type 1 diabetes.' Presenter: Jane Murphy. 13-14 July 2023.
  • 6th UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference 2023, Univerity of Limerick, Ireland (Oral presentation) 'Tailored strategies to address determinants of practice: A systematic review protocol.' Presenter: Fiona Riordan. 13-14 July 2023.
  • European Implementation Event 2023, Basel, Switzerland (Oral Presentation) Stakeholder’s experiences of tailoring strategies to support implementation of the Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE) structured patient education programme for people with type 1 diabetes: a mixed methods study. Presenter: Fiona Riordan. 8 & 9 June 2023
  • 6th Biennial Society for Implementation Research Conference. San Diego, California, USA (Oral presentation) "Characterising processes and outcomes of tailoring implementation strategies in healthcare: a protocol for a scoping review" Presenter:  Nickola Pallin (on behalf of Riordan,F., Albers, B., Clack, L., Pallin, N., Curran, G., Lewis, C., Powell, B., Presseau, J., Wolfenden, L., and McHugh, S.) 9 September 2022.
  • UCC College of Medicine and Health Conference 'From molecules to people' (Oral presentation) “Tailoring strategies to support the implementation of Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE), a structured patient education programme for people with Type 1 diabetes”  Presenter: Fiona Riordan. 22 September 2022.
  • 5th UK Implementation Science Research Conference, (Poster presentation) “Characterising processes and outcomes of tailoring implementation strategies in healthcare: a protocol for a scoping review”  Presenter: Fiona Riordan. 14-15 July 2022.
  • 5th UK Implementation Science Research Conference, (Poster presentation) “Tailoring strategies to support the implementation of Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE), a structured patient education programme for people with Type 1 diabetes” Presenter: Fiona Riordan. 14-15 July 2022.
  • 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bremen, Germany, (Poster presentation) "Stakeholders experience of tailoring implementation of the DAFNE structured education programme for type 1 diabetes" Presenter: Jane Murphy 4-8 September 2023
  • 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bremen, Germany, (Oral presentation) "Characterising processes and outcomes of tailoring implementation strategies in healthcare: A scoping review" Presenter: Jane Murphy 4-8 September 

OPTI AUDIT-GP Project Outputs:


  • 29th WONCA Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland (Poster Presentation) 'Identifying design features of diabetes audit and feedback interventions in general practice: a rapid review' Presenter: Suzanne Kelly. 26-28 September 2024. 
  • 29th WONCA Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland (Poster Presentation) 'Understanding preferences for the delivery of diabetes audit feedback in general practice: a qualitative interview study' Presenter: Suzanne Kelly. 26-28 September 2024.
  • 15th Collaborative DiGP/UCC/IGPNEA/HSE Diabetes in Primary Care conference, Cork, Ireland (Poster Presentation) 'Identifying design features of diabetes audit and feedback interventions in primary care: a rapid review' Presenter: Anna Kulig. 25 September 2024
  • 15th Collaborative DiGP/UCC/IGPNEA/HSE Diabetes in Primary Care conference, Cork, Ireland (Poster Presentation) 'Understanding preferences for the delivery of diabetes audit feedback in general practice: a qualitative interview study' Presenter: Anna Kulig. 25 September 2024
  • 15th Collaborative DiGP/UCC/IGPNEA/HSE Diabetes in Primary Care conference, Cork, Ireland (Oral Presentation) 'DiGP Type 2 Diabetes Audit Results' Presenter: Sheena McHugh. 25 September 2024
  • 38th Annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Cascais, Portugal (Oral Presentation) 'Design preferences for diabetes audit and feedback in general practice: a qualitative study' Presenter: Sheena McHugh. 6 September 2024.
  • 38th Annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Cascais, Portugal (Poster Presentation) 'Identifying design features of diabetes audit and feedback interventions in primary care: a rapid review. Presenter: Suzanne Kelly. 3-6 September 2024.
  • AUDGPI & ICGP Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2024, University of Limerick, Ireland (Poster Presentation) 'Identifying design features of diabetes audit and feedback interventions in primary care: a rapid review'. Presenter: David Healy. 8-9 March 2024.
  • AUDGPI & ICGP Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2024, University of Limerick, Ireland (poster Presentation) ' Understanding preferences for the delivery of diabetes audit feedback in general practice: a qualitative interview study'. Presenter: David Healy. 8-9 March 2024.

DAFNE Photovoice project outputs


  • Kavanagh A.,Riordan F. Experiences of the DAFNE structured education programme, and managing type 1 diabetes during Covid-19: A photovoice project (2022). Download the Photovoice Report



  • Watch a slideshow with all photos taken by participants. You can also download the  Photovoice Slideshow


Project summary



Perimenopause consultations in general practice Outputs:


  • McCarthy LJ, O'MAhony A, Jennings A and McHugh SM. General practioners' and women's experiences of perimenopause consultations: A qualitative evidence synthesis protocol [Version1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. HRB Open Res 2024, 7:39  (


  • 29th WONCA Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland (Poster Presentation) 'General Practitioners' and women's experiences of perimenopause consultations: a qualitative evidence synthesis protocol' Presenter: Laura-Jane McCarthy 24-27 September 2024.

Knowledge Translation Award Outputs:

There are currently no outputs to report.

Diabetes Prevention Project Outputs


  • Clair Haseldine, Grainne O’Donoghue, Patricia M. Kearney, Fiona Riordan, Claire Kerins, Liz Kirby, Margaret Humphreys, Sheena McHugh. Factors influencing participation in an online national diabetes prevention programme: A qualitative study with attenders and educators. Diabetic Medicine 27 Dec 2023 
  • Haseldine C, O'Donoghue G, Kearney PM,  Riordan F, Humphreys M, Kirby L, McHugh S. Characteristics of participants in the first fully online National Diabetes Prevention Programme: A quantitative survey [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. HRB Open Res 2023, 6:61 (

Research Summaries

  • Collaborative Doctoral Programme for Chronic Disease Prevention (CDP CDP) Blog


  • The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 22nd Annual Meeting. Uppsala, Sweden (Poster Presentation) " Healthcare professionals’ perspectives on barriers and facilitators to referral and recruitment to diabetes prevention programmes: a systematic review protocol." Presenter: Clair Haseldine. 14-17 June 2023
  • The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 22nd Annual Meeting. Uppsala, Sweden (Oral Presentation) "Understanding participation in an online diabetes prevention programme".  Presenter: Clair Haseldine. 14-17 June 2023
  • Structured Population heath, Policy and Health-services Research Education (SPHeRE) 2023 Annual Conference: SPHeRE Network 9th Annual Conference. Dublin, Ireland (Poster Presentation) "Understanding participation in the online National Diabetes Prevention Programme. A mixed methods study" Presenter: Clair Haseldine. 23 March 2023 

Cancer Survivorship Project Outputs


  • Pallin, N.D., McHugh, S.M., Carvalho, M., Hegarty, J., Connolly, R.M., Browne, J.P. Enablers and barriers to accessing self‐management support services for those living with and beyond cancer: A qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework in Psycho-Oncology. Psycho-Oncology. 2023;1–9.


  • 6th UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference. Univeristy of Limerick, Ireland. (Oral poster presentation) 'Barriers and enablers to participating in self-management support among those living with and beyond cancer: a qualitative study informed by the TDF and COM-B.' Presenter: Nickola PAllin. 14 July 2023 
  • 6th UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference. Univeristy of Limerick, Ireland. (Oral poster presentation) 'What is needed to implement self-management support (SMS) in cancer care delivery? A qualitative study of SMS implementation in Ireland' Presenter: Nickola Pallin. 14 July 2023
  • Implementation Research Scientific Conference. Bilbao, Spain. (Oral presentation) “Understanding determinants of implementing self-management support in cancer services: a practical application of theory to guide tailoring of strategies”. Presenter: Nickola Pallin. 12 June 2023
  • European Implementation Event 2023. Basel, Switzerland (Oral presentation) “Understanding implementation of self-management support in cancer services: a practical application of theory”. Presenter: Nickola Pallin. 9 June 2023.
  • 15th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health. Washington DC, USA (Poster presentation) “Factors influencing reach of self-management support in cancer services: a cross case qualitative study using the consolidated framework for implementation research”. Presenter: Nickola Pallin. 12 December 2022. 
  • 12th International Cancer Conference. Trinity Biomedical Sciences InstituteDublin. (Poster presentation) “Implementation of self-management support in cancer services: a multiple case study”. Presenter: Nickola Pallin. 13-14 October 2022
  • UCC College of Medicine and Health Conference ‘From molecules to people’. Cork (Poster presentation) “Understanding implementation of self-management support in cancer services: a multiple case study of the factors influencing implementation”. Presenter: Nickola Pallin. 22 September 2022. 

HSE Project outputs



  • National HSE R&D Share and Learn Knowledge Translation Seminar.  Oral Presentation (virtual seminar) "Evidence use among senior management: Understanding preferences and practices. Presenter:  Sheena McHugh 29/06/2022
  • NIHR ARC South London, Kings College London, 5th Implementation Science Research Conference. Oral Presentation (Virtual) "Experience and Perceptions of evidence use among senior health service stakeholders: A qualitative study.  Presenter:  Susan Calnan 15/07/2022


LINK project outputs


  • Riordan F, van de Water T, McHugh S. LINK: Learning to create Integrated community Networks through Knowledge exchange. Project Report. 2022. Download LINK report



  • Webinar “Providing connection during COVID-19: Exploring the implementation of Friendly Call Cork”, Thursday 26th May 2022. A recording of the webinar can be accessed here.
  • UCC College of Medicine and Health conference 'From molecules to people' (Online poster). “Understanding the implementation of a befriending service to support the needs of isolated vulnerable adults in the community: A rapid analysis”.  Presenter: Fiona Riordan, 22nd September 2022

 Research Summaries



IDEAs project outputs


  • Tracey M, Racine E, Riordan F, Kearney PM, McHugh SM. Understanding the uptake of a national retinopathy screening programme: An audit of people with diabetes in two large primary care centres [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]HRB Open Res 2019, 2:17 (
  • Racine ERiordan FPhillip ETFlynn GMcHugh SMKearney PM'It just wasn’t going to be heard’: A mixed methods study to compare different ways of involving people with diabetes and health‐care professionals in health intervention researchHealth Expect2020001– 14
  • Riordan, F, Racine, E, Smith, SM, Murphy A, Browne J, Kearney PM, Bradley C, James M, Murphy M, McHugh SM.  Feasibility of an implementation intervention to increase attendance at diabetic retinopathy screening: protocol for a cluster randomised pilot trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies (2020) 6:64 
  • Riordan F, Racine E, Phillip ET, Bradley C, Lorencatto F, Murphy M, Murphy A, Browne J, Kearney PM, McHugh SM. Development of an intervention to facilitate implementation and uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening. Implementation Sci 15, 34 (2020). 
  • Ahern, S., Riordan, F., Murphy, A. et al. A micro costing analysis of the development of a primary care intervention to improve the uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening. Implementation Sci 16, 17 (2021). 


  • Association of Departments of General Practice Irish College of General Practitioners Joint Scientific Meeting 2020 (AUDGPI & ICGP). UCC (Oral presentation) Feasibility of a theory-based implementation intervention to increase attendance at diabetic retinopathy screening:  a cluster randomised pilot trial. Presenter:  Fiona Riordan March 2020.
  • Association of Departments of General Practice Irish College of General Practitioners Joint Scientific Meeting 2020 (AUDGPI & ICGP). UCC (Oral Presentation) A micro-costing of the development of an intervention to facilitate implementation & uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening. Presenter:  Susan Ahern March 2020.
  • Association of Departments of General Practice Irish College of General Practitioners Joint Scientific Meeting 2020 (AUDGPI & ICGP). UCC (oral presentation) Predictors of attendance at Diabetic Retinopathy Screening: Secondary analysis of data from a structured diabetes care programme.  Presenter:  Dara O'Keefe March 2020.
  • SPHeRE Network 6th Annual Conference - Data to Policy. Dublin, Ireland (poster) Developing and piloting a theory-based implementation intervention to increase uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening.  Presenter:  Fiona Riordan February 2020.
  • New Horizons Research Conference, UCC (Oral Presentation) Predictors of attendance at Diabetic Retinopathy Screening: Secondary analysis of data from a structured diabetes care programme.  Presenter:  Dara O'Keefe December 2019.
  • Society for Social Medicine and Population Health, Annual Scientific Meeting. UCC (Rapid fire presentation) Seldom heard: Evaluating the impact of involving patients and the public in a consensus process to inform intervention development. Presenter:  Emmy Racine September 2019.
  • Society for Social Medicine and Population Health, Annual Scientific Meeting. UCC (Oral Presentation) Development of a theory-based implementation intervention to increase uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening. Presenter:  Fiona Riordan September 2019.
  • 5th Biennial Society for Implementation Research Conference. Seattle, USA (Oral Presentation) Development of a theory-based implementation intervention to increase uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening. Presenter:  Fiona Riordan September 2019.
  • 5th Annual Structured Population and Health-services Research Education (SPHeRE) Conference. Dublin, Ireland (Poster) Seldom heard: Evaluating the impact of involving patients and the public in a consensus process to inform intervention development. Presenter:  Emmy Racine February 2019.
  • New Horizons Research Conference, UCC (Poster) Seldom heard: Evaluating the impact of involving patients and the public in a consensus process to inform intervention development. Presenter:  Emmy Racine December 2018.
  •  International Perspectives on the Evaluation of Patient and Public Involvement in Research. Newcastle, UK (Poster) Seldom heard: Evaluating the impact of involving patients and the public in a consensus process to inform intervention development. Presenter:  Emmy Racine November 2018.
  • 4th TMRN Trial Methodology Symposium. Galway, Ireland (Poster) Identifying Effective Methods for Recruiting Patient and Public Involvement Partners in Trials. Presenter:  Holly McGrath October 2018.

Research summaries

Other resources

Falls Prevention Project Outputs


  • Calnan, S., Lee, K. & McHugh, S. Assessing the scalability of an integrated falls prevention service for community-dwelling older people: a mixed methods study. BMC Geriatr 22, 17 (2022). 

  • Caragh Flannery, Rebecca Dennehy, Fiona Riordan, Finola Cronin, Eileen Moriaty, Spencer Turvey, Kieran O’Connor, Patrick Barry, Agnes Jonsson, Eoin Duggan, Liz O’Sullivan, Eilis O’Reilly, Sarah-Jo Sinnott, Sheena McHugh. Enhancing referral processes within an integrated fall prevention pathway for older people: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open 2022;12:e056182.


  • 14th European Health Conference: Public Health Futures in a Changing World (Poster Presentation) "A qualitative study to identify factors influencing the perceived acceptability, appropriateness and feasibility of implementing a falls risk assessment service in primary care" Presenter: Dr Susan Calnan. 10/11/2021
  • 14th European Health Conference: Public Health Futures in a Changing World (Poster Presentation) "A study to assess the scalability of an integrated falls prevention service for community-dwelling older people" Presenter: Dr Susan Calnan. 11/11/2021
  • Association of University Department of General Practice in Ireland (AUDGPI) Annual Joint Scientific Conference (Oral Presentation) “A study to assess the scalability of an integrated falls prevention service for community-dwelling older people” & “A qualitative study to identify factors influencing the perceived acceptability, appropriateness and feasibility of implementing a falls risk assessment service in primary care. Presenter: Dr Susan Calnan. 26/01/2021
  • EuGMs e 16th International Congress 2020: Covid-19 Lessons and Challenges for Older Adults (Oral Presentation)"Risk factor profile of attendees to community falls risk assessment clinics" Presenter: Eoin Duggan. 07-09/10/2020
  • UK Implementation Science Research Conference 2020 (Oral presentation) “A qualitative study to examine the acceptability, appropriateness and feasibility of implementing an integrated falls prevention pathway for older people” Presenter: Dr Susan Calnan. 16/07/2020
  • Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) 49th ASM: Living and Dying Well (Poster Presentation)  "A qualitative study to identify factors influencing the perceived acceptability, appropriateness and feasibility of implementing a falls risk assessment service in primary care" Presenter: Dr Susan Calnan. 30/06/2020
  • Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) 49th ASM: Living and Dying Well (Poster Presentation) "A study to assess the scalability of an integrated falls prevention service for community-dwelling older people" Presenter: Dr Susan Calnan. 01/07/2020
  • Irish Gerontology Society 2019 (Oral presentation) “Investigating the Delivery of Falls Prevention Interventions to Older People Following Multi-Factorial Risk Assessment: A Cross-Sectional Study” Presenter: Dr Rebecca Dennehy 26/09/2019
  • AFFINITY National Falls and Bone Health Symposium 2019 (Poster) “An Evaluation of the Implementation of an Integrated Falls and Fractures Pathway” Presenter: Dr Rebecca Dennehy. 18/09/2019

Research Summaries:

Downloads available below 

Brief 2-page overview of Project 

Summary of Project findings

E2E Project outputs


  • Riordan F, O'Mahony L, Sheehan C , Murphy K, O'Donnell M, Hurley L, Dineen S, McHugh S.M,  Implementing a community specialist team to support the delivery of integrated diabetes care: experiences in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic [version 1; peer review: 3 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. HRB Open Res 2023, 6:1 (


  • AICI22 1st All-Ireland Conference on Integrated Care, UCD Dublin. (Oral presentation) 'An Evaluation of Introduction of Diabetes Community Specialist Teams in Two Community Health Care Networks'.  Presenter: Lorna Hurley (on behalf of Riordan F, O’Donnell M, Sheehan C, McHugh S, Murphy K, Liew A, Humphreys M, Kennedy D, O’Mahony C, Gleeson M, O’Brien S, O’Reilly O, Dinneen SF) 10 March 2022



Health Implementation Research Hub

School of Public Health, Western Gateway Building, T12 XF62,
