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Mind Our Microbes

11 Jul 2018

Mind Our Microbes

World Microbiome Day 2018

The first ever World Microbiome Day (Wednesday June 27th, 2018) captured the imaginations of scientists and the public right across the globe.

World Microbiome Day was developed by  APC Microbiome Ireland to encourage public dialogue on the critical importance of microbes to human, animal and environmental health. The theme of the inaugural World Microbiome Day was “Mind our Microbes”.

A formal announcement for World Microbiome Day took place at the “Translating the Microbiome”  conference of the  International Human Microbiome Consortium in Killarney.   More than 700 scientists from 39 countries,  including representatives of 61 companies, gathered to discuss the latest science developments, as well as a strong industry-led session on bringing microbiome technology to the marketplace.

Numerous events to celebrate microbes took place right around the world, including in the UK, USA, Poland, Portugal, Indonesia, Paraguay, Switzerland and Dubai.

At Killarney Outlet Centre, APC Microbiome Ireland hosted an event for the general public and school children where people were able to explore the new Alimentary Adventures inflatable walkthrough tunnel of the digestive system along as well as engage with educational exhibits on all different microbiomes, producers of fermented foods and relevant patient support organisations.

In Cambridge, UK, at the Wellcome Genome Campus, there was  a talk on beneficial microbes followed by an “ask the expert” Q&A session and visitors can engage with microbiome researchers making balloon microbes or playing the board game Gut Check.

In Switzerland, DSM Nutritional Products at Kaiseraugst offered free probiotic yoghurt to all their staff.

A number of online events took place including a social media campaign from the American College of Gastroenterology, a Teagasc Twitter event from the soil microbiologists based in Johnstown, and from London there was an online Live Micro Class “5 things you need to know about your microbiome”. The public were also invited participate in an online Reddit “Ask Me Anything” about microbiomes from 6.30-7.30pm on the day where a panel of expert were available to answer questions on all microbiomes.

APC Microbiome Ireland scientists visited primary schools in Cork to engage with children on the topic of “Mind our Microbes”. These presentations developed for younger and older primary school children can be downloaded from the website.

The public were also invited to nominate their “Microbiome Hero” – people/groups who have carried out microbiome friendly activities e.g. a school planting a garden, a farmer who has introduced microbiome friendly agricultural practices, a community group organising a clean-up of their local park or beach, someone who makes fermented foods, or cooks healthy meals- in advance of the day. All nominations received are being highlighted on the World Microbiome Day website and on social media where winners of art, photography and limerick competitions were announced.

World Microbiome Day flags were flown from APC Microbiome Ireland’s host institutions – University College Cork and Teagasc Food Research Centre in Moorepark – and from Cork City Hall.

Follow World Microbiome Day on social media – #worldmicrobiomeday; Twitter @WMicrobiomeDay; Instagram: worldmicrobiomeday; Facebo

Host Institution

Host Logos - UCC and Teagasc

Partner Institutions

APC Microbiome Ireland

Biosciences Building, University College Cork, Ireland,
