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Launch Of New Spinout Company SeqBiome

24 Jul 2020

Launch Of New Spinout Company SeqBiome

We greatly welcome the launch of SeqBiome a spinout from APC Microbiome Ireland, University College Cork and Teagasc.

SeqBiome provides high-quality and interactive sequencing and microbiome analysis for academia and industry. The offering is comprehensive and spans the microbiome project continuum with an aim of creating meaningful microbiome insights for clients across industries such as Pharmaceuticals, Nutrition, Sport, Healthcare, Agriculture and other Life Sciences.

The distinguished Co-Founders of SeqBiome, Dr Marcus Claesson (CEO), Prof Paul Cotter (CTO) and Brad Wrigley (Executive Director) have over 40 years of combined published microbiome experience, with over 350 papers and 23,000 citations.

Dr Marcus Claesson, SeqBiome founder and CEO also commented: “For many Pharma, Nutrition, Sport, Agriculture and Healthcare companies, microbiome analysis is a complex and time-consuming process. It requires the support of expensive sequencing facilities, significant computational power and an extensive expertise in bioinformatic analysis and interpretation. Without these in-house capabilities, commercial organisations struggle to derive meaningful and reliable information about their products and their impact on microbiomes. We are incredibly excited to officially launch SeqBiome and provide a range of world class sequencing and analysis services to support our clients with these challenges. After a short few months our existing clients and partners already include Nestle, MARS Petcare, Atlantia, Alpinia Institute, Microbion and the PrecisionBiotics Group. We’re building a vastly experienced team with a shared vision to help these and other organisations develop world class products that make a real difference to microbiome health.  The spin-out wouldn’t have been possible without the support from Enterprise Ireland, UCC, APC and Teagasc.”

APC Director Paul Ross commented “APC Microbiome Ireland is delighted with the launch of its new spin out company SeqBiome Ltd – a company dedicated to custom sequencing and bioinformatic analysis of microbiome-related samples.  The establishment of the new company is testament to the vision and courage of the main APC co-founders Professor Paul Cotter and Dr Marcus Claesson and is the latest spin out company associated with the APC following in the footsteps of Atlantia Food Clinical Trials Ltd, Artugen Therapeutics, 4D Pharma Cork Ltd, and PrecisionBiotics Ltd.  SeqBiome is a great example of the APC’s ambition to translate high-quality research and state-of-the-art capability into commercial reality with the creation of increased critical mass, hi-tech jobs and economic success – centred around microbiome science. This is perfectly aligned with SFI objectives and government strategy to deliver economic impact built on a world-class scientific knowledge base.”

Press Release

Photo (left to right): Brad Wrigley. Rich Ferrie, Marcus Claesson, Brendan Curran and Paul Cotter.

Host Institution

Host Logos - UCC and Teagasc

Partner Institutions

APC Microbiome Ireland

Biosciences Building, University College Cork, Ireland,
