4 Sep 2020

Since its establishment in 2003, APC Microbiome Ireland has become a global leader in microbiome research and has continued to demonstrate the impact of APC research on society and on the Irish economy . Some highlights of this are:
- For every €1 investment by SFI, APC has attracted another €1.84 of inward investment for APC research
- APC helps to generate €1.2m for the Irish economy each week, including expenditure and taxation impact.
- In analysis of the multiplier effect of investment, the report showed a return of €5.60 return to the economy for every €1 state investment in APC
- 10 APC Principal Investigators were included ranked in the top 1% of researchers in the Clarivate Analytics 2018 Highly Cited Researchers List
- APC scientific discoveries have contributed to global health challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, obesity, mental health, successful ageing and inflammatory diseases
- APC works closely with industry. In the last 5 years, 56 collaborative projects with industry have secured over €30million in R&D funding from industry for APC research.
- APC has produced over 2,500 publications in its 15-year history, which have been cited 80,873 times, equating to an average 32 citations per paper. 40% of the APC publications have been from international collaborations with co-authors based in 59 different countries.
- APC papers have a citation rate over twice the world average, and 25% of APC publications are among the top 10% most frequently cited papers globally.
- APC has developed and trained 550 alumni who have advanced to positions in academia, industry and the healthcare sector across the globe
- APC has a vigorous education and public engagement programme. APC researchers interact with approx. 80,000 members of the public annually.