- You Said and We are Doing Together
- How we Listen
- Annual Schedule of Student Surveys
- Student Survey Reports
- Data Support
- Survey Tools
- Survey requests (Internal)
- Survey Requests (External)
- Student Survey Principles for Code of Practice
- General Ethical Principles for Survey Research in UCC
- University Student Surveys Board
- Review of Student Feedback
Data Support
StudentSurvey.ie Report Template and Guide
The ability to capture and analyse data on the student experience is a key component of our commitment to quality. What students have to say is gathered and analysed throughout each academic year and informs ongoing, annual, and cyclical changes at a programme, school, and institutional level. The results of StudentSurvey.ie are used as a core quantitative and qualitative data set on the student experience, for use in internal and external quality assurance and improvement processes.
The StudentSurvey.ie Report Templates and Guide for How to Use Them is designed for use by Programme Directors and Programme Coordinators to enhance your ability to access, analyse, report, and respond to the student voice in a timely and effective way. While this guide refers to, primarily, Programme Directors, it should also be used by any other postholders (including Heads of School) that are responsible for managing and monitoring programme quality.
The results can also be accessed by Programme Directors and Coordinators to support timely and impactful programme level trend analysis, inform decision-making in Programme and School Committees, and for use in annual programme monitoring and programme review. Published StudentSurvey.ie National Reports together with the UCC results report can be accessed at National Student Engagement Survey Reports
How and when can I access programme data?
Data are available directly through the i-graduate In Touch platform. Survey responses collected during the survey fieldwork in February - March are available in May and can be downloaded, analysed, and presented for consideration in a variety of formats.
To set up a profile on In Touch and access the platform, click here.
Once you have been set up, if you would like to explore the uses of the survey data as a group within your School/Department, then be sure to get in contact with Deirdre Kearney who will deliver an Impact session locally. Alternatively, dates for Impact sessions will be advertised shortly so why not book in, join a session and unlock the value of student survey data.
The In Touch data storage and data analytics dashboard
Using the In Touch dashboard designed by i-graduate, the company which runs the survey data collection platform, you can analyse student responses for your course for every fieldwork period since 2017. This allows you to track changes across the years.
Results are available to you which will allow you to compare the indicator score for each indicator for respondents in your programme with relevant comparators within the institution and nationally. When you combine these results with your knowledge of your course and the students enrolled, you will maximize the value of the data.