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Prof. David Mackenzie

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Professor David Mackenzie BA, MA, Dip.Ed (Oxford), PhD (Nottingham) Emeritus Professor +353 (0)21 490 2240 / 3267



  • Editions of Medieval Castilian, Galician and Aragonese texts of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries;
  • Lexocography, specifically a Dictionary of Medieval Spanish and a Lexicon of Medieval Galician;
  • Galician History and Literature of all periods;
  • Medieval Spanish literature, specifically Juan Rodríguez del Padrón and the Sentimental Romance;
  • Iberian Palaeography



A manual of manuscript transcription for the Dictionary of the Old Spanish Language Madison, Wisconsin: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies (1st ed., with K Buelow, 1977; 2nd ed., 1980; 3rd ed., with a Spanish translation, 1984; 4th ed., with V A Burrus, 1986, 56 pp. + 33 plates with transcriptions)

Associate Editor, Concordances and texts of the Royal Scriptorium manuscripts of Alfonso X Madison, Wisconsin: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1978, 35,000 pp (on 130 microfiches)

Rodríguez de Almela, D., Cartas (edited with an introduction by D Mackenzie) Exeter: University Press, 1980, xxii + 111 pp

Associate Editor, Concordances and texts of the fourteenth-century Aragonese manuscripts of Juan Fernández de Heredia Madison, Wisconsin: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1982, 30,000 pp (on 111 microfiches)

(with C Faulhaber, J J Nitti, B Dutton) Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts (3rd edition) Madison, Wisconsin: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1984, xxxiii + 341 pp

'Three Alfonsine etymologies' in Hispanic linguistic studies in honour of F W Hodcroft, Oxford: Dolphin, 1993, 19-23

'Un documento bilingüe galego-castelán do século XV' in Donaire, 1, 1993, 25-31

'Rosalía de Castro and the Normas ortográficas do galego común (Orthographic conventions for standard Galician)'/'Rosalía de Castro e as Normas ortográficas do galego común', in Actas do 1 Simposium de Estudios Galegos/Proceedings of the First Oxford Conference on Galician Studies, Santiago de Composela, 1993, 25-33 and 149-59

'Spaniards, "Germans", and the invention of printing: Diego de Valera's Crónica abreviada' in 'Como se fue el maestro': for Derek W Lomax. In Memoriam Lewiston: Mellon, 1994, pp. 87-103

'Problemas de transcripción textual electrónica: lenguas, dialectos, máquinas' in Actas del Congreso de la Lengua Española, Seville, 1994, pp. 341-44

[Edited, with Aengus Ward] C M Storrs, Jacobean pilgrims from England to St James of Compostella from the early twelfth to the late fifteenth century, Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia, 1994, pp. 202

'A linguaxe da Crónica de Santa María de Iria', Actas do XIX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística e Filoloxía Románicas, Santiago de Compostela, 1989, A Coruña: Fundación 'Pedro Barrié de la Maza', 1994, vol 7, pp. 205-9

(with H Monteagudo) 'Galician Studies: language' in The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 1994, 56, 1995, 465-71

'Huevos asados as "Baked eggs": Don Duardos and the Comendador Román', in Portuguese, Brazilian and African Studies presented to Clive Willis, Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1995, 69-83

(with H Monteagudo) 'Galician Studies: language' in The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 1995, 57, 1996 [in press]


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Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

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