Translation Studies
Translation Studies at UCC
Translation education and research is one of the core interdisciplinary areas in the School of Literature, Languages and Cultures, bringing together expertise in different aspects of Translation Studies, translator training, translation technologies, cultural translation and adaptation, alongside a wealth of experience in creative and professional translation practice. It bridges and crosses the boundaries between linguistics, applied languages, comparative literature, history and area studies, cultural studies, audio-visual studies and ICT, at undergraduate level (principally in practical translation classes), postgraduate level (through delivery of the MA in Translation Studies and support for a vibrant PhD research community), and in research, scholarship and creative practice (centred on the dynamic Translation and Creativity cluster within CASiLAC).
News and Events
Teresa Solana in UCC on Sept. 17th: The Importance of Translations in Catalan Noir
Monday 17th September 2018 - O´Rahilly Building G27
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