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Dr. Niamh Long MPS Memorial Medal

At a glance

  • Value: Medal
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this prize
  • Questions about this prize can be directed to


The Dr Niamh long Medal, sponsored by the Medical Protection Society, commemorates the late Dr Niamh Long, a lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics at University College Cork and a Medico legal Consultant with the MPS. Dr Long, a 1994 UCC medical graduate worked as a Medical Consultant with the Medical Protection Society. Dr Long was widely acknowledged for her balanced view of risk assessment and analysis of the systematic issues which can lead to adverse events. As a reflection of her contribution to student teaching and learning and in recognition of her promotion of high quality medical care in her clinical and medico legal activities, the Dr Niamh long Medal is awarded to the student obtaining the highest mark in Ethics and Legal Medicine in Year 3 of the Direct Entry to Medicine Programme (DEM). 

The following conditions apply:

o The prize is a Medal.
o The Medal is awarded to the student obtaining the highest mark in Ethics and Legal Medicine in DEM3.
o In the event of two or more students achieving equal marks, the module co-ordinator will arbitrate the Medal winner.

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
