Administration of Radiation Protection at University College Cork
Ultimate responsibility:
The ultimate responsibility for protective measures in University College Cork is the Governing Body. This body is responsible for the protection of all persons in the College who may be exposed to ionising radiations arising within the college. To assist in the discharge of this duty, and administrative organisation exists as outlined in the remainder of this section.
Administrative organisation:
The administrative organisation essentially consists of the Radiation Protection Officer, Departmental Radiation Supervisors and Departmental Heads.
The Radiation Protection Officer:
- The primary duty of the Radiation Protection Officer is, in cooperation with the Departmental Radiation Supervisors, to ensure that the procedure outlined in this Code of Practice and the conditions of the College Licence are adhered to.
- He/She is responsible for the monitoring of records covering medical and dosimetric supervision of persons in the College who may be exposed to ionising radiations.
- He/She is responsible for monitoring the purchase and disposal of radioactive substances and sources of ionising radiations.
- He/She is responsible for maintaining liaison with relevant outside bodies e.g. the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland.
Departmental Radiation Supervisors:
- Though the Head of each Department carries the ultimate responsibility for safety in his/her own Department, the daily exercise of that function may be delegated to a Departmental Supervisor. The duties and responsibilities of the Departmental Radiation Supervisor are:
- To ensure that their Department adheres to the provisions of this Code and the Conditions of the College Licence and to provide the Departmental link with the Radiation Protection Officer.
- To ensure that all persons within the Department who are exposed to ionising radiation are instructed as to hazards and precautions, and made aware of their individual responsibilities.
- To keep a register of the purchase, use and disposal of all sealed and unsealed sources and to make available copeis of all records to the Radiation Protection Officer.
- Through the Radiation Protection Officer, to arrange as necessary for medical supervision of designated persons.
- To arrange personal monitoring for designated persons, and for film badges/TLDs to be examined by a qualified laboratory, to record details of doses and to forward the information to the Radiation Protection Officer.
- To identify and mark supervised areas* in the Department. The doors of 'supervised area' rooms must be marked with the standard radiation symbol. A notice giving instructions on emergency procedures must be displayed in the room.
- To have ready access to radiation monitors and to ensure the appropriate monitoring is carried out in the Department.
- To arrange, through the Radiation Protection Officer, for the regular calibration of monitors.
- To implement the rules governing the conduct of radiation work (Section 3, ) in the Department.
- To take charge of emergency procedures in the event of an accident or emergency.
Responsibility of Heads of Departments:
The ultimate responsibility for Radiation Safety in a Department lies with the Head of Department. It is the duty of the Head of a Department to appoint, in consultation with the Radiation Protection Officer, a Departmental Radiation Supervisor and to ensure that the closest liaison exists between himself/herself and his/her Departmental Radiation Supervisor. It is also his/her duty to advise the Radiation Protection Officer when any change of equipment, usage, or enviornment occures which may affect Radiation Safety in his/her Department.
*'Supervised areas' shall be ascribed to areas where annual exposures might approach the limits set out in Table 1, .