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PPI Seed Funding Scheme 2023

This call will be administered by PPI Ignite Network@ UCC and will give an opportunity to significantly enhance PPI activities conducted across the University and amongst wider society.

The theme for 2023 is Development/ establishment of innovative and meaningful Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Partnerships.

The aim of the scheme is to establish/ develop projects, activities and initiatives that address foundation work in PPI. This foundation work should foster principles of trust, respect, flexibility, transparency, empowerment and power sharing, collaboration, partnership, equality and inclusion.

To be considered for seed funding, applicants must submit completed application form by email to before Tuesday 31st Oct 2023 at 17.00 (GMT).

For more information, please read the following:

On 4th November, we held an informational webinar. You can watch the webinar below or view the slides here (PPI Ignite @UCC seed funding webinar slides).


For queries and questions related to this call, please contact


PPI Ignite Network@UCC

4th Floor Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, T12 XF62
