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Dr Carol Kelleher

Dr. Carol Kelleher is the UCC co-lead for the PPI Ignite Network. She is a member of the Network Steering Committee and co- leads work package 2, which is focussed on embedding PPI scholarship into undergraduate and postgraduate education. At UCC, Carol works closely with Dr Emmy Racine, PPI Ignite Network @ UCC Programme Manager to build capacity for high-quality PPI within UCC and amongst wider society, and to embed PPI into institutional policies and practices.

Carol is a Lecturer in Service Design and Social Care researcher in the Institute of Social Sciences in the 21st Century (ISS21) and College of Business and Law in UCC. Her research interests focus on care and care relations, participatory research methodologies and service design. She leads the interdisciplinary care research cluster in ISS21 and is a recipient of several Irish Research Council awards on care.

PPI Ignite Network@UCC

4th Floor Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, T12 XF62
