Noel Woods
Noel Woods
Name | Position | Telephone | |
Noel Woods | Lecturer in Economics |
+353 (0)21 4902573 | |
Undergraduate Teaching
- Economic Accounting and Measurement
- The Market Economy
- Economics of Enterprise
- Market, Governments and the Economics of Social Issues
Postgraduate Teaching
- Health and Evaluation Studies
- Policy Analysis and Evaluation (Health)
- Woods, N., Whelton H., Considine J., and S. Lucey. The Impact of Economic Incentives on Dental Treatment Patterns. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry and the European Association of Dental Public Health (Forthcoming)
- Woods, N., Whelton H., and V. Kelleher. Need for Dental Care amongst the Elderly in Ireland. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry and the European Association of Dental Public Health (Forthcoming).
- Woods, N., Whelton H., Considine J., and S. Lucey. The Impact of System Changes on Dental Treatment Patters. Published Abstracts in Journal of Dental Research Vol.87 Special Issue B. July 2008.
- Woods, N. The Influence of Remuneration Systems on Both Consumer and Provider Behaviour in the Provision of Oral Health Care. Taighde: The Research Journal of the Faculty of Commerce, UCC. Vol. 2 (1): 60-63. January 2008.
- Whelton H., N Woods, V. Kelleher, T. Crowley, I. Stephenson, and M. Ormsby. Evidence Based Options for an Oral Health Policy of Older People. National Council on Ageing and Older People and Health Research Board, Dublin. 2008.
- Woods N. Factors Influencing the Need for Dental Care Amongst the Elderly. Published abstracts in European Journal of Health Economics. Vol. 7- Supplement 1. July 2007.
- Whelton H., D. O’Mullane, E. Crowley, N. Woods, V. Kelleher, H. Guiney and M. Byrtek. Oral Health of Irish Adults 2000-02. Department of Health and Children. Brinswick Press Ltd. Final Report April. 2007.
- Whelton H., D. O’Mullane, E. Crowley, N. Woods, M. Cronin, V. Kelleher, and M. Byrtek. (2007). Edentulousness in the Republic of Ireland in 1989 and 2001. Published abstracts in Journal of Dental Research Volume 86, Special Issue A. March 2007.
- Woods N, H. Whelton and V. Kelleher (2007). Need for Dental Care amongst the Elderly in Ireland. Published abstracts in Journal of Dental Research Volume 86, Special Issue A. March 2007.
- Whelton H., Crowley E., O’Mullane D.,Woods N., Cronin M., Kelleher V., and Byrtek M. (2007). Oral Health of Irish Adults 2002. Department of Health and Children Stationary Office Dublin. April 2007.
- Woods N. (2007). ‘Learming Outcomes for a Module in Economics’ in Writing and Using Learning Outcomes A Practical Guide by Declan Kennedy Published by University College Cork, Ireland. ISBN 978-0-9552229-6-2.
- Woods N. 'Open Wide' in A Picture of Health - Improving Health Through Research and Information, A Selection of Irish Health Research 2006, Health Research Board ISSN 1649-8844. 2006
- Woods, N. and Whelton H. Determinants of Risk of Dental Caries amongst Adults in the Republic of Ireland. (with H. Whelton) Published Abstracts from the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Pan European Federation Conference. Trinity College, Dublin. September 2006.
- Woods, N. and Whelton H. Socio-Economic, Demographic and Cognitive Risk Indicators of Dental Caries amongst Adults in the Republic of Ireland. European Journal of Health Economics. Vol. 7- Supplement 1. July 2006.
- Woods, N. and Whelton H. Socio-Economic and Demographic Risk Factors Influencing Caries Prevalence in the Republic of Ireland (with H. Whelton) Published Abstracts in Journal of Dental Research Volume 84, Special Issue A: 3163. April 2005.
- Whelton H., Woods N., Cronin M. Dental Treatment Services Scheme – Service Utilisation and Treatment Need. LOT 9. Final Report. Department of Health and Children, April 2005.
- Woods, N., Whelton H. D. O'Mullane, F. Burke, M. Cronin. Use of Dental Service Data to Inform Research and Policy. Advances in Dental Research - An E-supplement to the Journal of Dental Research Vol. 18(3): 42-45, December 2005.
- Woods, N., and Whelton H. Estimates of Demand for Oral Health Services by Low Income Adults in the Republic of Ireland. Published Abstracts in Journal of Dental Research Volume 82, Special Issue A. March 2003.
- Woods, N. Energy Efficiency Indicators for Ireland: Estimates and Assessment (with Eleanor Doyle), Irish Energy Centre, Dublin, 1997.
- Woods, N. The Difference between GDP and GNP in Ireland, Irish Cases in Economics, 5th Edition, by McGraw-Hill, October 1998.
- Woods, N. Chancellor's tests should Serve as a warning to Ireland, Irish Cases in Economics, 5th Edition, by McGraw-Hill, October 1998.
Conference Papers
Woods, N., Whelton H., Considine J., and S. Lucey. The Impact of Economic Incentives on Dental Treatment Patters in the Republic of Ireland. 7th European Congress of Health Economics. Rome, July 23-26, 2008.
Woods, N., Whelton H., Considine J., and S. Lucey. The Impact of System Changes on Dental Treatment Pattens. 86th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Health Toronto, Canada, July 2-5, 2008.
Guiney, H., Whelton H., Crowley E., O’Mullane D., Woods N., McGrath C., and Kelleher V. Impact of Fluoridation and Disadvantage on Tooth Retention in Ireland. 86th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Health Toronto, Canada, July 2-5, 2008.
Considine, J., Woods, N., Whelton H., Lucey S., and Nyhan T. The Impact of System Changes on Dental Treatment Patterns. UCC/Cork University Teaching Hospitals Health Research Day. June 6th 2008. (Distinction for Presentation)
Woods, N., Whelton H., and V. Kelleher. Need for Dental Care amongst the Elderly in Ireland. 85th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Health New Orleans, Louisiana USA, March 21-24, 2007.
Woods N., and Whelton H. Demand for Dental Care amongst the Elderly in Ireland. 6th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association in Copenhagen, Denmark. July 8-11, 2007.
Woods, N. Socioeconomic Factors Influencing the Oral Heath of the Elderly in Ireland. Presented to members of the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI, Galway, Ireland. November 5th 2007.
Woods N., and Whelton H. Determinants of Risk of Dental Caries Amongst Adults in the Republic of Ireland. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Pan European Federation Conference. Trinity College, Dublin. September 13 -16th 2006.
Woods N., and Whelton H. Socio-Economic, Demographic and Cognitive Risk Indicators of Dental Caries Amongst Adults in the Republic of Ireland. European Congress of Health Economics. Budapest. July 7-10th 2006.
Woods, N. Designing Learning Outcomes for Economic Accounting and Measurement. (Poster Presentation) International Symposium on Learning Outcomes. UCC. February 10-11th 2006.
Woods, N. Supplier Inducement in Dental Care: Econometric Evidence from the Irish Dental Market. Health Services Research Group Conference, UCC. August 2005.
Woods, N. Supplier Inducement in Dental Care: Econometric Evidence from the Irish Dental Market. 5th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association in Barcelona, Spain. July 10-13, 2005.
Woods N, and Whelton H. To Assess Service Utilisation Patterns of the General Population under the DTSS. Department of Health and Children Seminar, Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park, Dublin. April 12 –13, 2005.
Woods N., and Whelton H. Comparing Survey Estimates and Treatment Provided. Department of Health and Children Seminar, Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park, Dublin . April 12 –13, 2005.
Woods N., and Whelton H. Socio-Economic and Demographic Risk Factors Influencing Caries Prevalence in the Republic of Ireland (with H. Whelton) 83rd Annual Conference of the International Association for Dental Health Baltimore, Maryland, March 9-12, 2005.
Woods N., and Whelton H. Factors Influencing the Utilisation of Oral Health Services by Medical Cardholders in the Republic of Ireland. Health Services Research Group Conference, UCC. September 2004.
Woods N., and Whelton H. Estimates of Demand for Oral Health Services by Low Income Adults in the Republic of Ireland. 32nd Annual Conference of the American Association for Dental Health San Antonio, Texas, USA. March 12-15, 2003.
Woods N., and Whelton H. Demand for Oral Health Services by GMS Recipients in the Republic of Ireland in 2001 4th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association in San Francisco, California, USA. June 15-18, 2003.
Woods, N. Utilisation of Oral Health Services by Medical Cardholders, in Ireland, in 2000. Health Economics Association of Ireland (HEAI) Conference, Dublin. April 18th 2002.
Woods, N. Factors Influencing the Demand for The Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS) in Ireland. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Annual Conference. Cork. January 2002.
Woods, N. The Generation of Employment in Marketed Services in Ireland in 1985 International Regional Science Association (UK & Ireland), Annual Conference, York, 2-4 September 1998.
Woods, N. Factors Influencing the Demand for Dental Treatment by Medical Cardholders in Ireland. Interdisciplinary Health Services Research Group (HSRG) Seminar. Cork. February 13th 2002.
Woods, N. Measurement of Backward Linkage Employment in Marketed Services in Ireland from 1985 to 1990. Irish Economic Association (IEA) Conference. Westport, Co. Mayo April 1999.
Woods, N. Induced Employment in Marketed Services in Ireland in 1985. An Input-Output Analysis, Irish Economic Association (IEA) Conference, Athlone, April 1997.
Working Papers
Induced Employment in Marketed Services in Ireland in 1985, An I-O Analysis Department of Economics, Working Paper 97-6
The Implications of the BSE Crisis on the Irish Economy in 1997. Department of Economics Working Paper WP 98-2
Backward Linkage Employment in Marketed Services in Ireland (1975-1990), An I-O Analysis Department of Economics Working Paper WP 99-2.
Commissioned Reports
- Developing Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Health Board Dental Services in Ireland. Health Research Board (with H.Whelton, and V.Kelleher) Strategic Health Research and Development Award 2004.
- Evidence Based Oral health Policy Development for the Elderly. Health Research Board Building Partnerships for a Healthier Society Award 2004. Jointly Funded by HRB and NCAOP (National Council for Aging and Older People). 2006. (with H. Whelton, P Beirne).
- Assessment of Dental Treatment Service Scheme Utilisation (with H. Whelton, M. Cronin, V. Kelleher) Department of Health and Children (LOT 9) Consultancy Report, Government Publications Office, Dublin 2005.
- Modelling and Interpretation of Epidemiological and Service Data for Formulation of Policy and Planning for Oral Health Services (Oral Health Services Research Centre/Department of Health & Children, 2001)
- Energy Efficiency Indicators for Ireland: Estimates and Assessment (with Dr Eleanor Doyle), Irish Energy Centre, Dublin, 1997.
Research Interests & Academic Management
Research Interests
Highlights to date include:
- Principal Investigator on Health Research Board (HRB) grant of €300,000 – RP/2007/293 in May 2007.
Member of the organising committee for the Interdisciplinary Health Research Conference in UCC, June 15th 2007. - Included in publication of Health Research highlights for 2006 by the HRB ISSN 1649-8844.
Inclusion of my learning outcomes for a module in Economics in Writing and Using Learning Outcomes (Kennedy 2007). ISBN 978-0-9552229. - Graduated with a PhD in Health Economics in UCC in 2005.
Receipt of HRB Grant of €155,000 in 2002. UCC Account No. 505-727-3491. - Collaboration with Oral Health Services Research Centre (OHSRC) and Department of Statistics on €90,000 Consultancy Project – LOT 9 Comparing Utilisation of Oral Health Services with Treatment Needs-. Published April 2005. UCC Account No. 503-727-3062.
- Collaboration with OHSRC and Department of Statistics on €692,000 Consultancy Project – Oral Health of Irish Adults for Department of Health and Children. In Press. UCC Account No. 503-727-2907.
- Referee for the Journal of the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry and the European Association of Dental Public Health.
- Member of the Organising Committee for the 2nd Biennial Health Conference in UCC (September 2001)
- Member of National Guidelines Group for the Development of Guidelines for the Use of Topical Fluorides in Dental Health.
- Member of the Health Services Interdisciplinary Research Group
- Member of the Health Economics Association of Ireland
- Member of the International Association for Dental Research
- Member of the International Health Economics Association
Academic Management
- Member of Undergraduate Students Needs Committee - Faculty of Commerce
- Member of Board of Studies for BSc in Government and Political Science.