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  • Whelton H., D. O’Mullane, E. Crowley, N. Woods, M. Cronin, V. Kelleher, and M. Byrtek. (2007). Edentulousness in the Republic of Ireland in 1989 and 2001. Journal of Dental Research Volume 86, Special Issue A. March 2007.
  • Woods N,H. Whelton and V. Kelleher (2007).Need for Dental Care amongst the Elderly in Ireland.Journal of Dental Research Volume 86, Special Issue A. March 2007.
  • Whelton H., Crowley E., O’Mullane D.,Woods N., Cronin M., Kelleher V., and Byrtek M.(2007).Oral Health of Irish Adults 2002. Department of Health and Children Stationary Office Dublin . 2007.
  • Woods N. (2007). ‘Learming Outcomes for a Module in Economics’ in Writing and Using Learning Outcomes A Practical Guide by Declan Kennedy Published by University College Cork, Ireland. ISBN 978-0-9552229-6-2.
  • Woods N. in 'Open Wide' in A Picture of Health - Improving Health Through Research and Information, A Selection of Irish Health Research 2006, Health Research Board 2006 ISSN 1649-8844.2006.
  • Woods N. and H. Whelton (2006). Determinants of Risk of Dental Caries Amongst Adults in the Republic of Ireland. Published Proceedings from the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Pan European Federation Conference.Trinity College, Dublin. September 2006.
  • Woods N. (2006) Socio-Economic, Demographic and Cognitive Risk Indicators of Dental Caries amongst Adults in the Republic of Ireland. European Journal of Health Economics. Vol. 7- Supplement 1. July 2006.
  • Woods N. (2005). Aligning Treatment Provided with Epidemiologically Predicted Need for Oral Health Services by General Medical Services Recipients in the Republic of Ireland. PhD Dissertation, NUI, Cork. September 2005.
  • Woods N. and H. Whelton (2005) .Socio-Economic and Demographic Risk Factors Influencing Caries Prevalence in the Republic of Ireland. Journal of Dental Research Volume 84, Special Issue A: 3163. April 2005.
  • Whelton H, D. O'Mullane, F. Burke, Woods N. and M. Cronin (2005). Use of Dental Service Data to Inform Research and PolicyAdvances in Dental Research - An E-supplement to the Journal of Dental Research Volume 18(3): 42-45, December 2005.
  • Deegan, J., M. Kenneally, R. Moloney, D. O’Sullivan and S. Wanhill (2005), Tourism Satellite Accounts for Ireland, the Irish Tourist Board, Dublin.
  • Sjostrom W. (2004). Ocean Shipping Cartels: A Survey, Review of Network Economics.3 (June 2004): pp. 107-134.
  • Moloney, R. (2004), The Economic Contribution of the Port of Cork’s Cruise Ship Business to Ireland – An Input-Output Analysis, Business Briefing: Global Cruise 2004, Business Briefings Limited, May.
  • Sjostrom W. (2004). The Stability of Ocean Shipping Cartels, in How Cartels Endure and How They Fail, ed. Peter Z. Grossman, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, pp. 82-110.
  • Woods N. and H. Whelton (2003). Estimates of Demand for Oral Health Services by Low Income Adults in the Republic of Ireland.Journal of Dental Research Volume 82, Special Issue A. March 2003.
  • Sjostrom W.(2003). Contract of Services for the Assistance in Processing Public Submissions to be received in response to the "Consultation Paper" on the Review of Council Regulation 4056/86 (with H.E. Haralambides, M. Fusillo, U. Hautau, and A.W. Veenstra) Report to the European Commission, Directorate General for Competition, July 2003
  • Sjostrom W. (2002). Liner Shipping: Modelling Competition and Collusion, in Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business, ed. Costas Th. Grammenos, London: Lloyds of London Press, 2002, pp. 307-326.
  • Sjostrom W. (2000) The Effect of Safety Regulations at Sea: Deck Load Laws and the Nineteenth Century Timber Trade, International Journal of Transportation Economics.27 (October 2000): 303-313.
  • Sjostrom W. (2000). The Economic Value of the Port of Cork to the Irish Economy (with Richard Moloney and Raymond Burke) Report Commissioned by the Port of Cork Company, June 2000.
  • Woods N. (1998). The Difference between GDP and GNP in Ireland, Irish Cases in Economics, 5th Edition, by McGraw-Hill, October 1998.
  • Woods N. (1998). Chancellor's tests should serve as a warning to Ireland, Irish Cases in Economics, 5th Edition, by McGraw-Hill, October 1998.
  • Sjostrom W. (1998). Competition Law in the European Union and the United States, in New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, ed. Peter Newman, London: Macmillan, 1998, vol. 1, pp. 370-377.
  • Doyle E. and N. Woods (1997). Energy Efficiency Indicators for Ireland: Estimates and Assessment.Irish Energy Centre, Dublin, 1997.
  • Sjostrom W. (1995). Stability and Related Problems in Liner Shipping: An Economic Overview (with John Davies, Craig Pirrong, and George Yarrow) Hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate, 104th Congress, 1st Session, November 1995.
  • Sjostrom W. (1993). Hanged for a Sheep - The Economics of Marginal Deterrence, (with David Friedman) Journal of Legal Studies. 22 (June 1993): 345-366
  • Sjostrom W. (1993). Antitrust Immunity for Shipping Conferences: An Empty Core Approach, Antitrust Bulletin. 38 (Summer 1993):419-423
  • Sjostrom W. (1993). Job Security in an Efficiency Wage Model, Journal of Macroeconomics.15 (Winter 1993): 183-187
  • Sjostrom W. (1992). Price Discrimination by Shipping Conferences, Logistics and Transportation Review.28 (June 1992): 207-215
  • Sjostrom W. (1991). An Empirical Test of Monopoly Behaviour: An Application to the Hardwood Cases: A Comment, Applied Economics.23 (February 1991): 339-341.
  • Sjostrom W. (1989). On the Origin of Shipping Conferences: Excess Capacity and the Opening of the Suez Canal, International Journal of Transportation Economics.16 (October 1989): 329-335.
  • Sjostrom W. (1989). Collusion in Ocean Shipping: A Test of Monopoly and Empty Core Models, Journal of Political Economy.97 (October 1989): 1160-1179.
  • Sjostrom W. (1988). Monopoly Exclusion of Lower Cost Entry: Loyalty Contracts in Ocean Shipping Conferences, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy.22 (September 1988): 339-344

Centre for Policy Studies

Ionad Staidéar Beartas

University College Cork, 5 & 6 Bloomfield Terrace, Western Road, Cork
