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Leaving Cert Mandatory Experiments

UCC have put together some remote learning resources to help leaving cert students revise for the mandatory leaving cert physics experiments. 

A variety of sources have been used to collect the resources below including c4science YouTube Videos, Pasco Scientific Distance Learning Youtube Videos, Simple Science and Maths YouTube Videos, write-ups from the Professional Development Service for Teachers and a variety of online labs and simulations. These resources focus on either the Leaving Cert specifically or on distance learning. The online labs / simulation allow you to explore the concepts in the lab again and should not be considered a replacement for completing the lab in school. 

If you have an interest in Physics check out our Undergraduate courses. Studying Physics can lead to a huge range of careers due to the skills and ways of thinking it teaches you. See where some of our own graduates have ended up. 

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
