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Medical Education

Medical Education

Medical Education

Medical Education

Faculty at the Medical Education Unit at UCC are engaged in a number of Medical Education research projects, including a recently funded study on Workplace Learning. The unit has an excellent record in best-practice medical education and is constantly evaluating methods of teaching and assessment. The unit has the skillsets and the facilities to deliver top-tier medical education and can also provide tailored advice for your individual needs, including new course development. These courses are aimed at:

  • General Practitioners involved in medical student/GP trainee training.
  • Hospital Consultants involved in medical student/post-graduate training.
  • Doctors interested in medical education.
  • Clinical teachers.

Post Graduate Certificate in Health Professions' Education

Registration is now open for the Postgraduate Certificate in Health Professions' Education (PG Cert HPE). This is a part-time, fully online programme and will run from September 2020 to May 2021. On successful completion of the Postgraduate Certificate there is an option to progress to a Postgraduate Diploma and from there to a MSc in Health Professions' Education.  

This programme is led by the Medical Education Unit and is a collaboration with the School of Nursing and Midwifery, the School of Pharmacy and the Department of General Practice in UCC.

Further details and registration:

If you require further details please contact School of Medicine CPD


SAFEMED is a positive psychology CBT coaching programme focused on Clinician Health. An evidence based programme, SAFEMED takes a Bio Psychosocial approach to positive mental health, wellbeing and resilience. SAFEMED has been designed and researched by Clinical Psychologist and Medical Educator Dr. Margaret O’Rourke at University College Cork, School of Medicine

SAFEMED aims to…

  • Teach valuable life skills that are safe and easy to apply in a clinician’s daily routine and which improve performance and increase health protection.
  • Help health professionals discover ways to enhance stress reduction and build coping, resilience and self-esteem thereby providing the foundation upon which high performance and excellence can be built and maintained.
  • Identify the key resources for building and maintaining resilience, positive mental, emotional and behavioural health in themselves and in the patients they serve. We provide discipline specific or inter-professional programmes on-site or with us at University College Cork catering for…

> Individuals / Small Groups
> Organisations / Teams
> Leaders / Peers


Key benefits to Organisations from SAFEMED

The ultimate aim of SAFEMED is to provide positive healthcare environments through individual and organisational resilience, well-being, safety and
improved performance. This will enhance best practice in patient quality & safety and good doctor health.

  • Enhance a Patient Safety Culture
  • Best Strategies for Personal and Professional Wellbeing and Resilience
  • Good Doctor-Patient Empathy, Engagement and Morale
  • Enhanced Organisational and Individual Performance
  • Build Emotional Intelligence in Individuals and in Teams
  • Enhance Social and Interpersonal Skills
  • Building Confidence and Courtesy in the Work place
  • Improved Organisation – Employee Relationship


Key Benefits to individuals from SAFEMED

SAFEMED offers a unique approach to building and protecting health and well-being through a person’s biological, psychological and social (bio-psycho-social) assets and skills. In three easy steps learners will develop skills and build:

  • Improved Stress Regulation
  • Greater Emotional Intelligence
  • Healthy Thinking & Problem Solving
  • Increased Motivation & Goal Attainment
  • Improved Performance & Results
  • Improved Social & Communication Skills
  • Improved Coping & Resilience
  • Positive Relationships with Peers
  • Improved Sleep
  • Good Work-Life Balance (Save time, energy and costs)

SAFEMED Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course learners will be able to: identify ways to foster health, well-being and resilience in themselves and their patients, develop strategies to help clients/patients and colleagues who are stressed, outline steps and skills to handle pressure and performance, incorporate self-care into healthcare settings and determine work/life balance, Personal Support Plans for themselves, their patients and their teams.
The programme is divided into five easy modules addressing essential life skills that are empowering and performance enhancing. Key areas of the programme include:

  • Physical Health and Well-being
  • Mind Management / Healthy Thinking / Emotional Intelligence
  • Best Behavioural Health
  • Interpersonal, Communication and Relationship Skills
  • Values, Principles and Personal Strengths, PERMAR

If you are interested in the SAFEMED programme and would like to receive further information please contact us at CPD, School of Medicine, University College Cork.


Medical Education Unit - Faculty Development Day

The Faculty Development Study Day is aimed at clinicians who teach medical students in clinical settings, including General Practitioners, Hospital Consultants and doctors interested in medical education.

This study day is organised periodically during the year.  Places are limited.

Accredited for 4 CPD points. 

2016 workshops included:

  • Assessment Using Mini CEX
  • Providing Feedback to Students
  • The Student in Difficulty
  • Clinical Teaching with Real Patients: 10 tips for good practice

For further information and to reserve a place please e-mail:


Rachel Hyland or Melissa Walsh at 


School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
