DEM 1 - Student Selected Module
If you have any questions or queries regarding Dem1 SSM's please contact Emma O Reilly (
DEM 1 Student Selected Modules - all modules are 5 credits
EH1090 Epidemiology Elective I
FR1106 Threshold French II
HS1094 Spanish Language for First Year Medical Students (Beginner Level)
IT1171 Italian Language for Medical Students (Beginnner Level) (5 credits)
LC0001 Medical English (5 credits)
MX1001 Library Project in Medicine 1 (5 credits)
MX1006 Student Directed Special Study Module in Medicine (5 credits)
MX1007 Special Study Module: Advanced Irish Language (5 credits)
MX1009 History of Medicine
UW0092 Science in Society for Medicine (5 credits)