Chapter 6
Mapping the Preventive Restructuring Frameworks and the EU Directive: Introduction and Methodology
Chapter 6 introduces the core research aspects of the JCOERE Project: The JCOERE Questionnaire. Split into 3 parts, Chapter 6 focusses on the first part, which discusses the current preventive restructuring frameworks in each of the contributing Member States. The chapter begins by providing a benchmark to an already well-used and robust preventive restructuring procedure that has existed in Ireland since 1990. Chapter 6 then provides a more detailed discussion of the research methodology employed in the JCOERE Project, as well as illuminating some of the challenges encountered by the team. It also provides some general context for preventive restructuring as a background to the discussion of the responses from the first part of the questionnaire. Finally, the first part of the questionnaire responses are described, essentially setting out what each contributing jurisdiction currently has in terms of preventive restructuring frameworks.