Conference Presentations
- Xianli Xu, Nicola McGoff, James Eaton, Paul Leahy and Gerard Kiely. Dissolved Organic Carbon concentration and export in Irish catchments. Poster to be presented at the 2012 Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health (SESEH 2012), Galway, Ireland, August 20 - 25, 2012Xu 2012 report
- Gerard Kiely. Global Warming Potential (GWP) of GHG fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Poster presentation at the EPA Tyndall Conference Union, September 29, 2011 in Dublin, IrelandKiely Epa 2011 Report
- Khalil, M.I., P. O'Brien, G. Kiely and C. Mueller. Vegetation and Soil Type Matter for Estimitation of Organic Carbon Stocks in Argricultural Soils. Poster presentation at ISEB 20, September 27th-29th, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey.
- Khalil, M.I., P. O'Brien, G. Kiely and C. Mueller. High spatial resolution data for land use-soil type can reliably estimate baseline organic carbon stocks in agricultural soils. In proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter: Organic Matter Dynamics- from soils to oceans. 11-14 July in Leuven, Belgium
- Khalil, M.I., P. O'Brien, G. Kiely and C. Mueller. Empirical estimation of baseline organic carbon stocks for agricultural soils in the ROI. The Agricultural Research Forum meeting held from 14 to 15 March 2011 in Tullamore Court Hotel, Ireland.
- Matthias Peichl, Paul Leahy and Gerard Kiely. Carbon dioxide and energy exchanges in two intensively managed grasslands in the maritime climate region., Poster presentation at the European Geosciences Union (EGU), 3 to 8 April, 2011 in Vienna, Austriapeichl 2011 EGU Report
- M.I. Khalil, P. O’Brien, G. Kiely and C. Müller. Empirical estimation of organic carbon stocks for agricultural soils in the Republic of Ireland., Poster presentation at the European Geosciences Union (EGU), 3 to 8 April, 2011 in Vienna, AustriaKhalil 2011 Report
- Rafique R, Michael Mischurow, Yamulki S & G Kiely. 2011. Inter-comparison of field methods for measurement of nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrogen and Global Change. Edinburg International Conference Centre. April 11-14, 2011, Edinburg, UK.
- Matthias Peichl, Ann-Kristin Koehler and Gerard Kiely. CELTICFLUX – Carbon sequestration potentials of Irish Ecosystems. Poster presentation at the EPA Climate Change Conference, 30 June, 2010, Dublin.Rafique Abs 2010 Presentation
- Rashid Rafique, Ger Kiely. Quantification of N2O fluxes from Irish grasslands. The fifth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 12–16 July, 2010, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Nessa Golden, Ciaran Lewis, Ger Kiely, Xianli Xu, Chaosheng Zhang. Developing a landslide susceptibility map of Ireland using a logistic regression model and GIS, Environ 2010, Feb 17th-19th, Limerick Institute of TechnologyGolden 2010 presentation
- Chaosheng Zhang, Ya Tang, XianLi Xu, Ger Kiely. Use of geographically weighted regression to map soil organic carbon contents in Ireland, Environ 2010, 17–19th February, Limerick Institute of TechnologyZhang 2010 Presentation
- Yaxin He, Xianli Xu, Ger Kiely, Chaosheng Zhang. Estimating soil erosion and sediment yield with GIS, RUSLE and SEDD: A case study in Ireland, Environ 2010, 17–19th February, Limerick Institute of Technology HEYX 2010 presentation
- Xianli Xu, Ciaran Lewis, Wen Liu, John D. Albertson and Gerard Kiely. Analysis of single-ring infiltrometer data: comparison of BEST and Wu method.,European Geosciences Union (EGU), May 2010, Vienna, Austria.Xu 2010 presentation
- Wen Liu, Xianli Xu, Ciaran Lewis, John D. Albertson and Gerard Kiely. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture Estimation from ENVISAT ASAR Wide Swath Data for Grassland in Ireland,European Geosciences Union (EGU), May 2010, Vienna, Austria.Liu presentation 2010
- Ger Kiely, François Clement (2009). Estimation of the net ecosystem carbon exchange for the Republic of Ireland combining MODIS and tower based data December 2009, University College Cork, IrelandKiely 2009 Presentation
- Ger Kiely, Michael Mischurow, Rashid Rafique. N2O form Irish agricultural grasslands: current emissions and future trends Seminar on Climate Change Research funded by the DAFF’s RSF 24th June 2009, Celbridge Co. Kildare.Kiely Report 2009
- A-K Koehler The importance of DOC for the carbon balance of a lowland blanket peatland, 13th International Peat Congress, Tullamore, Ireland, 8–13 June 2008.
- Michael Wellock, Christina LaPerle, and Ger Kiely. Impact of Afforestation on the C Density of Irish Forest Soils.Wellock 2009 presentation
- Ciaran Lewis, Xianli Xu, John Albertson, Gerard Kiely. The Application of GEOtop for catchment scale hydrology in Ireland., European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, April 2009Lewis Poster Presentation 2009
- Michael Wellock, Christina LaPerle, and Ger Kiely. The Carbon Stocks of Peatlands under Forestry in the Republic of Ireland.Wellock 2009 presentation
- Rashid Rafique, Ger Kiely, Paul Leahy, Dong-Gill Kim. Nitrous Oxide from South West Irish grasslands and its relationship with important parameters.Rafique Poster presentation 2009
- Rashid Rafique, Ger Kiely, Paul Leahy, Dong-Gill Kim, Michael Mishurov, Jimmy Casey. Nitrous Oxide from Irish Agricultural Grasslands: Current Emissions and Future Trends.Rafique Poster 2 presentation 2009
- Xianli Xu, Ger Kiely. Estimation and analysis of soil hydraulic properties through infiltration experiments: test of BEST method. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, April 2009.Xu EGU Presentation 2009
- Xianli Xu, Ger Kiely. Stock and estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the Republic of Ireland: Estimate based on geostatistics and GIS techniques. Pedometrics, August 2009, Beijing, China.Xu 2 2009 Presentation
- Paul Leahy, Nicola McGoff, James Eaton, Ger Kiely and Ken Byrne. The SoilC Project: Organic carbon stocks in Irish soils, past, present and future. Crebeo Research Seminar, Dublin, 2nd September 2008.LeahyPresentation2008
- A-K Koehler, Kilian Murphy and Gerard Kiely,The intra-annual variation of DOC and POC and its importance for the annual carbon balance of a blanket peat catchment, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, 2008.Koehler Poster Presentation 2008
- M. Mishurov, P. Leahy and G. KielyDistinguishing peaks from background emissions of nitrous oxide in grassland ecosystem, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, 2008.Mishurov 2008 Presntation
- Gerard Kiely, Paul Leahy, Matteo Sottocornola, Owen Carton. How Sensitive is Carbon Uptake in Peatlands and Grasslands to Observed Climate Variation , Environmental Research Conference: Royal Hospital Kilmainham – Feb. 7, 2008Kiely 2008 Presentation
- Mishurov, M., Leahy P. and G. Kiely. Flux-tower measurements of N2O flux from Irish grasslands, , Proceeding of the conference "Greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems in Ireland.", Delgany, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, September, 2007.Mishurov 2007 presentation
- Jimmy Casey, Paul Leahy and Ger Kiely. Nitrous oxide flux studies at multiply grassland sites, Proceeding of the conference "Greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems in Ireland", Delgany, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, September, 2007CaseyPresentation2007
- Paul Leahy & Ger Kiely. Interannual variability of nitrous oxide emissions from a grazed grassland , Delgany, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, September, 2007Leahy Presentation 2007
- Nicola McGoff, James M. Eaton, Ger Kiely, Paul Leahy and Ken Byrne. Measurements of soil bulk density across differing soil types and land uses in Ireland , Delgany, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, September, 2007Mcgoff 2007 presentation
- Christina M. LaPerle, Michael Wellock, Kenneth Byrne, Nicola McGoff, James Eaton, and Ger Kiely. Measurement of Soil C Stock and Stock Changes in Irish Forest Soils , Delgany, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, September, 2007LaPerle 2007 Presentation
- Paul Leahy, Kenneth A. Byrne, Deirdre Fay, Chaosheng Zhang and Ger Kiely. Measurement and Modelling of Soil Carbon Stocks and Stock Changes in Irish Soils, Koli, Finland, April 5-8th 2006.Leahy Presentation 2006
- Anna Laine, Matteo Sottocornola, Gerard Kiely, Kenneth A. Byrne, David Wilson and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila. Ecosystem scale CO2 fluxes in a blanket peatland: How well do we need to know the landscape system? Tampere, Finland at an International Peat Congress, 2004Lain Presentation 2004
- Ciaran Lewis, Ger Morgan, Gerard Kiely, John Albertson, Todd Scanlon. (2003) Phosphorus loss from soils to water; annual export load from a nested grassland catchment., European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 6–11 April 2003 Lewis Poster Presentation 2003
- Vesna Jaksic, Gerard Kiely, John Albertson, Todd Scanlon. (2003) Carbon dioxide and water vapour fluxes for one year above a temperate grazed grassland, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 6–11 April 2003Jaksic 2003 Presentation
- Gerard Kiely, John Albertson, G. Katul, R. Oren, Todd Scanlon. (2003) A comparison of CO2 fluxes for one year at three Irish sites: two grassland pastures and one blanket peatland., European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 6–11 April 2003Scanlon Abs 2003 Presentation
- Gerard Kiely, Todd Scanlon. (2003) Nitrous oxide emissions from an Irish pasture: Inferred controls on fluxes measured by an eddy covariance system with a tunable diode laser., European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 6–11 April 2003Scanlon Abs 2 2003 presentation
- D. Moynihan,F. Horgan, Gerard Kiely, Todd Scanlon. (2002) Observations and Modelling of Stream Flow and Stream Phosphorus In Four Nested Grassland Catchments, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 21–26 April 2002Scanlon presentation 2002
- Y. Lacaze, C. Le Bris, John Albertson, Gerard Kiely, Todd Scanlon. (2002) A Comparison of 2, 3 and 4 Layers Soil Models Within A Svat Scheme For The Water Balance of A Small Irish Grassland Site., European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 21–26 April 2002Scanlon Abs Presentation 2002