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Postgraduate (PhD) Position, Dept. of Physics

Post-Graduate (PhD) Position Available

Dept. of Physics, University College Cork, Ireland
(Dae of publication:  1 May 2007)

A PhD position in molecular spectroscopy
, funded through the Science Foundation Ireland is available for 3 years in the Physics Department at University College Cork (UCC).


Innovative progress in biotechnology is largely based on the development of new simplified and possibly non-invasive bioanalytical methods with improved sensitivity. The research in this project will make a contribution to the development of new detection methods for biomolecules, which is of growing importance to the biotechnological and medical industry.

In this project the principles of incoherent broad-band cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy are to be combined with evanescent wave spectroscopy. A new spectrometer using a white light source is to be setup and combined with laser spectroscopic methods to allow the measurement of time- and temperature dependent absorption spectra of proteins, which are key constituents of every living organism. In initial experiments the new approach is to be tested using metallo-porphyrins in solution layers on fused silica surfaces. Later it is planned to study the properties and functionality of proteins and other macromolecules on lipid membranes.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified scientists with experience in molecular laser spectroscopy, (bio)physics, optical technologies and computer modelling of spectroscopic data. Eligible candidates hold a degree of Bachelor or Masters of Science (or equivalent). The official commencement of the project is the 1st of September 2007.

Interested students please send a Curriculum Vitae, description of your research experience and a statement why you are applying for this fellowship to the address below (e-mail preferred). Please include the name and contact detail of at least one referee from whom a letter of recommendation can be requested.  
Non-EU applicants: Please note that the post-graduate fees of UCC for NON-EU citizens are three times the normal fees (~€5000), which will deducted from the grant.

Application deadline is the 31st of July 2007
Enquiries about project and applications can be obtained from:

Dr. A.A. Ruth, Physics Department, NUI-University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Tel: +353-21-4902057, E-mail:

Human Resources

Acmhainní Daonna

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
