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Lecturer in Modern Chinese History
Lecturer in Modern Chinese History
Lecturer in Modern Chinese History <<Click here to download Particulars of Post
The Irish Institute of Chinese Studies (UCC) and Department of History
Applications are invited for the above whole-time permanent post.The successful candidate will primarily teach Twentieth Century Chinese History and the role of China in the international system to undergraduate and postgraduate students and undertake and supervise research. Candidates must hold a relevant doctorate and have a record of published research in the area of modern Chinese history. The appointee will report to the Director of the Irish Institute of Chinese Studies (UCC) and the Head of Department of History.
Websites: www.ucc.ie/institutechinesestudies
/ http://www.ucc.ie/academic/history/
For informal inquires please contact Professor Fan Hong: f.hong@ucc.ie or
Dr Gabriel Doherty: g.doherty@ucc.ie
Salary scale [new entrants]: €34,912 - €56,713
[There is provision for subsequent progression to a higher salary scale max. €81,867]
Closing date: Friday, 11 May, 2007
Completed application forms should be forwarded to:
Recruitment Office
Dept of Human Resources
University College Cork
Tel: + 353 21 4903073/ Email: recruitment@per.ucc.ie / Fax + 353 21 4276995
Application Form http://hradmin.ucc.ie/docs/AcadAppForm.doc
Memorandum re Lecturer Posts: http://hradmin.ucc.ie/docs/lecturepost.doc