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Coastal Software Developer / Masters Studentship
The Coastal & Marine Resources Centre, University College Cork, wish to recruit a Coastal Software Developer to work on a new project to develop an interactive tool for coastal education involving the use of handheld technologies and the Internet for collecting and disseminating field data via a web GIS. The candidate will work with others in the Geomatics team on the research and development of a web site, relational database management system and software for handheld technologies. Work will also involve querying and testing the database system and the handheld technology.
The successful candidate will have graduated with 1st Class Honours in Computer Sciences or a related field, proficiency and excellence in programming with PHP, Java and SQL, and excellent team working and oral and written communication skills. Other beneficial qualities include web development, HTML, handheld devices, an understanding of GIS / Web GIS, Open Source Software (PostGreSQL), XML, Unix/Linux; an interest in using technology with the coastal/marine environment and knowledge of the coastal/marine domain.
Additional opportunities include the potential to pursue a research masters degree (student fees covered).
Full Job Description is available from: http://cmrc.ucc.ie/pages/news_popup_Coastal_Software_Developer_ad.htm
Or contact:
Liz O’Dea, Coastal & Marine Resources Centre,
University College Cork, Haulbowline Naval Base, Cobh, Co. Cork.
Tel: (ROI) 021 4703106 / Email: l.odea@ucc.ie
Please forward Curriculum Vitae, including statement of work interests and experience as well as names and contact details of two referees to person above, by email or post.
Closing date for applications: 2nd March 2007 at 12:00 noon.