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Advertising Policy
Recruitment Advertising Policy
1. This policy is intended to support the University’s Appointment Policies and Procedures. This document sets out the University’s policy in relation to advertising vacant posts in external media.
2. These guidelines and procedures apply to the public advertisement of all posts; academic, non academic and research funded posts which are progressed to advertising.
3. External Advertising shall mean external advertising to achieve public promotion of a vacancy through external publication whether on printed or electronic media.
4. Ordinarily all vacancies, which are being advertised externally by the Department of Human Resources shall be advertised using the University’s generic advertising template. All externally advertised vacant posts shall be advertised in full on the UCC website and on relevant Internet recruitment site(s) which are currently www.jobs.ac.uk for academic positions and www.irishjobs.ie for non academic positions.
5. All recruitment advertising is co-ordinated on behalf of the University by the Department of Human Resources.
6. The Department of Human Resources will review all advertisements prior to ensure that they confirm to current policy, recruitment best practise and relevant legislative considerations.
7. No post will be advertised unless the relevant post has been approved for staffing via the submission of a post proposal form (PF3) which is available from the forms page of the HR website
8. In addition the advertisement must have been approved for print by the Chair of the Selection Committee. The Head of College or relevant Executive Manager will also be informed of the impending advertisement.
9. The Department of Human Resources holds a limited central fund for the cost of advertising UCC funded posts. All costs incurred in advertising posts funded by research grants are to be met by the research fund. Any costs incurred outside the terms of this policy shall require the approval of the relevant Executive Manager/Dean and shall be borne directly by the department/school or research centre recruiting the vacancy.
10. Given the emergence of internet based advertising media and specialist recruitment websites, the requirement for advertisements to appear in print in order to gain coverage has been significantly reduced in recent years. Each advertisement should be review by the Selection Committee and the Recruitment Manager to evaluate the merits of the need for print advertising.
11. As a cost cutting measure, in cases where print advertisements are deemed beneficial, then the print adverts will consist of a title, closing date, salary and a reference to the full length advert on the UCC website.
12. Where a number of advertisements are being placed in the same publication whether for administrative or academic vacancies, the titles of each post shall be placed in the same advertisement to both promote public relations and to encourage costs savings for the University through economies of scale.
13. Departments are encouraged to place external advertisements in appropriate internet sites, newspapers, journals, bulletins etc. to enhance the exposure of the advertisement and to seek to secure an adequate field of candidates. The Department of Human Resources can assist in this regard and a list of advertising resources is available below. For guidance purposes and to assist decision making, outline costs of advertising are also available on the attachment below. Further information can be provided on request by the Department of Human Resources to Selection Committees and relevant Heads of Department.
14. Advertisements must be guided by the University’s Equal Opportunities an Diversity Policy. The possibility of a vacancy being filled on a part-time or job share basis should be made clear in advertisements where such flexibility is available.
15. Closing dates must allow sufficient time for applicants to receive relevant information and submit an application. Longer periods are often required where advertisements need to be placed in specialist journals that have longer lead-in times for publication or which are published infrequently.
Indicative closing dates are as follows:
- Internally advertised posts 3 weeks
- Externally advertised Lectureship posts 4 – 6 weeks
- Externally advertised non-academic posts (except senior positions) 3 weeks
- Externally advertised senior academic and nonacademic posts 6 – 8 weeks
16. It is important that advertisements for print publication are received in good time by the Department of Human Resources in order that the advertisement can be proofed and approved effectively and to ensure a good placement position may be obtained in the relevant publication. Indicative time lines for deadlines for the receipt of advertisements are as follows: Publication Publication Dates Indicative deadlines for receipt of advertisement Irish Times (Friday) Every Friday Monday preceding first date of publication Irish Examiner (Friday) Every Friday Monday preceding first date of publication Sunday Independent Every Sunday Tuesday preceding first date of publication Nature Every Saturday Tuesday preceding first date of publication New Scientist Every Saturday Tuesday preceding first date of publication British Medical Journal Every Saturday Tuesday preceding first date of publication THES Every Tuesday Tuesday preceding first date of publication
17. The Selection Committee in conjunction with the Department of Human Resources (a) evaluates the need for print advertising, (b) agrees on what advertising resources will be used, (c) agrees on the text of the full advertisement which will appear on the UCC website and a internet recruitment web site
CONTACT DETAILS Should you require any further assistance in relation to Recruitment Advertising, please contact recruitment@ucc.ie