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Paul McSweeney
Paul McSweeney
Contact Details:
Mentor Panel
Professor Paul McSweeney is Vice-President for Learning and Teaching in University College Cork. His office coordinates the activities of the University's Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), Adult Continuing Education (ACE), Centre for Digital Education, Skills Centre, Examinations Appeals and the Language Centre, together with responsibility for delivering aspects of the University’s Academic Strategy and strategic plan. Prof McSweeney has considerable leadership experience in higher education. He was vice-head of school, vice-head of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, interim Head of College, a governor of the university (2015-2018) and member of its Finance Committee and head of the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences. He was appointed Vice-President for Learning and Teaching in 2018 and acted as Vice-President for External Relations for five months in 2020.
Types of Mentoring Offered: 1:1 or Panel Mentoring, short or long term relationships.
Mentoring Topics Include: New Programme Development,Innovation in Teaching,Developing an Academic Profile,How the University Operates Academically,Career Development,Academic Leadership
Approach to Mentoring: Very happy to give something back and to share my experiences of close to 30 years on the staff of UCC.