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Luigina Ciolfi
Luigina Ciolfi
Contact Details:
- School of Applied Psychology Location Map
- LCiolfi@ucc.ie
- 021 490 3000
- http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A011/LCiolfi@ucc.ie
Mentor Panel
Luigina Ciolfi is Professor (Human-Computer Interaction) in the School of Applied Psychology at University College Cork, Ireland. She has previously worked at Sheffield Hallam University (UK) and at the University of Limerick (Ireland). An active researcher and teacher in the field of Human-Computer Interaction for over two decades, Ciolfi studies and writes about situated interaction, participation in design, and human practices in socio-technical settings. Her research is at the intersection of computing, social sciences and design.
Types of Mentoring Offered: 1:1 and Panel Mentoring, short or long term relationships. Speed Mentoring - One meeting to address specific mentee need.
Mentoring Topics Include: Innovation in Research,Collaborative Research,Preparing Articles for Publication,Choosing Where to Publish - Publishing Strategically,Developing an Academic Profile,Writing Grant Applications,Managing/ Leading Grants and Projects,Research and Professional Ethics,Team Working,Leading Labs/ Field Work,Career Development,Academic Leadership,Speaking at Conferences
Approach to Mentoring: My approach to mentoring is very much a dialogical one. My interdisciplinary experience has taught me that no two academic career trajectories are the same and that there is no "one size fits all" approach. Each mentoring relationship must develop through a conversation between mentor and mentee.