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Anthony McDonnell

Anthony McDonnell

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Mentor Panel


Anthony McDonnell is Full Professor (Chair) of Human Resource Management and the Head of the Department of Management and Marketing at the Cork University Business School (CUBS). Prior to joining UCC, he was Head of the Management Group and Reader in Management at Queen's University Belfast, and has also held academic appointments at the University of South Australia and University of Newcastle (Australia). Anthony is the current Chair of the Irish Academy of Management and also Honorary Adjunct Professor at the University of South Australia.

Anthony was Co-Editor-in-Chief of the world leading Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ) from 2016-20 and currently sits on the editorial advisory boards of the Journal of World Business, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Employee Relations: the International Journal, European Journal of International Management and the Irish Journal of Management.

Anthony's research expertise and interests reside in the area of international human resource management, talent management. His work on HRM in MNCs has been funded by the Australian Research Council and Irish Research Council (formerly IRCHSS), and Ireland Canada University Foundation. His research has been published in leading international journals such as the Journal of World Business, Human Resource Management (US), Human Relations, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Management International Review and Human Resource Management Journal.

Types of Mentoring Offered: 1:1 or Panel Mentoring, short or long term relationship. Speed Mentoring - One meeting to address specific mentee need

Mentoring Topics Include: New Programme Development,Preparing Articles for Publication,Choosing Where to Publish - Publishing Strategically,Developing an Academic Profile,Career Development,Academic Leadership,Speaking at Conferences

Approach to Mentoring: I am a strong believer in mentoring and see it as something that should be seen more widely as a fundamental expectation as a senior academic. I have been involved in mentoring relationships both from the perspective of being mentee and mentor. My approach is one where I look to support a mentee through listening to the identified issues/challenges, offering my own experiences and being a critical friend as a means to encouraging conscious reflection.

Human Resources

Acmhainní Daonna

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
