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Information for Presenters

General Instructions
TheCorkornithology conference is designed to give all those involved in ornithological research and opportunity to share their work with colleagues.  It differs from other meetings in that researchers offer to give papers (as opposed to the model where all speakers are invited).  Inevitably this leads to a large number of people wishing to speak.  We are pleased about this.  However we must make sure that all presenters (and chairs) recognise that it is essential that we keep to time.  Accordingly we ask that you please stick to the instructions below.  We have asked chairs not to let any speakers exceed the 12 min slot.  We have set the data projector to switch –off automatically after 12 mins!


Oral Presentations


-      Oral presentations will be 12 minutes long, with 3 minutes for questions.


-      Audiovisual requirements: A projector attached to a Windows 2000 laptop/desktop will be available on the day.  If you have any other audiovisual requirements please let us know. Please save your presentation to a USB key/memory stick


-      Audiovisual material (preferably in MS PowerPoint) should be sent to loaded on the desktop in Boole 1 in advance of your session.  Please see the session chair in advance


All presenters must register for the conference in advance.

Cork Ornithological Research Conference 2008

School of BEES, University College Cork, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork, Ireland
