Finding List
The current bibliography is in the process of construction. It is a preliminary finding-list for the Latin writings of early-modern Irish authors, intended to make available in provisional form information that will be incorporated in the handbook being prepared at the Centre. The majority of entries relate only to printed materials (upon which research to date has focused), and, prior to publication of the handbook, it has been felt appropriate to list only first editions. These will be supplemented by manuscript works as the project progresses. Copies of many of these texts are held at the Centre. Contact j.harris at for further information. We are also eager for contributions from interested scholars; please feel welcome to send comments, queries, and suggestions to Jason Harris at the address indicated above.
This list has been compiled by Dr Jason Harris (Centre for Neo-Latin Studies, UCC) with contributions by Diarmuid O Cathain, an associate of the Centre for Neo-Latin Studies. Many thanks to Daniel Maguire for his assistance in up-loading sections of this finding-list.
- Arthur Annesley
- Richard Archdekin (1618-1693)
- Archibold
- James Arthur (d.1670?)
- Nicholas Aylmer
- Christopher Baretus
- John Barnewall
- Bonaventure Baron (d.1696)
- James Barry
- George Bate
- William Bathe
- William Bedell
- Richard Bellings
- Francis Bermingham
- Edward Bernard
- Bernard Biragra
- Arnold Boate
- Gerald Boate
- Charles Boyle
- Robert Boyle (1627-1691)
- Roger Boyle
- Edmund Bray
- Francis Brenan
- Patrick Brenan
- Bonaventure Brennagh
- Thomas Browne
- Anthony Bruodin (d.1675)
- Augustine Gibbon de Burgo
- Bonaventure de Burgo
- Dominic de Burgo
- Edmund de Burgo
- Francis de Burgo
- Giovanni Battista de Burgo
- Johannes de Burgo
- Thomas de Burgo
- Ezechiel Burridge
- N Butler
- Peter Butler
- Richard Butler
- James Caddell
- Peter Caddell
- Eugene Cahan
- Patrick Cahill
- Thomas Cantoni
- Raymond Caron (1605?-1666)
- George Carew
- Raymond Caron
- Nathanael Carpenter
- Thomas Carve, or Carew (1590-1672?)
- Conly Cassin
- Robert Chamberlane
- Christopher Chamberlin
- William Chappell
- Francis Clerke
- James Cody
- James Coghlan
- George Coglaeus
- Elisha Coles
- John Colgan (d.1657/8?)
- Patrick Collins
- Bonaventure Coman
- Bonaventure Conall
- Florence Conry
- Anthony Conway
- Richard Conway
- Roger Conway
- William Coppinger
- Michael Corcoran
- Joseph Cornin
- John Cowell
- Richard Creagh
- Patrick Culin
- John Curcy
- Christpher Cusack
- John Cusack
- Patrick Cusack
- Thomas Cusack
- Anthony Daly
- Thaddeus Daly
- Edmund Daniel
- John Dillon
- Henry Dodwell
- Henry Duncan
- Anthony Dopping
- Eleanor Douglas
- George Dowdall
- Laurence Dowdall
- James Dowley
- Thady Dowling
- George Downame
- John Doyle
- Patrick Duffy
- Thaddaeus Dunus
- Augustine (Boetius) Egan
- Bernard Fallon
- Anthony Falvey
- Francis Fay
- James Ferral
- John Ferral
- Patrick Finglas
- Thomas Fitch
- James Fitzgerald
- John Fitzgerald
- Lewis Fitzgerald
- Robert Fitzgerald
- Thomas Fitzgerald
- Balthasar Fitzhenry
- James Fitzmaurice
- Henry Fitzsimon
- James Fitzsimon
- Michael Fitzsimon
- Patrick Fleming
- Bernadine Forstall
- Mark Forstall
- Anthony French
- Christopher French
- Matthew French
- Nicholas French
- William Furlong
- Bernardine Gavan
- Neil Glacan
- Thomas Gowan
- John Baptist Hackett
- Francis Harold
- Thomas Harold
- Paul Harris
- John [Malachy] Hartrey
- Richard Heaton
- Edward Herbert
- Anthony Hickey
- David Hyde
- Christopher Holywood
- Derby Hurley
- John Jones
- John Jones (MD)
- Edward King
- Barnabas Kearney
- Bonaventure Keown
- John Ker
- Edward King
- James King
- Paul King
- William King
- Joannes Kocheus
- Cornelius Lery
- Dudley Loftus
- Peter Lombard (d.1625)
- Thomas Long
- Richard Lower
- Dominic Lynch
- John Lynch
- Richard Lynch
- Stephen Lynch
- Hugh MacCaghwell
- John MacCallaghan
- Anthony MacCarthy
- Demetrius Macenroe
- Gelasius MacMahon
- Hugh MacMahon
- Dionysius Macnamara
- Francis Magennis
- Hugh Magennis
- Nicholas Maguire
- Thaddaeus Maguire
- Daniel Malone
- Peter Marchant
- Narcissus Marsh
- Francis Martin
- Francis Matthews
- Richard Maxwell
- Anthony McCarthy
- Thomas Messingham
- James Miles
- Thomas Mills
- William Molyneaux
- Donat Mooney
- Michael Moore
- Bernard Morison
- Maurice Morison
- John Mullan
- Arthur Murphy
- George Murphy
- Peter Murray
- Corenlius Nary
- Antoninus O'Brien
- John O'Brien
- M O'Cleary
- Maurice O'Connell
- Bernard O'Connor
- Bonaventure O'Connor
- Francis O'Connor
- Patrick O'Connor
- Charles O'Connor
- John O'Cullan
- Cherubinus Maria O'Daly
- Dominic de Rosario O'Daly
- Cornelius O'Devanny
- Francis O'Devlin
- Francis O'Donoghue
- Aeneas O'Driscoll
- John O'Dwyer
- John O'Fahy
- Thomas O'Farrell
- Maurice O'Fihely (c.1460-1513)
- Roderic O'Flaherty
- Neil O'Glacan
- Thomas O'Heirnan
- John O'Heyn
- William O'Kelly
- Francis O'Kennedy
- Connor O'Mahony
- Francis O'Mahony
- Dermot O'Meara
- Edmund O'Meara
- Cornelius O'Mollony
- Francis O'Molloy
- Hugh O'Neill
- Philip O'Reilly
- Michael O'Riardan
- Henry O'Ryan
- Philip O'Sullivan Beare (c.1590-?)
- Thomas Palmer
- John Parry
- Richard Peers
- Hugh Peters
- William Petty
- James Piers
- Patrick Piers [Abbe de Girardin]
- Peter Pippard
- Francis Plunkett
- Richard Plunkett
- John Ponce
- Francis Porter
- Joseph Pratt
- Edmund Quelly
- Walter Quin
- Peter Redan
- John Rider
- John Roche
- Patrick Roche
- George Rogers
- Thomas Rogers
- David Rothe (1573-1650)
- John Rowe
- Thomas Russell
- Fabian Ryan
- Henry Ryan
- Thomas Ryves
- William Saint Leger
- Andrew Sall
- Anthony Sall
- Henry Salteriensis
- Nicholas Sanders
- John Shadwell
- Thomas Sharp
- Thomas Sheeran
- Paul Sherlock
- Matthew Sheyn
- Sebastian Shortal
- John Sinnich
- Hans Sloane
- Jacobus Smith
- William Smith
- James Stanihurst
- Nicholas Stanihurst
- Richard Stanihurst (1547-1618)
- William Stanihurst
- Theobald Stapleton
- John Stearne
- John Stuart
- John Talbot
- Peter Talbot
- Thomas Tanner
- Edmund Tanner
- Ignatius Tellin
- William Temple
- Francis Thirry
- William Thirry
- Thomas Hibernicus
- Robert Thomson
- John Toland
- Thomas Tonge
- Daniel Tossanus
- John Traverse
- Francis Tully
- Ambrose Ussher
- James Ussher (1581-1656)
- Joannes Ussher
- Luke Wadding (1588-1657)
- Peter Wadding
- Richard Wadding
- John Robert Wallis
- Ninian Wallis
- Edward Walsh
- James Walsh
- Martin Walsh
- Nicholas Walsh
- Peter Walsh
- Hugh Ward
- James Ware
- Thomas Waterfield
- Peter White
- Stephen White (1574-c.1645)
- Caesar Williamson
- Andrew Wise
- David Wolf