The Centre offers a range of online resources that have emerged from our funded research projects. Some of these are still in the early stages of development, others, though long-established, continue to evolve and expand. The tools offered here are intended to be of value to both early-stage and more advanced researchers in the field of Neo-Latin studies, as well as to those who have a broad interest in early-modern Irish cultural history.
It is worth noting that the Links section on this website is also useful for researchers as it offers access to online research tools and collections of texts provided by other sites, as well as links to other institutes, centres, and projects which provide regular updates as to developments within the field of Neo-Latin studies in general.
For access to individual resources, please click on the headings below or on the links in the navigation bar on the left-hand side of your screen.
1. Beginners' Guide to Studying Neo-Latin
This resource, developed as part of the Third Tongue project, is designed to provide support for researchers who are just beginning to study Neo-Latin texts. It offers guidance as to how to deal with the linguistic and intertextual features of Neo-Latin writings, suggests reference tools that may aid research, and provides some orientation within the field of Neo-Latin studies.
2. Palaeography Tool
This resource, developed as part of the Ad Fontes project, is designed to provide a basic guide to reading early-modern Latin manuscripts, though it also offers some instruction on how to read printed texts from the period. You may also find here some remarks on the development of Latin handwriting in early-modern Ireland.
3. Finding-List of Irish Latin Authors c.1490-1750
This resource, developed as part of the Renaissance Latin Texts of Ireland project, enumerates those Irish authors who published works in Latin during the target period. As this resource continues to evolve, it will offer more information about each author and links to online versions of their texts if these are available.
4. Corpus of Latin Texts by Irish Authors (E-Texts)
This resource, which represents the fruit of several research projects, supplements the Finding-List by offering an alternative route to texts that have been transcribed and digitized by scholars at the Centre.
The Centre would like to acknowledge in particular the support of the Irish Research Council, which has funded several research projects that have contributed to the development of these research resources.